Tri-Form Warshade Build




Hey guys,

I know that everybody has a personal build for kheldians that works for him, but I still think usefull things can be said about slotting. I'm going for a tri-form warshade, and I mostly want advice on the slotting I've assigned to powers.
Especially my 2 forms. Here goes.

Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder
Name: Warshade
Level: 50
Archetype: Warshade
Primary: Umbral Blast
Secondary: Umbral Aura
01) --> Ebon Eye==> Dmg(1)Dmg(3)Dmg(3)Acc(5)Acc(5)
01) --> Absorption==> DmgRes(1)
02) --> Shadow Bolt==> Acc(2)
04) --> Gravity Shield==> DmgRes(4)
06) --> Dark Nova==> EndMod(6)EndMod(7)EndMod(7)TH_Buf(9)TH_Buf(9)TH_Buf(11)
08) --> Shadow Blast==> Acc(8)
10) --> Hasten==> Rechg(10)Rechg(11)Rechg(13)
12) --> Sunless Mire==> Rechg(12)Rechg(19)Rechg(21)
14) --> Shadow Cloak==> EndRdx(14)
16) --> Dark Matter Detonation==> Acc(16)
18) --> Gravity Well==> Acc(18)Dmg(48)Hold(48)Hold(50)
20) --> Black Dwarf==> EndMod(20)EndMod(21)EndMod(23)DmgRes(23)DmgRes(25)DmgRes(25)
22) --> Stygian Circle==> Heal(22)Heal(46)Heal(48)
24) --> Nebulous Form==> EndRdx(24)
26) --> Gravity Emanation==> Acc(26)
28) --> Unchain Essence==> Dmg(28)Dmg(46)Dmg(46)
30) --> Essence Drain==>
32) --> Dark Extraction==> Rechg(32)Rechg(33)Rechg(34)Dmg(34)Dmg(36)Dmg(36)
35) --> Quasar==> Dmg(35)Dmg(36)Dmg(37)Rechg(45)Rechg(45)Rechg(45)
38) --> Eclipse==> DmgRes(38)DmgRes(39)DmgRes(39)Rechg(39)Rechg(40)Rechg(40)
41) --> Stygian Return==> Heal(41)
44) --> Starless Step==> Acc(44)
47) --> Inky Aspect==> Acc(47)
49) --> Stealth==> EndRdx(49)
01) --> Sprint==> Run(1)
01) --> Brawl==> Acc(1)
01) --> Shadow Step==> EndRdx(1)
01) --> Dark Sustenance==> Empty(1)
02) --> Rest==> Rechg(2)
10) --> Shadow Recall==> Rechg(10)
06) --> Dark Nova Blast==> Dmg(6)Dmg(40)Dmg(42)
06) --> Dark Nova Bolt==> Dmg(6)Dmg(37)Dmg(37)
06) --> Dark Nova Detonation==> Dmg(6)Dmg(13)Dmg(17)Rechg(19)Rechg(31)
06) --> Dark Nova Emmanation==> Dmg(6)Dmg(15)Dmg(15)Rechg(17)Rechg(33)
20) --> Black Dwarf Strike==> Dmg(20)Dmg(33)Dmg(42)Acc(42)Rechg(50)
20) --> Black Dwarf Smite==> Dmg(20)Dmg(34)Dmg(43)Acc(43)Rechg(50)
20) --> Black Dwarf Mire==> Dmg(20)Dmg(27)Dmg(27)Rechg(29)Rechg(29)Rechg(31)
20) --> Black Dwarf Drain==> Acc(20)Heal(31)Heal(43)
20) --> Black Dwarf Step==> Range(20)
20) --> Black Dwarf Antagonize==> Acc(20)

