Superpowers and the world..




Ok In my sleep deprived state, I started thinking about the role of superpowers in the CoX universe and I have a few questions....

1:Sports/competition. Are "supers" allowed to compete? I am assuming they are not allowed to compete, but it does raise some other questions.

2:Equal rights. Do "supers" have the same rights as normal humans or are they prevented from taking certain cereers due to their abilities?

Example: Would an empathic defender be allowed to practise as a "healer" or work as a Doctor?

Example: Would Captain Super brain "the living giant brain", be allowed to enter chess competitions?

Example: Would DocTechnogeek be allowed to market his inventions even though no one else on the planet could replicate them orr understand how they worked?

Example: Would a spines or Dark type hero be allowed to work with normal people at all..Given that one oozes toxin coated spines and the other eats souls?

Or are all "supers" coerced/encouraged into working in the "hero" proffession either as a hero or support staff or do they get "de-powered"?

Are supers allowed to join the military/run for government/work in financial institutions?



1: I think they'd have 'Super-Olympics'. And now for the 500 yard hurdle...

2: In this day and age, equal rights, and I think Empaths would be snatched up by hospitals for treatment where normal therepy fails and things like that.



To quote Jor-el,

"Your Work would be called for Endlessly.... even for those tasks which Human-beings could solve themselves.
It is their habit to abuse their resources in such a way.

With this in mind, .....
Would any medical research get done in Paragon if we called on Empaths all the time?
Any agriculture/fire fighting advances get done if Storm-Controllers were called on as a default?
Any cutting-edge physics research advances made if Portal Corp. employed a team of Grav-Controllers?

Something to think about eh !



Would any medical research get done in Paragon if we called on Empaths all the time? well depending on how they used them, as they would get tired using thier powers constantly and the citys medical system is really rather far advanced (the medi transporters for instance)

Any agriculture/fire fighting advances get done if Storm-Controllers were called on as a default? but htey can only affect the local area, and would probally advise against trying to affect large areas as it could jepodise the golbal weather (one would hope anyway)

Any cutting-edge physics research advances made if Portal Corp. employed a team of Grav-Controllers? agian, people have there limits, and portal corp might use them for emergencys, but they built the portals in the first place, why not contine to refine them?