Slotting Stone/Dark for End




Hi guys,

I'm a lvl 41 Stone/Dark Brute, its my first character and I'm loving it. I just have a quick question re slotting end redux on my powers. I have stamina 4 slotted but still have terrible trouble with endurance(or lack thereof)

My 5 main attack powers(Stone Fist, Stone Mallet, Heavy Mallet, Fault and Seismic Smash) all have one end redux slotted. Stone Fist, Stone Mallet, Heavy Mallet, Fault are all 5 slotted and Seismic Smash is 6 slotted. Would putting an end redux into the spare slot on the melee powers make a big difference towards end? Or am I wasting the slot?

My problem is compounded by Dark Armour. Its a great set but end heavy. I've taken Dark Embrace, Murky Cloud, Obsidian Shield and Oppressive Gloom. I do turn some off depending on the battle but find myself at a disadvantage when I do. Dark Embrace, Murky Cloud, Obsidian Shield all have 1 end redux slotted and 2 spare slots. I believe Op Gloom uses health rather than endurance. Again will the extra end redux slotted make a difference? Or am I wasting the slots when I should be enhancing my later powers.

I also have tough and acrobatics. Tough and acrobatics both have 2 end redux slotted. Would putting another end redux in them make a big difference!?

So to sum up....... when I hit 42/43 should I put a 2nd end redux into 6 powers? Would it dramatically help, or would the slots be wasted? Or am I doomed to carrying mountains of blue insps forever?




I was in a similar situation with my Stone/Dark.
Slotting a second end red in my attacks was very noticeable.
I still couldn't run my toggles (sames as yours + Death Shroud - but i rarely run all of them) without munching blue pills quite regularly,but i didn't need to fill my whole tray with blues like before.



[/color]<blockquote><font class="small">Antwort auf:[/color]<hr />
Slotting a second end red in my attacks was very noticeable.

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I think this one needs emphasis. Two EndRdx in Tough and Acrobatics are fine. (In fact, nowadays it is mainly the "need" to take Tough and Acrobatics that makes /dark endurance-heavy.) Oppressive Gloom does indeed use only very little endurance (not really worth mentioning). One EndRdx in shields is ok, a second one would be hardly noticeable.
The big drainers are the attacks, most of them using more endurance per second during a fight than unslotted Tough and Acrobatics together and slotting even one of them with EndRdx would benefit you a lot more than the almost useless 4th slot in stamina.

If it has
eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.



The wasted fourth slot in Stamina was the reason I came here to ask the question, I didn't want to be in a situation whereby I was adding a second end redux and only getting a + 10% end redux in that power. I'll use my 42/43 lvl to slot my attacks with a 2nd end redux then.

Thanks for the info chaps!



Is Tremor as bad as everyone says it is?



[/color]<blockquote><font class="small">En réponse à:[/color]<hr />
Is Tremor as bad as everyone says it is?

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Tremor is good in pve, I think... Moderate damages and knockback, which is very useful when you are surrounded by mobs.
But in pvp, it just sucks. Smash/letal damages are over-resisted, knockback is also over-resisted, flying ennemies aren't affected, and you have to be among your ennemies to use it.



Yeah,the damage is nothing to write home about.
But the knockdown is useful in PvE,you can alternate Fault and Tremor for good damage mitgiation.
Neither a must have power nor a wasted power pick.