A few questions:
Is it a good idea to 6-slot my forms or is this overslotting?
How do my attacks in my forms look? Slotted poorly or decently?
Is there any power in human mode I've left underslotted?
Not slotting my attacks is done on purpose. I've got my Nova Form for damage dealing, and I've got my dwarf form for taking damage (and the awesome dwarf mire/human mire combo clearly), so shields are unslotted too. Ebon Eye is the exception, cause I need somewhere to put my slots before lvl 6.
And can somebody please tell me how Essence Drain works? The hero builder description is a little confusing to me...
Any thoughts are very welcome



The level 32-38 powers NEED atleast one ACC SO, as well as ALL the other powers. You aren't going to be running double mire all day long, trust me. Put some ACC to the mires themselves, as they do not auto-hit - neither does Eclipse. Eclipse, btw, doesn't need 3 damage resistance slots. Change them to 1res, 1acc.
Stygian Circle doesn't need 3 heals. Put in an end reduction and an end modification.

Also, review My Warshade tri-form guide for I6


Double Flame 50 fire/devices
Double Shade 50 tri-form warshade
Double Light 50 dwarf-human peacebringer
Double Control 50 earth/rad



i agree with what doubs said, especially the acc on mire, dont slot it for damage as it barely damages the mobs.

For your dwarf attacks, I'd say swap the recharge in smite and strike for nother acc, you dont need recharges if you got hasten running (at least i never felt the need for it).
Also put some more slots on dwarf drain, slot it with some recharges as you want it recharged asap.

"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"

Total Cat @Stagefright



The to hit buffs in nova aren't doing that much for you. Slotted like that is still worth less than an SO acc so you'll miss a bit.



Eek! Still less then an Acc SO? Can anybody confirm this? If that's correct I would be better of slotting all 4 attacks with 1 Acc SO. It would cost me an extra slot, but if it gets a better result...are the tohit buff slots really that pointless in Nova?

Eclipse slotting: Would you recommend 3 rech/1 acc/ 1 resist then? Or just the 1 acc/1 resist you mentioned? (seems like it wont be up much then)

You say you mean dark extraction too? I figure the pet will be throwing out pretty constant AoE damage, so if he misses a mob the next AoE will get it anyway. Or would it be better to lose 1 dmg slot for an acc slot? (generally if I'm making an AoE build, I also slot for recharge and damage only, just to keep massive damage coming as fast as possible)

I know that with Hasten my attacks should be fine, but hasten isn't perma. When it's not on, I'm really gonna want those recharge slots in my dwarf attacks dont you think?

As for mire damage, I realise the human form doesn't do a lot of damage, but it seems to me like the dwarf form actually does quite decent damage, or am I mistaken here?

I'm not sure about the recharges in dwarf has a base recharge of 30 secs, and with 3 heal SOs it heals about 40% of my I really need THAT much healing? (keep in mind, I am tri-form, I won't be human form I can just use stygian circle) Or am I really wrong about how fast dwarves die?

I've got a slightly altered build planned out, but will hold off on posting it till I get some answers to the above questions, to prevent a huge build every 5 posts :P



I have my Mires slotted with 2 acc and 3 recharges and my Eclipse with 2acc, 3 rec redux and a dmg res to have everything up asap and be sure to hit the foes to get the buffs.

The dwarf isn't that tough and I think that the optimal slotting for the Drain is 2 acc, 2 heals and 2 rec redux cos the 3rd heal or recharge SO doesn't make much difference, but it's defo the only power from dwarf worth 6 slots(apart from the form itself).

I also slotted Antagonize heavily because it's pants vs AVs without slotting..

My Dark Nova has 3 tohit buffs and 3 end mods and my AoE attacks are slotted for 1 acc, 3 dmg and 2 rec redux to keep them comin and my Extraction with 3 recharges and 3 damage as they seem to have a pretty good accuracy out of the box.


