RP Villians on Defiant
I've only just seen this thread but I think the answer is probably no or at least very few. Most RP happens on Union and even then, it's normally Heroes side. I think the Patriot Brigade had a villain side but the link to their site seems to have stopped working at the moment.
Now I've filled all my slots on Union, I'm filling up Defiant too and I miss the RP on that side of things.
@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup - www.themilitia.org.uk

I'm in...
ARAD is a loose-RP SG based around tech/sci villains on Defiant.
I try to roleplay my villain as much as possible. Hard when there arn't many RPs about.
Would love to find some RPing Heroes to attempt to thwart my evil plans. Also I could show them the weakness of good and the true power of evil.
I don't want to force RP on SG members but will try to encourage it. We're still small, but any evil villains are welcome. Preferably evil, not just misunderstood.
We would like to have more RPers join. Or maybe even form a coalition with an RP group.
If your interested contact Mr Big Cheese or Dr. Apocalypso at The League of Extraordinarily Evil Gentlemen.
I just don't really get how you're supposed to get rp plots... I rp my character any which way possible, Zero Genesis is much too powerful a persona not to play, but that only goes to so far when you're only dealing with NPC plots.
Like all my characters my villains on Defiant are role-play enabled
I think most role play in cov in general is based around individual rp supergroups as opposed to any set meetings (unless the clock tower meets on union still happen).
If you can find Lilith Pendragon or Neutron Fields on Defiant, then you can try roleplaying with them. I warn you though, poor Ms Fields will have to have her personality made up on the spot. I do have some clue what she's like, but I haven't been expecting any roleplay while on Defiant.
Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.
Hi everyone, I just wondered if there are any villian RP'ers on Defiant?