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  1. Cihildslice

    Uber Stalker Ode

    Btw, Mad-DOk, i remember you! Teamed a while back, gives a tell sometime @Archimedes (i think i was playing as Darkthrust).
  2. Cihildslice

    Uber Stalker Ode

    Yeah, gosta agree with you there.

    THe stalker hides.
    His team charge on-
    He scurries behind them
    To hide.Again.
    And Again.
    Repetitive- just doesnt
    Quite cover it.

    Rest In peace, Childslice.
    Arise, Captain Genocide! SMASH!
  3. Cihildslice

    Uber Stalker Ode

    It seems that everyone is perplexed...
  4. Cihildslice

    Express yo'self!

    OK- just got back from perth, and what do i see? Roughly ten experienced, knowledgeable forum- hobbits ( ) who have posted extensively on this thread yet failed utterly to address the point in question- poems.

    Fair point about it mebbe not being the right place to post an all, but do i really want to hear about your viewing habits on other threads, ya bunch of Marxist weirdos? (I'm looking at you, commisar!)


    Im only pretending to be annoyed, but, y'know- it woulda been nice to have some more poems - so gimme some love, regardless of wether this is the right place to post- i lack the time or inclination to repost it.I'd like to see if anyone can beat my Ode to Mahmoud...

    *Battons down the hatches for the coming storm of abuse*

    Peace and love to all concerned, don't call me nasty names
  5. Cihildslice

    Express yo'self!

    perhaps, but no-one read s the creative forum!- how will the proletariat get to hear of my idea if it is moved?
    Plus, i invited peeps to *discuss* the idea...
  6. Cihildslice

    Express yo'self!

    Well, ive posted on the stalkers forum- cant really be bothered repeating what i already said- suffice to say, if anyone from any other AT wants to use this idea, go ahead.
    im gonna try to post a link.

    so, for all you expressive people out there, this is a chance to sing the praises of your Toon/AT.


    I will get the ball rolling with my "ode to Mahmoud"

    "mahmoud, mahmoud, the fire dom.
    His gaze is fierce, his arm is strong
    HIs enemies would sing a terrified song
    when they see him come- but they dont
    because they are burned to death.."

    i will add more later at some point.

    all comments, odes, suggestions, and feedback welcome. Feel free to *dicuss* this suggestion here also..
  7. Cihildslice

    Uber Stalker Ode

    Well herre we go again, overactive consumption of the 'ole Lou Reed is making me post bizarre things...

    Basically what im considering is a sort of "poetry corner", for Zen musings, Haikus, odes, etc- All dedicated to the fine art of stalking.

    Just to get the ball rolling, here is one i thought of earlier.

    "The stalker is a razorblade, young fu-wang. It's speed and suddeness, coupled with its Ability to rend flesh quickly is unequaled- however, try to hit a rock with it, and you're 5cr3w3d."

    That was a made up quote from a non- existent stalker film.

    If anyopne else has had insane moments of poetic genius concerning stalkers, feel free to post em here. Also, feedback and comments are also welcome. Hopefully after a while we will all be able to collaborate on an Uber Stalker Ode, which we can send to Statesman.

    Then he will know us by the trail of the laughing.

    Childslice/Mahmoud, signing out.
  8. Good stuff - Mahmoud is still searching for you...
  9. That was my attempt at a roleplay post- was it good? iv never done it before...
  10. I know somebody- met him in marrakesh, he was a trained acrobat. Could do all sorts of things with fire...seems he's interested in joining you. He won't say why. Look out for Mahmoud.
  11. Good point chelsea-

    i think i read somewhere that SR tops out at about 40% defence... SO if someone's attacking you with a bas 100% accuracy power+ 2 accuracy SO's...The set is basically rendered worthless.

    So mebbe its best to assume that you WILL be hit, and just take the pain.
  12. Ty for the advice chaps- saved me from a horrible horrible fate i guess. Also restored my faith in /dark, thanks!

    Although im not taking hasten- its great, but looks daft on me...
  13. Well, here i am at level 19, and my beautiful Stalker has been smashed to bits quite regularly- (i still dont have DO's).
    Whilst i like the look of /darks defences, the fact that they are res-based makes them just a wee bit useless-its a shame, they look v. nice. I was just thinking- is it possible to get decent defence by taking the passive in /dark, Combat jumping, Weave, and other pool power defences ( i forget if there are any more- mebbe concealment?) or will this constitute gimping, and should i forget the defences, learn to live with it, and get the /dark aoes later when they are available?

    Any Statmonkeys/Forumhobbits who can give me advice will be richly rewarded with good karma and positive energy.
  14. Ok, il admit it isn't 100% spot on. But to be honest, I thought of the word, and as it is MY word, I'll decide if there should be a W in it or not. What would you have put? Scrollers? *Fnar fnar*... perhaps Coppers? They are words formed from the two heroic AT names, fair enough, but they don't really go with the whole creepy nefarious image i was attempting to convey.Whereas IMHO, "Scrawler" brings to mind something altogether more there!

    "We are all equal- it's just that some of us are more equal than others"-George Orwell, Animal Farm
  15. Ok, first post- just wondering, how does the dark secondary compare to fear pool powers? Anyone tried it yet?
    Is it a viable option in PvP, and could it change the way the AT is played?
    For example, you wouldnt have to run so much if you could unleash fear on an angry hero (as it is not commonly resisted) we'd be like scrapper/controllers or something!

    Perhaps even...wait for it...SCRAWLERS!

    Also, any advice about a Claws/Dark PvE build would be greatly appreciated.( im gonna respec into PvP once i lvl a bit.)

    "Pepperoni-and-green-peppers-mushrooms-olives-chives" System of a Down, Pizza Pie