The First Official "EU vs US" Forum PvP Thread
Questions for our EU friends over there (You can reply in your thread if you don't have access over here):
So, I was told a while ago that "bloody" was pretty much a curse word over there. Does that mean it's filtered on your boards?
Also, who won that PvP Summer thing you guys had? What all did you get from it?
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Bloody doesnt appear to be too strong a curse nor filtered, but im not British.
S4 was a pentad team tournament with multiple weight classes. Winners got unique forum titles if Im not mistaken (look at knight stalkers title above). Who won I can't remember it was ages ago.
Questions for our EU friends over there (You can reply in your thread if you don't have access over here):
So, I was told a while ago that "bloody" was pretty much a curse word over there. Does that mean it's filtered on your boards?
Also, who won that PvP Summer thing you guys had? What all did you get from it?
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Bloody doesnt appear to be too strong a curse nor filtered, but im not British.
S4 was a pentad team tournament with multiple weight classes. Winners got unique forum titles if Im not mistaken. Who won I can't remember it was ages ago.
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The teams that came first on each server got:
A unique in-game title
A unique board title
2 months free game time.
A custom made silver medal.
And the overall winners (server vs server) got:
An Ipod for each team member.
A custom gold medal.
Questions for our EU friends over there (You can reply in your thread if you don't have access over here):
So, I was told a while ago that "bloody" was pretty much a curse word over there. Does that mean it's filtered on your boards?
Also, who won that PvP Summer thing you guys had? What all did you get from it?
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Bloody doesnt appear to be too strong a curse nor filtered, but im not British.
S4 was a pentad team tournament with multiple weight classes. Winners got unique forum titles if Im not mistaken (look at knight stalkers title above). Who won I can't remember it was ages ago.
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the union heavyweight champs were KS, gatling, cherry fusion, mimic and a random nimmer they picked up off the street cos he was homeless (they are heroes after all )
nah capt bloody aint a curse word, jsut one that emphasises some stoof alot more than other words
and as u know, i use it alot :P.....amongst other things xD
If I am using the 14 free day trial thingy, does that mean I can't login to post over there?
*waves to the US*
Hi! Hope to see you in the Arena soon!
[Edit] ZOMG! The starter of that topic has a level 50 Sonic/EM and a DM/Regen!!!! He must pwn all the time![/Edit]
who won that PvP Summer thing you guys had?
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Well sad to say but it werent the two english servers. The French won the grand final heavy weight category and the Germans won the grand batem weight category.
The bantem weight union team that won on this server were called The Other Guys and consisted of Liability, Billy Brown, Masked Skull, Wrayth and Poweramp. Only 2 of the that team are going pvp strong. That is myself and Lady White aka Bitter Ice who I believe has crossed over to the USA with some of the other pvp'ers. Im too leet to teach ya some pvp lessons .
Max Powerz: Lv 50 Tanker
Max Khaos: Lv 50
Overlord of E.V.I.L.
My Brute -
LF SG! Arc ID# 193083
One of the first Sonic/EMs to show up on a regular basis to our Test Server Arena nights! I still to this day try to convince my SG to come up with a tactic so I can use him in SG vs Sg battels.
Sadly, you see how that is going since I also have a 50 Ill/Emp.
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That is a shame, I love PvPing with my Son/EM, I shall be setting up my account officially soon whenever my trial runs out, and then I would love to trade builds with you
If I am using the 14 free day trial thingy, does that mean I can't login to post over there?
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u can post over there with the free trial, its what i've been doing
who won that PvP Summer thing you guys had?
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Well sad to say but it werent the two english servers. The French won the grand final heavy weight category and the Germans won the grand batem weight category.
The bantem weight union team that won on this server were called The Other Guys and consisted of Liability, Billy Brown, Masked Skull, Wrayth and Poweramp. Only 2 of the that team are going pvp strong. That is myself and Lady White aka Bitter Ice who I believe has crossed over to the USA with some of the other pvp'ers. Im too leet to teach ya some pvp lessons .
