Comments on Dark Melee / Fiery Armor build




Hey guys,

I'm considering picking up my old DM/FA brute, but it's currently in an awful build, so I wanna run it through a respec first. It's currently lvl 32, so keep that in mind when looking through this:

Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder
Name: Fearless Respec
Level: 44
Archetype: Brute
Primary: Dark Melee
Secondary: Fiery Aura
01) --> Shadow Punch==> Acc(1)
01) --> Fire Shield==> DmgRes(1)DmgRes(3)DmgRes(3)
02) --> Smite==> Acc(2)Dmg(9)Dmg(11)Dmg(11)Rechg(13)Rechg(13)
04) --> Healing Flames==> Heal(4)Heal(5)Heal(5)Rechg(7)Rechg(7)Rechg(9)
06) --> Shadow Maul==> Acc(6)Dmg(15)Dmg(15)Dmg(17)Rechg(34)Rechg(36)
08) --> Combat Jumping==> Jump(8)
10) --> Swift==> Run(10)
12) --> Siphon Life==> Acc(12)EndRdx(19)Rechg(23)Rechg(23)Rechg(25)Dmg(31)
14) --> Super Jump==> Jump(14)
16) --> Plasma Shield==> DmgRes(16)DmgRes(17)DmgRes(19)
18) --> Health==> Heal(18)Heal(40)Heal(40)
20) --> Stamina==> EndMod(20)EndMod(21)EndMod(21)
22) --> Acrobatics==> EndRdx(22)
24) --> Dark Consumption==> Acc(24)Rechg(25)Rechg(29)Rechg(29)
26) --> Soul Drain==> Rechg(26)Rechg(27)Rechg(27)
28) --> Touch of Fear==> Acc(28)TH_DeBuf(31)TH_DeBuf(31)TH_DeBuf(33)Fear(34)Fear(34)
30) --> Boxing==> Acc(30)
32) --> Tough==> DmgRes(32)DmgRes(33)DmgRes(33)
35) --> Midnight Grasp==> Acc(35)Dmg(36)Dmg(36)Dmg(37)Taunt(37)Taunt(37)
38) --> Blazing Aura==> Acc(38)Dmg(39)Dmg(39)Dmg(39)EndRdx(40)
41) --> Consume==> Acc(41)Acc(42)EndMod(42)EndMod(42)
01) --> Sprint==> Empty(1)
01) --> Brawl==> Empty(1)
01) --> Fury==> Empty(1)
02) --> Rest==> Empty(2)

There's some things I'm wondering about:
I decided not to slot my shields (fire,plasma, tough) for endurance reduction. Since I have stamina and dark recovery (3-slotted for recharge) I don't think it will be too big of a deal, but perhaps some disagree?

My Siphon Life slotting is totally different from what I used before. IMO, it was costing too much end and doing too little healing, as well as recharging too slowly. I don't think it's a very effective selfheal. With this slotting, the end cost isnt too bad, it recharges fast enough to be part of my chain, and the damage is ok. The heal-self portion is just a small bonus to the power now. What do others think of this slotting?

And I realise I didn't take my build past 42, but I simply don't know how to go on from there. On top of that, I have a version of hero builder that has no patron powers in it. Can anybody help me find one that does have these?

Thanks for the help!



Drop Siphon life, get consume earlier.
With stamina, consume and DC you might get away with that few EndRdx, but test it on test server first.
For patron powers: see here.



Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder
Name: Grief returned
Level: 50
Archetype: Brute
Primary: Dark Melee
Secondary: Fiery Aura
01) --> Smite==> Empty(1)Empty(5)Empty(13)Empty(13)Empty(19)Empty(25)
01) --> Fire Shield==> Empty(1)Empty(3)Empty(11)Empty(19)Empty(27)
02) --> Blazing Aura==> Empty(2)Empty(3)Empty(5)Empty(45)Empty(45)Empty(45)
04) --> Shadow Maul==> Empty(4)Empty(31)Empty(31)Empty(34)Empty(34)Empty(36)
06) --> Healing Flames==> Empty(6)Empty(7)Empty(7)Empty(9)Empty(9)Empty(11)
08) --> Siphon Life==> Empty(8)Empty(40)Empty(40)Empty(42)Empty(43)Empty(43)
10) --> Swift==> Empty(10)Empty(33)Empty(33)
12) --> Combat Jumping==> Empty(12)
14) --> Health==> Empty(14)Empty(15)Empty(15)
16) --> Plasma Shield==> Empty(16)Empty(17)Empty(17)Empty(27)Empty(31)
18) --> Super Jump==> Empty(18)
20) --> Stamina==> Empty(20)Empty(21)Empty(21)
22) --> Consume==> Empty(22)Empty(23)Empty(23)Empty(25)Empty(39)Empty(40)
24) --> Acrobatics==> Empty(24)Empty(33)
26) --> Boxing==> Empty(26)
28) --> Tough==> Empty(28)Empty(29)Empty(29)Empty(48)
30) --> Soul Drain==> Empty(30)Empty(34)Empty(37)Empty(37)Empty(37)Empty(39)
32) --> Dark Consumption==> Empty(32)Empty(39)Empty(43)Empty(46)Empty(46)Empty(46)
35) --> Fiery Embrace==> Empty(35)Empty(36)Empty(36)
38) --> Weave==> Empty(38)Empty(50)
41) --> Hasten==> Empty(41)Empty(42)Empty(42)
44) --> Super Speed==> Empty(44)
47) --> Touch of Fear==> Empty(47)Empty(50)Empty(50)
49) --> Burn==> Empty(49)
01) --> Sprint==> Empty(1)Empty(48)Empty(48)
01) --> Brawl==> Empty(1)
01) --> Fury==> Empty(1)
02) --> Rest==> Empty(2)

this is my build atm, though i'm not 100% about the last 2 or 3 powers past lvl 41 tbt
I'm still tweeking and playing some
as for not slotting your shields, DM/fa is VERY end heavy.
i tried themin/max build and found no stamina was good soloing, teaming/pvp = erm...
teaming, by time needed consume or dark consumption mobs were either dead or almost all dead.
pvp consume and dark consumption gained back too little (either that or you got ganked fast :P) so again stamina became a nessity for me.
i'm finding having tough and weave in my builds helping a LOT, my brute feels like a brute and not a dom (for squishyness)
lol and i usualy slot ehnhancements in my powers as i go in game, i just use the builder to layout powers etc. been playing this alt off and on since dec last year/jan this year.



Any paticular reason you're not taking a Patron Power Pool??

Other than that, I'd take Dark Consumption first, it does more damage than Consume and with a high Fury bar you can do some respectable damage to several enemies.

Acrobatics is best taken ASAP, knockback is a REAL pain in CoV, also Firey Embrace is a bit of a waste on this build, you have 3 firey attacks and whilst double blazing aura is a nice idea, you could free up the power to pick up something more useful.



took ghost widow as a patron, NOT been overly impressed with PPAs in general, plus the fact you locked into a patron once picked.... i'd have either taken scir- or black scorpion knowing what i know now.
I did some serious thinking before taking consume over dark consumption first, reason being is consumes a wider arc to snag end back fr more enermies, sometimes when you need end back the enermies aint tight packed and dark consumption and consume are kinda ness- for getting end back, as apposed to the damage facter lol the damage either ways just a nice bonus
and know well about knockback lol but this was a respec build so idea was having accro in slightly later but within lvl limit for BB upwards.
as for taking firey embrace, well sould drain & firery embrace = DM aint exactly high damage output, and both them stack damage and acc boost wise just still havent figured out why firey embrace doesn't take to hits as well same as most other BU powers.