Skipping on Aid Self with Plant/Thorns?




My Dominator has been on 35 for a quite long time, and often when I step in a PvP-zone (Siren's Call mostly) I get tells that I am a "copy" of of course Bilharzia teh uberdom.

The build of a Plant/Thorns optimized for PvP is really tight, things that Dominators need (Acrobatics, Aid Self and Hasten) and the way which powers you have to take from both powersets. Anyway, I came up with something.

Usually when I die, it's because I got 2-shotted by Aim+BU combo and Aid Self doesn't help with that, holding does. If he has a breakfree, I will pop purples and hop away unless I'm dead meat anyway and build Domination on him.

Me being a /Thorns, I have 2 advantages compared to others, but they have their pros aswell. Thorn's pros are Aim, Thorntrops and Impale, but suffers from the drawback of being completely lethal and a smidge of toxic.

Many times I have died because I tried to use Aid Self during a DoT (which usually works) but I am rooted that while.

Many know the way how melee types hit hard while using BU or something similar self-buffing, Aid Self helps alot with that, but so does running/jumping. Avoiding damage is better than healing it away.

Skipping on Aid Self

Aid Self might be necessary for other Control sets but Plant Control has a +regen, which just might synergize well with a Dominator's way to "Dominate" their targets than getting a big pop of HP then being unable to do anything (other than move) while the animation is on. IIRC this however can be fixed with a macro with Aid Self and an emotion like /e flip.

Skipping on Aid Self offers 2 extra powers, and I will get Thorntrops and Spirit Tree for exchange for them. I am not sure how this would work out yet, me being a huge fan of Aid Self. I will test this on Test Server (only level 35 mind you!) and see how it goes; better or not?

Why I did choose Thorntrops was because of -jump which is Plant Control's weakness (jumping negates control, which can make you invincible to them)
Wish I could've added Teleport Foe to make kills alot easier but the build is very tight unless I'd skip Flytrap which often messes up my KBing style. That also would grant me a few extra slots on other powers.

The things I'm going to test:
[*] How good is it in Zone PvP and
[*] Could it be useful in PvE?

Arena PvP is great but the people there are far more skilled than I am, but since Arena PvP is better for AoEs I think if it does well in Zone PvP it will do well in Arena.

Tell me what you would think, would this idea be worth a nickle? Going to make a CoHDemo of it aswell, and making a downloadable video (.wmv) for people to watch and flame afterwards how bad I am, heh.

Off to Test Server! >.>



Worth a try but I'm not sure the regen will stop you getting 2 shotted so test is certainly a good idea. I've thought about getting phase shift for the same reason after trying the warburg temp.
Is there ever anyone on the test server, got some ideas i would like to try but no use in an empty zone. I thought about organising a time for people to test new pvp builds but I couldnt see it working out.

My MA IDs:
Fiend Space: 211464



My latest observations so far:

With hasten and 3 recharges on Spirit Tree you can easily have it on perma, also, the Spirit Tree is strong enough to heal the wounds from a single minion away (tested with a Galaxy)

When using Thorntrops under a boss who has escaped from a hold, he will try to first get out of the trops and THEN attack you. This is mighty handy against EBs and will save you time.

The way to use a Spirit Tree is first hold a boss (without Domination it's 2 tries) then you move in, put on Spirit Tree, hold, trops, attack! Put more trops when the old ones have been unused

The Spirit Tree is targettable, and probably can be dragged on with Recall Friend.


Spines Scrappers will get much easier kills because you can't heal the damage from Impale instantly, and if you want to heal that, you have to be stationary.

Thorntrops help alot with the running problem easier to Dominate!

Having a high Def is good with +regen, very good with alot of -rchg like /Icy Assault or /Psionic Assault.

I wonder what you could throw away in exchange of these and Aid Self... hmm.



Spirit Tree + Thorntrops combo is good for long fights like against a Defender or another Dominator. Against Blasters it's not good because of both people moving.

Scrappers take pretty many holds to take down, and if you're stationary, no regen will save you.

Guess it is still best to use Aid Self, with it you can survive things a tad easier and you can semi-zerg from the hospital.

So today I tried Intimidate.

In PvE play you can't fear anything higher than a minion. That's right. Only minions and under.

In PvP it has been only good at stopping an Aim+BU'd Blaster (he had no BFs) for a few seconds. Might have some uses, but not for me.

If you're wondering about the animation of Intimidate, it's like x-ray beam with no beam, instead, a birdly scream.




If you're wondering about the animation of Intimidate, it's like x-ray beam with no beam, instead, a birdly scream.

[/ QUOTE ]The scream is a bug with all attacks that share the animation.



Now, I found something interesting, although it is perhaps only PvP.


Pros:[*] Silently in, silently out. You become a Stalker-Blaster-ish with holds.
[*] Related to the first one, this helps alot with Aim + BU stuff. Invis might not be full invis if the other one has Tactics or other +perc but helps you get away much easier.
[*] When the hold suppression kicks in, you can go invisible and get ready for the second strike, really useful against Radiation Emission.
[*] Gets you extra slots from not 6-slotting anything in Concealment (Aid Self needs that)
[*] Doesn't suppress like Hide (in my experience)
[*] Ehm, Ghost Widow in the cinematic CoV-scene uses Phase Shift... might tell something how everyone will target Dominators.

[*] You need to take either Grant Invis (Stalkers love getting it I think) or Stealth (can bee seen a mile away)
[*] Doesn't make you able to zerg from Hospital if Rest is not recharged yet
[*] People keep you a cheap bag of boots when using Invisibility or Phase Shift, but no no, Aim + BU definitely isn't cheap, no way!
[*] Costs alot of END
[*] Even more reasons to hate CM from Empathy-set for it's +perc.
[*] That specific Ice/SS Tanker with Flight (you know who you are) will be able to p00n you even easier!