Pocket D Saturday 1st July 7:00pm





Last time there was a Pocket D event i came to it, and had a lot of fun. And as i had so much fun id like to have another

The event will start at 7:00pm on Saturday 1st of july.

I hope people can make it and have a fun time

I, "clawed man", will be taking donations for the costume competition, which will be generalized, and the donations will be split, so the winner gets x3 of the lowest, 2nd place gets x2, etc. the moeny has yet to be decided, as i have not took any donations.

I hope you can all make it

If you would like to contact me globally it is @albino pyro.


Edit: 1st of July... Doh!



Hehe shame it isint the 3rd my birthday lol but ill come sure



i'll be there



Ill try to be there. Do remember to post to villain forums as well



I have some influence I can donate, @Frazzle.d and we can sort something out.



I cant make this one I have a wedding to go to I'm affraid

"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"



Im sure I can get Mr. Apollo along to show hes moves off... not



I get back from my holiday this friday, so, hopefully I should be able to make it to this event, probabily on Gale though, as Sweet will be staying on her holidays a while longer!



nooo i missed it



funny thing is.. i did too O.o not many people were coming anyway :P



xD I missed it too. Gunna re-organise it?