Posted am really beginning to grasp why people say these things are hard to slot lol. All these comments are helping me a great deal tho, keep it coming
(the more planning I do now, the less I'll respec later :P)



Finally got a chance to look at your guide Double:

when you are in your dwarf form, do you not have trouble keeping up an attack chain? It seems to me that your dwarf isnt capable of constantly attacking. Do you not spend much time in dwarf form? Or do you just spend less time in your dwarf form on attacks? (more on taunts/heals)



i play nef mostly in dwarf and I only got recharges on mire cause i want it up ASAP. You only have a downtime of 1-2 secs before you can launch 3 attacks again (strike-smite-strike) and with hasten this is minimal. Of course you are fked when people spam slows on you, however no amount of recharges can fix that.
The heal could use some recharges though, as it charges pretty slowly. Yet the heal is pretty good (on nef I heal bout 350ish)

"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"

Total Cat @Stagefright



Alright, still got some things I'd like to know (especially the usefullness of tohit slots in my novaform) but here's my 2nd attempt:

Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder
Name: Warshade
Level: 50
Archetype: Warshade
Primary: Umbral Blast
Secondary: Umbral Aura
01) --> Ebon Eye==> Dmg(1)Dmg(3)Dmg(3)Acc(5)Acc(5)
01) --> Absorption==> DmgRes(1)
02) --> Shadow Bolt==> Acc(2)
04) --> Gravity Shield==> DmgRes(4)
06) --> Dark Nova==> EndMod(6)EndMod(7)EndMod(7)TH_Buf(9)TH_Buf(9)
08) --> Shadow Blast==> Acc(8)
10) --> Hasten==> Rechg(10)Rechg(11)Rechg(13)
12) --> Sunless Mire==> Rechg(12)Rechg(19)Rechg(21)Acc(42)
14) --> Shadow Cloak==> EndRdx(14)
16) --> Dark Matter Detonation==> Acc(16)
18) --> Gravity Well==> Acc(18)Hold(48)Hold(48)Hold(50)
20) --> Black Dwarf==> EndMod(20)EndMod(21)EndMod(23)DmgRes(23)DmgRes(25)DmgRes(25)
22) --> Stygian Circle==> EndMod(22)
24) --> Nebulous Form==> EndRdx(24)
26) --> Gravity Emanation==> Acc(26)
28) --> Unchain Essence==> Dmg(28)Dmg(46)Dmg(46)Rechg(50)
30) --> Essence Drain==> Acc(30)
32) --> Dark Extraction==> Rechg(32)Rechg(33)Rechg(34)Dmg(34)Dmg(36)Dmg(36)
35) --> Quasar==> Dmg(35)Dmg(36)Dmg(37)Rechg(45)Rechg(45)Rechg(45)
38) --> Eclipse==> Acc(38)DmgRes(39)Rechg(39)Rechg(40)Rechg(40)
41) --> Stygian Return==> Heal(41)
44) --> Starless Step==> Acc(44)
47) --> Inky Aspect==> Acc(47)
49) --> Stealth==> EndRdx(49)
01) --> Sprint==> Run(1)
01) --> Brawl==> Acc(1)
01) --> Shadow Step==> EndRdx(1)
01) --> Dark Sustenance==> Empty(1)
02) --> Rest==> Rechg(2)
10) --> Shadow Recall==> Rechg(10)
06) --> Dark Nova Blast==> Dmg(6)Dmg(40)Dmg(42)
06) --> Dark Nova Bolt==> Dmg(6)Dmg(37)Dmg(37)
06) --> Dark Nova Detonation==> Dmg(6)Rechg(11)Dmg(13)Dmg(17)Rechg(19)Rechg(31)
06) --> Dark Nova Emmanation==> Dmg(6)Dmg(15)Dmg(15)Rechg(17)Rechg(33)Rechg(39)
20) --> Black Dwarf Strike==> Dmg(20)Acc(34)Dmg(42)
20) --> Black Dwarf Smite==> Dmg(20)Dmg(33)Acc(43)Rechg(50)
20) --> Black Dwarf Mire==> Dmg(20)Dmg(27)Rechg(27)Acc(29)Rechg(29)Rechg(31)
20) --> Black Dwarf Drain==> Acc(20)Heal(31)Heal(43)Rechg(43)Rechg(46)Acc(48)
20) --> Black Dwarf Step==> Range(20)
20) --> Black Dwarf Antagonize==> Acc(20)

Any more thoughts?



