Uber Stalker Ode
It seems that everyone is perplexed...
Playing a stalker as an AT allows me to avoid nasty court orders in real life!
...I need to work on this...
The scent of Stalkers,
On a Breeze,
Which B*tard killed me?
Damn silent Stalkers,
I dislike
The taste of the ground
The life of a stalker is a lonely one. Said my stalker at lvl 10 (deleted)
Yeah, gosta agree with you there.
THe stalker hides.
His team charge on-
He scurries behind them
To hide.Again.
And Again.
Repetitive- just doesnt
Quite cover it.
Rest In peace, Childslice.
Arise, Captain Genocide! SMASH!
Btw, Mad-DOk, i remember you! Teamed a while back, gives a tell sometime @Archimedes (i think i was playing as Darkthrust).
Well herre we go again, overactive consumption of the 'ole Lou Reed is making me post bizarre things...

Basically what im considering is a sort of "poetry corner", for Zen musings, Haikus, odes, etc- All dedicated to the fine art of stalking.
Just to get the ball rolling, here is one i thought of earlier.
"The stalker is a razorblade, young fu-wang. It's speed and suddeness, coupled with its Ability to rend flesh quickly is unequaled- however, try to hit a rock with it, and you're 5cr3w3d."
That was a made up quote from a non- existent stalker film.
If anyopne else has had insane moments of poetic genius concerning stalkers, feel free to post em here. Also, feedback and comments are also welcome. Hopefully after a while we will all be able to collaborate on an Uber Stalker Ode, which we can send to Statesman.
Then he will know us by the trail of the laughing.
Childslice/Mahmoud, signing out.