form binds help required





i've finally started playing about with a form changing warshade and having just got past 20 i thought i'd sort out some tray changing and bind changing macros.

what i was aiming for was:

lshift and lbutton to be the teleport in both human and dwarf form.
in human form use tray 1 as primary
in dwarf form use tray 2 as primary.

what i did was:

created a macro for the changing to dwarf form which went like: /macro dwrf "powexec_toggle_on black dwarf$$goto_tray 2"

and a similar one on tray two to change back to human form like: /macro humn "powexec_toggle_off black dwarf$$goto_tray 1"

And to get the key to rebind i had two text files in my cohbinds folder, one called human.txt and the other called dwarf.txt which had the lshift+lbutton "bind powexec_name shadow step" and lshift+lbutton "bind powexec_name black dwarf step"

Now heres the jam. i initially tried tacking the bind command on the end of the original macros but it just wouldnt bind the keys at all.

so i put bind_load_file c:\cohbinds\human.txt and a dwarf version on to the appropriate macros.

this worked, however when i zoned the macro for the form i wasnt in would get truncated to 2 commands and vice versa.

so if i was in human form and zoned then the macro on the dwarf tray to load the bind file for human teleporting would truncate to not have the load command on it.

and if zoning in dwarf form it'd do the same to the dwarf version of the macro.

so zone twice and the rebinds wouldnt work for either form and it'd just remember the last teleport bind that was executed.

I've seen others cite that they've had 3 commands listed in a macro/bind, so what am i doing wrong?

any help would be appreciated.




Sounds like you've set it up the same way I did, except I bound keys instead of using Macros. I have found that you need to have "$$bind_load_file <file>" as the last thing in a bind or macro, but it sounds like you already did.

Try doing the same thing with keybinds and that'll tell you if it's something you're typing wrong, it just a bug with the Macros.



Can't you just bind key "powexec_name dwarf step$$powexec_name teleport self" (or whatever the powers are called specifically) and that way it'll activate whichever is available in eithr form. I have a PB so can't test this exactly but it works with energy flight in human form and flare in dwarf form.

(O.O) Bunny: Our time is coming
(> <)



what i was aiming for was:

lshift and lbutton to be the teleport in both human and dwarf form.
in human form use tray 1 as primary
in dwarf form use tray 2 as primary.

[/ QUOTE ]

Try these:

Dwarf macro

/macro dwrf "goto_tray 2$$powexec_toggle_on Black Dwarf$$bind lshift+lbutton powexec_name Black Dwarf Step"

Human macro

/macro humn "goto_tray 1$$powexec_toggle_off Black Dwarf$$bind lshift+lbutton powexec_name Shadow Step"

Both tested on my own WS and working fine. You might want to add a Dark Nova toggle-off in the human one if you use that form.

Character references! Artz! Whatnot!



cheers for the input on this, i did some further experimentation and found if the bind_load_file was not the last command then it wouldnt drop it when i zoned.

dunno why but it works now with the toggle/bind/goto commands in that order.





Hey guys, iv always been slightly worried that i wouldnt b able to write my own Form binds but when i got my first form i just had a little play around and made it quite simple really. I knew what i wanted to do so just had...

/bind n "powexec_name Dark Nova$$goto_tray 2"
/bind m "powexec_name Dark Nova%%goto_tray 1"

so N goes into Nova, M comes out of it (yes i know i cudv used the "toggle_on" bit but meh, it works like this too )
And then i just have all my attacking powers in the same positions in each tray, so bind like...

/bind f "powexec_slot 4"
/bind lalt "powexec_slot 5"

etc etc, and then just have to make sure my powers are in the right slots for each form

Dunno why iwrote this out, but hey, if ur like me and worried that u'll have to use macro's and load_bind_file etc, dont worry, its relatively easy

Shnyet AWAY