Christopher Reeve Memorial.




Hello ,

Ummm, I've done a little screenshot/wallpaper thingy of the Memorial.
If you cannot see yourself either on-screen or listed, or if I have made any mistakes name-wise, please let me know in the thread.
Also, as all of us were limited by screenshot angles and resolution.... obviously those of you at the back were tiny and very hard to pick out or enlarge without pixelation. The long and the short of it is I hope this screenshot to evolve, if you are missing or tiny because you were at the back and you fancy reposing 'military saluting' (minimum requirement: Red Cape) try to get a big full screen picture of yourself and I will try add you to the picture in a more prominent position.
Inclusion is strictly for those that were there on the night.


P.s: you all looked Fantastic and I'm sure Christopher appreciated the sentiment.
Hopefully the event will be even bigger next year.

Mother's Love...x





That's a very cool screeny! The bluetinted background with his face is fab! Well done

There seems to be one typo in the quote, isn't it supposed to be 'overwhelming' and not 'over whelming'?

What event was that? It sounds interesting.




It was the Christopher Reeve tribute the other night, on the anniversary of his death.

And I'm MOST annoyed that I wasn't able to get to it!

Brilliant pic Mummy! Very well done indeed!


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Thats a great picture! I got goosebumps looking at it.



Very nice background I see my self and others i know from the supergroup



That is absolutly beautiful

Christopher was a lovely man & I miss him dearly



There seems to be one typo in the quote, isn't it supposed to be 'overwhelming' and not 'over whelming'

[/ QUOTE ]

Thx- , - Corrected now on updated version.
I'll wait for all the amendments before reposting new version.

Thankyou for the kind comments - If it looks good it's only because of all you guys.



im ewy sowwy mummy that i couldnt go >_<

awesome though ^^



Piccy of little old Moondog
here .

CoH: Moondog (WS); V-Rock (Tnk, semi-retired); Pole-Star (Bla); Demon Dog (Scr).
CoV: Midnight Gunner (Corr); Operative John Doe (Ban); Day-Star (Dom); Commissar Jaeger (MM).



Hello Moondog,
Thanks for the picture i will add you again.
Just to check, can you please let me know where you are in the original picture (different cossie?)or are you missing from it?..... just so i dont duplicate people.



In the group screenshot here I am the one directly to the left (viewer's perspective) of the frolicking fire imps .

In the group picture my chest jewel is pale blue, but that' s mainly because every time Moondog goes into the tailor it randomly changes my costume colours. When I went back to to redo the red cape for the reshot I submitted in my previous post, my chest colours had changed to an attractive shade of luminescent green and purple (Maybe Icon is subtly suggesting my costume needs work ).

CoH: Moondog (WS); V-Rock (Tnk, semi-retired); Pole-Star (Bla); Demon Dog (Scr).
CoV: Midnight Gunner (Corr); Operative John Doe (Ban); Day-Star (Dom); Commissar Jaeger (MM).



Beautifully done mum - only immission I can see is that of PhyreNix in the name credits. You have him in the second "0" of 2006 (the red and yellow guy with the pointy shoulder pads), but not on the honours list! (I suspect this is largely due to names running into each other on the screeny heh)

Other than that minor quibble, it's an absolutely fantastic piece

@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"



Thanks for adding my name to the list Mummy (as you said in the other topic).

One question: is there any chance of having the wallpaper also at a higher resolution or are you limited by the size of the background you are using?


Electro-Cute lvl 50 Elec/Elec Blaster | Dr. Sun lvl 50 Inv/Nrg Tanker | StarLightning lvl 50 Peacebringer | Emerald Bolt lvl 21 TA/Arch Defender |
Grim Agony lvl 50 Bot/Dark Mastermind | EC-17 lvl 11 Widow |



Thankyou for the additions of poses and missing names littleones!,keep them coming please!, yes...if you are missing in-shot it is probably becuse you were near the back or obstructed by another Hero, and the same with the names... pixelation made a few names unreadable, but you will all be added in time.

*Electro-Cute: The screenie is wallpaper size as it is and at the moment is about 2 Mb which is pretty hefty.
The Original Photoshop file is 300dpi and about 36Mb.
I suppose I could send any interested heros a 'slightly' better resolution print-worthy file if you like(just send me a private message and I will make a note).
I think realistically a file about 4-5 mb is the best my email could handle.
All this will happen after I have done everybodys revisions regarding poses/adding names.



Fellow Heroes!

Please be upstanding for the Revised Memorial Pics plus the screenshots I took of the event.
Sorry it took a while, The Halloween event ate into my creative time as I found myself increasingly obsessed with spanking Halloween 'Jack-In-Irons' (Got him at the 11th hour thankfully).

Several people have been asking for the pictures for screensavers and the like goes.
3 versions.... my favorite is the 'minimalist'one /No:3.

1:Original Version

2: Maximum

3: Minimalist

And the screenshots....
Assembled (wide-angle)
A Moment of Silence
Attendance 2
Attendance 3
Bird's Eye-View
Wide and High
City Hall Steps 1
City Hall Steps 2
City Hall Steps 3
The Proud Heroes pay their respects
Those at the Back - Standing Proud
Proud to Serve amoung you
From Atlas to P.I - Red Capes
Miss Blue Myst - tribute cossie
Saluting a Hero

Mother's Love...x



Great piece of work Mum

A fitting tribute to the great man, and well done to those who attended.



Thankyou Dear,
Although I forgot RoentgenStorms new pose, he was a bit blurry and pixelated in the original and he kindly sent in a replacement saluting pose.
I re-did the screenies, version 3 are below.
This ones for you RoentgenStorm.

1: Original

2: Maximum

3: Minimal