First of all, all attacks should have atleast 1acc. Damage is prefered over recharge, but if you don't hit them, what good does it make?

22) Seriously try to slot it the way I did, with one endredux, 2endmod, 1heal. it will pay off
28) Try and put another acc and recharge. It is like a mini-nuke - might be hard to fire but it can do MASSIVE damage when you're fully buffed.
32) 1acc, 2rechg, 3dmg. That last recharge doesn't make a big difference, and you can sacrifice it for accuracy, even if it seems like he hits a lot. Same goes for Quasar.

The forms looks nicely slotted. If you need slots, take them off the dwarf's endmod. Dwarf is very end-productive and doesn't really need them unless in long fights.
Also BD Smite doesn't need the recharge. In my dwarfs, I can easily make a very nice attack chain, even with a downtime of 1-2 seconds. Remember that it isn't meant for damage (although it can dish out quite a bit).
Slot your teleportation powers with one endurance reduction. Especially in dwarf. If you do run out of endurance, worst thing ever is to die slowly in dwarf, after running out of enough endurance to tp out.
Mires: I assume that for the sake of survival, you're going to be tping in with dwarf, using the dwarf mire first, go human and fire sunless mire. If so, the 2 dmg can be used better on the already-buffed sunless mire - will simply add some extra damage. Otherwise, keep that as it is.
Again, one acc in the nova form attacks. The ToHit buff isn't that noticeable (especially with 2). DN bold is weak, btw, so only give it one slot of acc to fill in the gap.
One last thing, I know someone who took superspeed. This stacks with Shadow Cloak to make you invisible. Yes, can be done with N-Form, but Superspeed can be great at times, instead of the slow flying squid or somewhat tiring tp. Take SS instead of your L49 Stealth, as you already have 2 stealth powers.

That is all.


Double Flame 50 fire/devices
Double Shade 50 tri-form warshade
Double Light 50 dwarf-human peacebringer
Double Control 50 earth/rad



Alright, thanks for the advice. You seem to be implying that black dwarf mire and sunless mire have identical base damage? Because the hero-builder claims otherwise. Is this incorrect?



I never slotted my Human form attacks, because basically they're weak version of nova's and at lvl 3-5 I put those slots in TP, with 3 range and 2 end redux it's very quick and I can go everywhere without need to rest even without stamina.



[/color]<blockquote><font class="small">En réponse à:[/color]<hr />
First of all, all attacks should have atleast 1acc. Damage is prefered over recharge, but if you don't hit them, what good does it make?

22) Seriously try to slot it the way I did, with one endredux, 2endmod, 1heal. it will pay off
28) Try and put another acc and recharge. It is like a mini-nuke - might be hard to fire but it can do MASSIVE damage when you're fully buffed.
32) 1acc, 2rechg, 3dmg. That last recharge doesn't make a big difference, and you can sacrifice it for accuracy, even if it seems like he hits a lot. Same goes for Quasar.

The forms looks nicely slotted. If you need slots, take them off the dwarf's endmod. Dwarf is very end-productive and doesn't really need them unless in long fights.
Also BD Smite doesn't need the recharge. In my dwarfs, I can easily make a very nice attack chain, even with a downtime of 1-2 seconds. Remember that it isn't meant for damage (although it can dish out quite a bit).
Slot your teleportation powers with one endurance reduction. Especially in dwarf. If you do run out of endurance, worst thing ever is to die slowly in dwarf, after running out of enough endurance to tp out.
Mires: I assume that for the sake of survival, you're going to be tping in with dwarf, using the dwarf mire first, go human and fire sunless mire. If so, the 2 dmg can be used better on the already-buffed sunless mire - will simply add some extra damage. Otherwise, keep that as it is.
Again, one acc in the nova form attacks. The ToHit buff isn't that noticeable (especially with 2). DN bold is weak, btw, so only give it one slot of acc to fill in the gap.
One last thing, I know someone who took superspeed. This stacks with Shadow Cloak to make you invisible. Yes, can be done with N-Form, but Superspeed can be great at times, instead of the slow flying squid or somewhat tiring tp. Take SS instead of your L49 Stealth, as you already have 2 stealth powers.

