I Pay you Entertain




One thing that bugs me...

We players PAY hard earned cash to enjoy this game, yet you have to get a lvl 50 just to play maybe one of the most enjoyable contents of the game, that is Kheldians.

Paying for this game should automaticly enable everything open for you to enjoy! Not force you to spend time lvl'ing a unwanted character to lvl 50 so the creaters can have a guarantee to your cash.

The Epic AT's should be available from the beggining, we pay for this game and should get full enjoyment out of it.

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"we players" is relative.

I'm not sure what you was expecting when you played this game? Maybe::

"www.cheaplanet.com > City of Heroes > Type in /unlockall 1 > to open all ATs"

Or maybe one of the many codes for the Tekken Series to unlock the hidden characters?

Sorry.. they're Epic ATs and you have to EARN them, that is why they are EPIC!

Saying that they should now be free would be cheating not only me who has a 50 of both Epics, but also everyone else who has one.

Otherwise feel free to use the "cheats" that don't exist on an MMO game I'm sure one day you'll get to 50 and EARN a Kheldian like everyone else does.. sometimes "cheating" at a game ain't worth it -- and spoils the fun of the game itself -- as does being given everything without having to work for it.

You pay to play a Heroes/Villians game.. but you also pay to play on they're terms, which is what you agreed to when you started, and they're Terms for the Kheldians isn't unfair at all..

There is only one other option.. either like it.. or don't, if you don't.. you know where the "door" is. If you feel you have what it takes to play the game and EARN the Epic AT like so many of us have done.. welcome to City of Heroes/Villians.



Saying that they should now be free would be cheating not only me who has a 50 of both Epics, but also of every other regular AT, plus a few more the devs let me beta.

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Edited to reflect addiction.



Saying that they should now be free would be cheating not only me who has a 50 of both Epics, but also of every other regular AT, plus a few more the devs let me beta.

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Edited to reflect addiction.

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OI! I thought we wasn't going to talk about that anymore :'(



Saying that they should now be free would be cheating not only me who has a 50 of both Epics, but also of every other regular AT, plus a few more the devs let me beta.

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Edited to reflect addiction.

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OI! I thought we wasn't going to talk about that anymore :'(

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You should be talking about it at the Altoholics Anonymous meetings Raz, if nowhere else.



Saying that they should now be free would be cheating not only me who has a 50 of both Epics, but also of every other regular AT, plus a few more the devs let me beta.

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Edited to reflect addiction.

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OI! I thought we wasn't going to talk about that anymore :'(

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You should be talking about it at the Altoholics Anonymous meetings Raz, if nowhere else.

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one of these posts pops up every now and then. Makes me chuckle.

It only ever seems to be khelds though.... noone bothers to moan that capes can't be obtained till 20 or Auras at 30 - or that you have to get all those pesky badges and plaques in order to get those Accolades....no no.... it always seems to be Khelds that elicit the "my money is a good as anyones so I should be able to play a squid" line.

Its a strange attitude to have, I really do think. Maybe in a paralel universe, there is a verion of Earth out there which operates according to this set of rules, but it sure aint this one!

Someone will come on soon to suggest that Khelds be added as a Vet Reward, or that they be earned as a TF (someone always does...) and a sympathiser always leaps on to declare "I'm being penalised for being an Altaholic and why should one playstyle be rewarded whilst another is not"

Every game that is ever created (that is worth anything) operates an acheivement/reward mechanic which suggests to the player that a certain objective, or set of objectives will earn them such-and-such power/progression/accolade. MMOs are no different - in fact even with Khelds, City of Heroes is still one of the games that is most rewarding to casual players and varied playstyles.

Other games out there - that will remain nameless - such as World of Warcraft ( yes, I see what I did there) require you to invest thousands of hours and mindless repetetive farming/questing to obtain the best l00t. Altaholics have a far worse time of it over there, believe me (unless they are ardent RPers, happy to stand around in a few scraps of rusty armour warding enemies off with an enchanted rubber chicken, whilst they chat about...whatever i is PRers chat about....)

In City of Heroes - we have clear goals and clear choices to make about how we play the game according to what we want to get out of it.

You want a Kheld? Get a toon to 50.

PS. Have fun playing your Kheld for a day before you begin to wonder what all the fuss is about



just wondering guys, what are the differences betweens WS and PB? would you say one is better or worse?

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PBs are light blue WS are purple. i like blue so go figure