Blast-oriented PB




Unlocked the Khelds last night and my idea was to make a blast-oriented PB. Any suggestions on builds and/or guides appreciated..



That is very much how i play mine, I stay human almost all the time using dwarf if a tank is needed. The blasts you get can make a nice attack chain on thier own but I respeced the first blast out as it is very low damage, even without it I can happily stand at the back and blast away, although its never long before i wanna go up front and use a couple of melee attacks, and with build up and Incandesent Strike you can one hit kill alot of minions. TBH I see me PB as abit of a blaster in human, blaster get the option of a couple of melee attacks as do PB's, you get Dawn Strike, the main difference is you get sheilds, self heals, light form and a few other fancy PB only powers such as being able to turn into a Dwarf or a squid. Squid of course is all about blasting but i found it alittle boring after awhile and very squishy



It's a common complaint - the squishiness of squids. And I don't agree. I think it comes down to playstyle a lot. My forms are very much situational, with the human being predominantly the buffing form.
To get the most out of your PB (if you're form shifting) is to get your binds set up. The enter key on the numpad is my emergency button. Whether I'm in human, squid or dwarf form, I hit that button and go into quantum flight where I get a respite to heal, buff, whatever and then get back into the fight.
If your going after a blaster build you absolutely must use Nova form - it has an inherent 40% damage boost and with build up you can 2 shot an even level spawn.

(O.O) Bunny: Our time is coming
(> <)



Nova is a lovely blaster - extremely mobile unsuppressed 3D movement for keeping out of melee and positioning for cones, and has two fast-recharging AoEs with excellent damage and very reasonable endurance costs. I don't find it especially squishy because peacebringers have much more tools for survival than blasters have. With only 4 attacks it can get a little boring if you stay in Nova all the time, but then why would you? It's much more fun to AoE in Nova and drop to human now and then to buff or heal yourself, take out tough targets with the melee attacks or launch Photon Seekers or Nuke, or to change to Dwarf if you find you have gotten a bit too much aggro.

My PB certainly plays very blasterish. Nova is amazing at low levels and slotting it up early makes leveling a breeze. I've seen few blasters that can match the sustained AoE output.



Nova bonus is 45% and base damage is 20% more than blaster/scrappers. Or at least it was according to the old guide I go by.

I'd never just go all human blaster. Far as I can tell the human aoe blasts are about half as powerful, use more end and have much shorter range. Same for the other two when compared to the nova equivalent. Gleaming blast is the odd one out...

I just wouldn't feel like I was doing much with just human blasting. Anyway, the OP didn't say anything about human only I think, so you could open up with the nova AoE, then drop to human after a small barrage and finish off.