Fitness Pool for WS




hey all, just wondering as trying to build a human WS if the fitness pool is really required...with essence drain for heals and stygian circle for this enough?

2ndly is the penumbral needed? or will gravity and twilight do?



i'd recomend fitness, as with my lv 39 all human ws, i have 7 toggles running at all times >.>

EDIT: oh and you will want all 3 of the main shields if you are going all human, well at least until eclipse



Personally wouldnt bother, i havnt, with hasten its like 15 seconds recharge...



It depends heavily on your build if (and how much) you need Stamina. With a toggle-heavy human form things can get difficult because you have to find (or rather create) a heap of dead(/arrested ) bodies very often or your toggles will eat you alive.
On the other hand, the more you use alien forms the less you need Stamina.

If it has
eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.



Well after loads of attempts here is my first build. What do u reckon?

Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder - (
Level: 50
Archetype: Warshade
Primary: Umbral Blast
Secondary: Umbral Aura
01) --> Shadow Bolt==> Acc(1) Acc(3) Dmg(3) Dmg(5) Dmg(5) Rechg(7)
01) --> Absorption==> DmgRes(1) DmgRes(7) DmgRes(9)
02) --> Gravity Shield==> DmgRes(2) DmgRes(9) DmgRes(11) EndRdx(11)
04) --> Orbiting Death==> Acc(4) Dmg(43)
06) --> Shadow Blast==> Acc(6) Acc(13) Dmg(13) Dmg(15) Dmg(15) Rechg(17)
08) --> Swift==> Run(8)
10) --> Penumbral Shield==> DmgRes(10) DmgRes(17) DmgRes(19) EndRdx(19)
12) --> Sunless Mire==> Acc(12) Rechg(21) Rechg(21) Rechg(23) Dmg(23)
14) --> Combat Jumping==> DefBuf(14)
16) --> Super Jump==> Jump(16)
18) --> Health==> Heal(18) Heal(46)
20) --> Stamina==> EndMod(20) EndMod(25) EndMod(27)
22) --> Acrobatics==> EndRdx(22) EndRdx(25)
24) --> Twilight Shield==> DmgRes(24) DmgRes(27) DmgRes(29) EndRdx(29)
26) --> Essence Drain==> Heal(26) Heal(31) Heal(31) Rechg(31) Rechg(33) Rechg(33)
28) --> Gravity Emanation==> Acc(28) DisDur(33) DisDur(34) DisDur(34) Rechg(34)
30) --> Stygian Circle==> Heal(30) EndRdx(36) EndMod(36) EndMod(36)
32) --> Dark Extraction==> Acc(32) Acc(37) Dmg(37) Dmg(37) Dmg(39) Rechg(39)
35) --> Quasar==> Acc(35) Acc(39) Dmg(40) Dmg(40) Dmg(40) Rechg(43)
38) --> Nebulous Form==> EndRdx(38)
41) --> Eclipse==> Acc(41) Rechg(42) Rechg(42) Rechg(42) DmgRes(43)
44) --> Unchain Essence==> Acc(44) Acc(45) Dmg(45) Dmg(45) Dmg(46) Rechg(46)
47) --> Inky Aspect==> Empty(47) Empty(48) Empty(48) Empty(48) Empty(50)
49) --> Stygian Return==> Heal(49) Heal(50) Rechg(50)
01) --> Sprint==> Empty(1)
01) --> Brawl==> Empty(1)
01) --> Shadow Step==> Empty(1)
01) --> Dark Sustenance==> Empty(1)
02) --> Rest==> Empty(2)
10) --> Shadow Recall==> Empty(10)

I would have liked hasten in there somewhere but found it hard with having to choose leaping pool for acrobatics that i was left with loads of slots without a home



hey there!

the thing that jumps out at me is stygian circle, grab this as soon as possible rather than acrobatics.

second thing, i'd look at whether you really need nebulous form or not - if you're intent on it swap it for eclipse, eclipse is more important.

at the time i took nebulous i was a primary human WS with dwarf backup but after about 3 levels of not using nebulous form at all i specced it out. once you're up at that level you're pretty tough, could swap it for shadow cloak maybe, that'll give you a +perception boost too...

rest of it is just slotting changes but those i think you'll feel for yourself as you play it

*edit: i thought that superjump/acrobatics would be a must for my WS but i did find that there were only a few times where i wished i'd had it. I went hasten / ss as this stacked with shadow cloak and also gave the long recharge powers a good boost. i played around with loads of builds but eventually came to the conclusion the superjump route sacrificed too many powers at the wrong level time and compromised my warshades effectiveness.




Cheers people for your posts...very helpfull.

ExtraGonk...i was thinking the same thing about SJ and Acrobatics but loads of people have said to get it because i'll be [censored] without it so to speak. Think i'll drop it and neb form and get the hasten/ss/ and shadow cloak...cheers



I think having an all human form kheldian wastes the whole idea of having an epic AT which can transform into better forms and more diverse. Your basiclly gonna be a snazzy blaster with low damage



not really, a warshade can specialise in disorients, mine certainly did. while i do agree that not making it dual or triform misses out on a lot, it is still viable and fun, without the forms its a lot harder though and a lot more team dependant i found.

i enjoy it both formed and human, human most though because of the variety that the human form brings.




I find its impossible to slot all 3 forms and be effective at any one thing not even if i had hami slots. My dwarf has both 6 slotted mire and antagonise and 3 res. My novas aoes are 6 slotted for extra aoe and then the rest is in the human form aoes. I think you need to specialise in something somewhere to have an identity and mine will pretty much just go nuts on aoes. My PB maybe more dwarf blapper.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



when i was dual forming it i found the slots to be a squeeze but they were still effective slotting all the human powers i wanted and the dwarf forms powers were all 4-5 slotted which was enough. going tri form the nova powers did only get a standard 3 damage slotted across the board, the dwarf got more attention due to teh slow recharge and endurance costs on them though