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And the winning teams for Defiant were:
Rose Knight
Blazing Bio
Me (As White Spectre)
Mesmer (As Hornet Girl)
Xanthus (As Stygian)
Nightbringer (As DaRock)
Funky Dragon (As Zombie Guy)
The bantem weight union team that won on this server were called The Other Guys and consisted of Liability, Billy Brown, Masked Skull, Wrayth and Poweramp.
Builds and ATs?
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If I recall correctly (you have no idea how hard it was to remember our defenders name lol). Build wise it be pretty much standard stuff as was fighting at lv 13 so no real way of diversifying:
Liability (me) = Tank, Inv/Axe
Wrayth = Defender, Rad/Rad
Billy Brown = Controller, ummmm I think was Grav/FF
Poweramp = Blaster, Nrg/Nrg
Masked Skull = Scrapper, MA,Regen
If you want to see what this might team looked like then have a lookie here -
Max Powerz: Lv 50 Tanker
Max Khaos: Lv 50
Overlord of E.V.I.L.
My Brute -
LF SG! Arc ID# 193083
Question for the US then. Whats the villain pvp like over there? Is there many hero's vs villain arena battles or do you have mixed battles with a couple of villain ATs in your team?
For me I tend to enjoy more villain pvp these days because I see it as more of a challenge (and get to fight my mates in pvp zones as they tend to be all hero based). Over here in the EU the few fights that I have seen (or particpated in) e.g. 5 villains vs 5 heros have resulted in villains getting decimated. Is that the case in the US to or is it abit more evenly balanced?
Max Powerz: Lv 50 Tanker
Max Khaos: Lv 50
Overlord of E.V.I.L.
My Brute -
LF SG! Arc ID# 193083
Hello US PvPers. I would be posting on your boards, but your support team is ridiculously slow at replying to my e-mails (I haven't had a reply in 5 days now, and am getting rather [censored] off tbh), and apparently my login name is already in use on the boards (which doesn't make any sense).
Anyway, I look forward to whooping y'all EU style soon.
Jupiter is slow looking into his notebook, but he always looks.
The [b]Retribution[/b] is coming.
[url=""]Some of my toons[/url]
Blunt_ wrote:
If your main account login is the same as someones board display name, theres a bug that won't let you create a forum account. Even if the forum display name your trying to create is different than your account username and everyones board name. So basically someone is using your account login as their board display name.
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Thanks for the reply. Seeing as I can't change my login name (as far as I can tell), is there anything I can do except politely ask whoever has the board name Gatling to change it? Or more correctly, ask you to pm him asking him to change it on my behalf..? Thanks
Jupiter is slow looking into his notebook, but he always looks.
The [b]Retribution[/b] is coming.
[url=""]Some of my toons[/url]
Hey, as it seems that a lot of EU players are coming to the US, why don't you guys come and return the favour? Would be amusing to see some yanks and Canadians logging onto the EU servers... Besides Keith that is.
For those in the US (and over here as well ) I've finally got a new webhost and I've upladed all the demo file footaae from S4 into one big .rar file
Click for the 69 meg .rar file!!
now we can all relive the fun and frolics
We built this city on Rock and Roll!

Woot thanks fella been looking forward to seeing how [censored] i really was...
Another question to the US. Do you guys and gals suffer from the rather annoying arena bug which chucks you out mid fight?
Max Powerz: Lv 50 Tanker
Max Khaos: Lv 50
Overlord of E.V.I.L.
My Brute -
LF SG! Arc ID# 193083
I believe they do, even with i8 on their Test Server it does as well.
US PvP Thread about the EU boards.
The US guys like us that much they want to talk to us but they cant post over here and most of you cant post over there.....
So like the post in the linky says. Post here and they can reply on there boards and we can reply on ours!
We can have a worldwide discussion.