Warburg Badge missions




I thought I'd give you a heads up on this thing I'm putting together on Sunday 10/9 2006. We'll meet in Warburg on the deck of the hero ship at around 2pm GMT. The plan is to put together 8 man teams and run missions on invincible to get the max amount of spawns/bosses. The primary goal is to work on badges. We'll be working on Fortunata gladiator badge, Spider smasher, Venomous and Mu Guardian gladiator. Hope to see you there ;D



count me in, will we be doing the nukes too?



I wasn't planning on doing the Rocketman badge. At least not this time.



Gah, am away all weekend! I really want to join in too.

Oh well, some other time



id love to be invloved please stone if you have room for a extra fire/fire tanker lvl 50 ill be online from the morning anyways either on my alt or main