Question re Cloaking Device
No it does not stack with stealth, only SS.
@Unthing ... Mostly on Union.
Stealth and Cloaking device disable each other when toggled on. However, stealth+SS are enough to make you invisible to most enemies (PvE), only few exceptions being rikti drones, snipers, and certain arachnos.
Great stuff thanks for the replies guys... Looks like its SS for me then (which I'm not overly thrilled by but hey ho)
Great stuff thanks for the replies guys... Looks like its SS for me then (which I'm not overly thrilled by but hey ho)
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I was told stealth came off when planting trip mines anyway
It doesn't. It's only if you do something that directly affects a mob or another player. Trip mines, time bombs and caltrops do not break Cloaking Device.
Is it time for the dance of joy yet?

It doesn't. It's only if you do something that directly affects a mob or another player. Trip mines, time bombs and caltrops do not break Cloaking Device.
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Fair enough, this made sense -- I don't have a /devices blaster I was judging by what someone said in team chat a few days ago =)
It doesn't. It's only if you do something that directly affects a mob or another player. Trip mines, time bombs and caltrops do not break Cloaking Device.
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Fair enough, this made sense -- I don't have a /devices blaster I was judging by what someone said in team chat a few days ago =)
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Its not the placing of the mine that breaks the hide, its when the mine goes off and aggros the mob
this means that if you time it well enough you can place a time bomb, then a trip mine and nuke causing 3 simultaneous explosions
Also handy is that placing a trip mine does not suppress Super Speed
Quick one guys - does cloaking device stack with stealth in the same way it does with SS? Basically I want to be able to get close enough to plant trip mines etc
Many thanks