8pm in the galaxy arena!
We're going to do teamfights, right? Because I'm not going to join unless we're doing team fights.
any fights teams, duel, its not particually in arena, out. its "wanna fight? lol my build pwnz"
We're going to do teamfights, right? Because I'm not going to join unless we're doing team fights.
[/ QUOTE ]
I suppose if lots of people come we could probably organize a multitude of things.
Woo, this was awesome! There was a great FFA, and then an amazing few team matches after that! It died down a bit, and it's going into duels now, just owned jakku 13-0, and carrying on!
me(solar blast) & xan(decibellion) beat Captain Skyfire & white magus in a good match 7 - 4
me(solar blast) & xan(decibellion) beat Captain Skyfire & white magus in a good match 7 - 4
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Aye a good fight well won and Xanth your tk is pure evil!
Was good fun and many thanks all
Aye a good fight well won and Xanth your tk is pure evil!
[/ QUOTE ]
Be thankful he sonic caged me not you . Was good fight though, not much more I couldve done. Next time Ill come with PFF maybe..
Im hoping a bit more amtches with small teams next time, the FFAs were a bit too chaotic. 21 people crammed in that small office map is not fun.
ALso I hope the devs would hurry with the pocket D arena terminal thing. The villains are easily left out if we keep chatting in galaxy arena using local.
And the small office map should be scrapped :P
Sarcasticon might join tonight.
Cunundrum, Defender (Generic Supergroup 101)
Other servers too.
New Global: @cunundrumEU
Remember the global channel A8PM created for the purpose (although it seemed a bit unused so far)
Oh I'm in. Infact, I'm so in, I'm already there.
No, really, I want big team fights. Not that I have a big team, but I have a small one, we'll take ye all on!
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That's the time CSI is shown here in Sweden....
But wait, there is something called a VHS...
Cunundrum, Defender (Generic Supergroup 101)
Other servers too.
New Global: @cunundrumEU
Im looking forward to this, I have just finished respeccing Captain Skyfire.
Although im not sure if I can make it tonight but I hope this 8pm thing will keep carrying on.
EDIT: And its not like anythings over after 8pm, it just means thats when were starting to gather around.
great start night
we started off with a free for all, which i had to go at 1:43, to get my micky dees, so i missed 2/3 other events, but when i got back there was a teamy thing. which was fun but damn you xanthus! with your sonic cage. although i was on low health, and you caged me, letting meheal x) nuub
then burn spirit PWNED me which was slightly blah, but i recovered... slowly... :P
damn you xanthus! with your sonic cage. although i was on low health, and you caged me, letting meheal x) nuub
[/ QUOTE ]
Well, my plan was to keep you caged for the entire fight. I think I succeeded at that, so I put it to you that you are the nuub.
not all fight, i did infact do quite alot of dmg, nice tactics though, that takes it down to 7 v 8, neat
I'm so here if I can be! Sounds dead fun!
This has my support, although I imagine wednesday and sunday possibly saturday are the only day i can make.
2 points for u all
* get ur [censored] there for 8, if u want to support an event then TAKE IT SERIOUSLY!
* office map isnt sposed to be used for the larger matches, its a bug apparently, dating back to arena release and was discussed in S4. i recommend restars if more than8 people spawn this map
lets get defiant up to some decent arena standard with teams and the like!
What plight said
Also, if you pop along and think "pfft... hardly anyone there" wanna know why that happens? cause people think that same thing.
Anyway, last night it was me, hidden healer, cornflake man, captain blind(i think >< and blue.. bull? i forgot those 2 names, as i didnt really do much with them ;P
me and captain blind.. blonde. whatever, dueled, 0-0, he was DM/regen scrapper and i must say, he was bloody good!
we then. had a team duel, me and hidden healer(2 50s) vs the other 3, who were level 40~. and me and HH won \o/. 4-2 i think.
I was there on Sunday and it was very fun, I recommend popping down. I suck at Arena but i still find it fun
Im gonna try and get down tonight so look out for me, if I can't im sorry and if i don't see you all HAVE FUN!
I was there on Sunday and it was very fun, I recommend popping down. I suck at Arena but i still find it fun
Im gonna try and get down tonight so look out for me, if I can't im sorry and if i don't see you all HAVE FUN!
[/ QUOTE ]I'm excited to see yet more of this kind of response to arena PvP, give it a go people, there are all sort sof different rules/twists you can set up
I was there on Sunday and it was very fun, I recommend popping down. I suck at Arena but i still find it fun
Im gonna try and get down tonight so look out for me, if I can't im sorry and if i don't see you all HAVE FUN!
[/ QUOTE ]I'm excited to see yet more of this kind of response to arena PvP, give it a go people, there are all sort sof different rules/twists you can set up
[/ QUOTE ]
Aye, it's been great, big congrats to Jakku for thinking this awsome idea up
Another great night tonight. The examped match was abit annyoing but never the less fun lol. Can't wait for tommrow night.
Another great night tonight. The examped match was abit annyoing but never the less fun lol. Can't wait for tommrow night.
[/ QUOTE ]
Can't really top that, that was just what I was gonna say. Like I said give it ago and have fun
Hope to see you tommrow
okay, so the onions have their 9pm, now we have our 8pm! but ours is arena-based.
i suppose this is now the topic which gets 03847239 posts. so yeah. :P
looking forward to seeing you all there

So every day, at 8pm we will meet in the arena, emerald(galaxy arena). and chat pvp builds, fight, report back about our fights, fight more. etc.
theres also a channel now opened called "A8PM" which stands for arena at 8pm. if you want to join it, feel free
first one is tonight, 8pm.
P.S. when i8 comes out. we will move to pocket D, for villains to join in
Clawed Man (PB)