That is all.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hi Double, I just read your post and i'd like to thank you about your guide. My Warshade is 42 now and the build, pieces of advice you wrote in your guide are very useful. Many thanks



The level 32-38 powers NEED atleast one ACC SO, as well as ALL the other powers. You aren't going to be running double mire all day long, trust me. Put some ACC to the mires themselves, as they do not auto-hit - neither does Eclipse. Eclipse, btw, doesn't need 3 damage resistance slots. Change them to 1res, 1acc.
Stygian Circle doesn't need 3 heals. Put in an end reduction and an end modification.

Also, review My Warshade tri-form guide for I6

[/ QUOTE ]

what he said take a good look at his guide as well, helped me loads with planning my ws

@EU Brimmy - Union and Exalted servers



Alright, still got some things I'd like to know (especially the usefullness of tohit slots in my novaform) but here's my 2nd attempt:

Any more thoughts?

[/ QUOTE ]
Personally &amp; From my Experiance In Playing my WS &amp; PB is your Dark Nova Form played an Importand part for me for 2 reasons.
1 - I hate TP every now and again i used to miss press and fall to the floor (but i solved that Problem by geting Hover at a later lvl that way you can rest if need because even if you have stamina &amp; End reductions on your TP it still eat's you endurance like crazy ALSO and mainly for me i find that the first few attacks you get for the WS pretty much suck very week &amp; miss to much i would say you 100% need 2acc and can still miss alot thats without the Dmg Slotting you need to do, so what i did was rely basically on my teammates untill i got Dark Nova Form, i put 2Acc on every shot in Dark Nova and slotted Dark Nova with To Hit Enhancements, To Hit Doesnt really do the job you would like &amp; expect but combined with the 2Acc you allready have, you will hardly ever miss a shot in Nova Form, i put 3 To Hit &amp; 1 endurance Mod ( i do know ppl that 6 slott Nova with Flight Speed) My personal oppinion, they just wasted 6 slots, lol.
Im sorry I dont have my Full Build at Hand to Send to You so i have Eplained in the best English i can mannage as i as actually Welsh and strugle a little with English At Times.
Also i concerntraded on 3 slotting all of the shields with Dmg Resistance as soon as i got Nova, basically because Nove Attacks are More Powerfull &amp; Acurate also have a quite fast recharge rate so i slotted 2 Acc, 3 Dmg, 1 range Increase,
With the aim incrase you are pretty much allways at the back or up high pretty safe, The only Thing That Actually Damage me Are Void's &amp; Quantum's, so my stratagy was (untill i got the Dwarf Form) stay high &amp; back basically giving constant Attacks with allmost 0 slow down And If I Caught A Sniff Of A Void/Quant i would Un - Nova and quickly put on all Shields (giving you around 4 chances off getting hit before you die, compared to 1 hit kills i have seen with WS &amp; PB not slotting there Defence just, Attack Attack Attck not thinking that it only takes 1 shot to die, no fun if it happens round allmost every corner After all the WS Heal Themselves From Dead Villians &amp; thats no good If You Havnt Even Killed 1 (pretty silly really) I know Alot of Friend who have just given up on there WS or PB because there a 1 hit of a void. WS &amp; PB Are very complicated, PB a little more straight Foward (my Oppinion) but both hard work &amp; even at best there not even that good (just my oppinion).
But i must Add i dont think i know a single m8 who is 100% happy wuth there WS or PB because basically it's easier to lvl up a Defender Than a WS or PB, so what I did (personal choise) was allways teamed constantly and when you hace Cont's, Scrapper's,Tank's &amp; Defenders on the team It Gives you a Acc &amp; Strength Increase the % i dont know but its certainly noticable.
I hope this has been Some if Any Help To You &amp; Good Luck Getting Your Build As Good As You Can Get it, i have to admit i somtimes wind hero planners a little misleading, the best way to know what you alt lacks is simply play them &amp; PvP has helped me Alot to got me Accuracy on my Attack's to the best i can, If you think you have a good WS allways test First In A PvP Zone, you notice mayjor differences that you probabbly thaught were fine.
They Shouldnt have called them Kheildians shold be Named Trail &amp; Errors, lol After hiting my first lvl 50 i was so unbelivably dissapointed, they look cool and that's as far as its goes, well untill you get to around lvl 40ish then your ok for 10 lvl's, dissapoining &amp; hard work to.
LOL Listen all i done is mean, lol i must be on 1
Also im Quoting you here m8, just my oppinion but i think others would agree with me. [ QUOTE ]
06) --&gt; Dark Nova Blast==&gt; Dmg(6) Dmg(40) Dmg(42)
06) --&gt; Dark Nova Bolt==&gt; Dmg(6) Dmg(37) Dmg(37)
06) --&gt; Dark Nova Detonation==&gt; Dmg(6) Rechg(11) Dmg(13) Dmg(17) Rechg(19) Rechg(31)
06) --&gt; Dark Nova Emmanation==&gt; Dmg(6) Dmg(15) Dmg(15) Rechg(17) Rechg(33) Rechg(39)
20) --&gt; Black Dwarf Strike==&gt; Dmg(20) Acc(34) Dmg(42)
20) --&gt; Black Dwarf Smite==&gt; Dmg(20) Dmg(33) Acc(43) Rechg(50)
20) --&gt; Black Dwarf Mire==&gt; Dmg(20) Dmg(27) Rechg(27) Acc(29) Rechg(29) Rechg(31)
20) --&gt; Black Dwarf Drain==&gt; Acc(20) Heal(31) Heal(43) Rechg(43) Rechg(46) Acc(48)

