Citadel TF, Monday 17th
I'll try to be there with my lvl30 tanker... its a bit late for me, though, and I'm not sure if I'd be able to finish it.
ill come, Mongoose R, Mongoose SP or whitecontroller need it, cant remember which one does
I would like to partecipate with NullPointer if there's space.
There was only 3 spaces but if you come to Talos at 7 if anyone doesnt appear we can fit you in.
If I'm not sure if I'll be able to finish the TF, I'll gladly cede my space for someone that is sure that he'll finish it.
Big thanks to everyone, we romped through this hampered only by my crashing
Big thanks to everyone, we romped through this hampered only by my crashing
Was fun, thanks for organising it
Task Force Iron was awesome ,)
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I thought we were Task Force Brick?
Good fun alright even though our brave leader kept chickening out and running away :P
Or "crashing" as he called it. Yeah, yeah. Superman makes the same excuse every time a kitten gets trapped in a tree.
"Oh Superman why didn't you come. Little Tiddles fell from the tree and is dead."
"Erm, sorry. I, erm, crashed. Yes. That'll do"
Cheers for orgainising Shielder. We kicked fascist [censored].
No Superman gets chronic lag
I did crash in some unusual ways last night it wasnt at all the run of the mill crashes, I am wondering whether I should chalk that up as an improvement or not
PS we were Iron Eci was the brick
Iron as in the metal or the appliance for dewrinkling clothes? Go Team SteamIron!
Not around next week, off on hols but thinking of Numina or Mantibores when I get back and get into level range.
Not far off being able to Eden either.
Not far off being able to Eden either.
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If they ever fix it. Last time we tried it was impossible to get the mission started. Team got disbanded the moment we spoke to the contact. Bit disappointing after spending all the time preparing for the TF.
Not far off being able to Eden either.
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If they ever fix it. Last time we tried it was impossible to get the mission started. Team got disbanded the moment we spoke to the contact. Bit disappointing after spending all the time preparing for the TF.
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I would be up for Numina, all I need for task force commander now and would be happy to help with Manti/Eden too
Going to be doing the Citadel Taskforce with my SG on Monday night at 7PM BST, have 2 or 3 spaces left, its lvl 25-30 and you get a shiny badge toward an accolade, sounds great eh?
sign up sign up!
No future guide