[/ QUOTE ]
Your Dark Nova Slotting is wrong in my oppinion, I will point out 1 mayjor 1 - There is no need for the recharge Enhancements Even More so if you have Hasten there not needed, you will end up allways out of Stamina even if you have fitnessPool Stamina &amp; End Mods on Nova simply because you are throwing out Shots every where as soon as they charge (lol dont know how you play it's just the impresion i get just by looking at your Build) And exausting Yourself, I would have slotted 2Acc 1 Range Increase 3Dmg, But with the first 2 Nova Attacks recharge pretty nuch instantly and have a further range distance then the 3rd &amp; 4th Attack, so all depending how your endurance holds out through a battle, you could Swap the Range Increase for End Reductions, basically because you will fire off the first 2 probabbly twice as much as the others so a end reduction can make a noticable difference (1 mayjor sugestion i cant stress enough is PICK 2 Acc Min, theres no point having the Dmg if you never hit a thing.
WOW i really nattered on in this post, lol sorry if it bored you but i also hope it helps you in anyway at all. Sry Another Quote :-
02) --&gt; Rest==&gt; Rechg(2)
10) --&gt; Shadow Recall==&gt; Rechg(10)

[/ QUOTE ]
.1 - Rest==&gt; im my oppinion shold have been sloted with 1 interupt time, or nothing as Rest is only used up to lvl 20, if you build right.
2 - Shadow Recall==&gt; You can put a recharge on it but again not alot of point as it doesnt recharge slow anyway so a recharge would be a little bit of a waste, what i have on mine and again just a personal choise &amp; learning from my misstakes as i went along, Recall should be Slotted with 1 Range Increase if you can afford to spare 2 slots with range Increase even better.
Just Slot Wisley Dont try to be to strong to fast &amp; dont forget defence, which seems to me as you have and you are relying on Dwarf Form, which is pretty much overated exept for the heal &amp; Defence i suppose. yet again just my oppinion.
Ok i will stop talking you to sleep now i hope some of my advice helps and diddnt just make you go to sleep LOL .
bye bye