Thinking of repecing nova form out of my PB build




I have just dinged lvl32 with my PB and have a respec pending. I am thinking about taking Nova form out of my build.

At lower levels it was great (4 attacks for the price of 1 at lvl 6), but now I find that my human form, is gaining in powers and am starting to think the Nova a little too squishy to keep with (I tend to fight with an invincible rep)

Now my human form has good attacks, more defence, heals & buffs, can anyone give me some reasons to keep Nova form? 8 spare slots to use elsewhere would come in handy also.

Thoughts and advice are always welcome.



40% damage bonus is enough reason for me. At 30th lvl Nova is my primary form with Dwarf being secondary if I pull to much agro, especially on missions with +2/3 (or more) mobs, and can't see that changing too much at least in the near future.

(O.O) Bunny: Our time is coming
(> <)



My human does so little damage in comparison with my nova that I decided to go tri-form. Probably not going to excel at anything but got plenty of options.

My greatest memory of seeing Kheldians used in human form is of virtually instant faceplanting...though maybe I've been playing with suicidal ones



With a good tank holding aggro, Nova can dish out a lot more damage than human form can. That's why it's always my first choice on a team unless aggro is a problem when I tend to switch a lot instead.



I just did my first respec and nova is gone, giving it a try without but not writting it off just yet, however i don't miss it. I really think its a mtter of taste but i do find nova so squishy, but there is some fun to be had on train missions floatin around above the team providing ariel bombardment in nova, i do miss that a hell of alot



Thank you all. In the end I kept it in the respec. After all I would not want to offend my bonded Kheldian by refusing this form + yes, the damage increase is nice when I am targetting through the tanks.



I realise its too late now, but wanted to add a comment here. People have mentioned personal taste, and I think that is the main thing. Personaly I haven't had nova form in either my PB or WS for ages, because I became sick of using it. It was great fun at first (in my sg 3 of us got level 50's shortly after issue 3 and all played khelds together for a bit), but after using it so much I don't like it anymore.

Kheld powers are fairly well balanced now, what you get for having nova form, costs you in human/dwarf form, mostly in terms of slotting. I could go on to explain, but basically what I'm saying is the most important consideration should be "Do I like playing nova form?" imho.



Personal taste is of course a factor, as is playstyle. After 50 lvls of building an 1 on 1 specialist I'm now building an AoE specialist and a key indregient to that is Nova form. With build up the AoE and cone attacks are devastating. I intend during the 30s (I'm 32 atm) to slot up the two similar attacks in human form. Since going from nova to human is virtually instantaneous I'm hoping either the AoE or cone attack in human form will catch the tail end of build-up and should allow me to nuke, certainly +1 spawns and come close to doing the same to +2 spawns.
After which, depending on the health of the survivors and how agroed they are at me specifically I can switch to dwarf and ride out the storm having done most of the work in the space of 4 attacks.
All I need is a good tank who knows how to gather the bad guys into a nice tight group and no blasters to open with rain of fire/ice.

(O.O) Bunny: Our time is coming
(> <)



An AoE specialist is an interesting idea and I'd be interested to know how it works out for you. Not criticising but you know the human AoE attacks are both pretty weak right? I've usually fired off the nova AoE and then dropped to human and used Solar Flare to finish off anything else. Something else I've never tried is slotting the nova attacks with 2 recharge enh (currently only have one in each) and running hasten at the same time. By my reckoning, scatter is recharged in about 5 seconds and detonation in 7 meaning you should be able to fire one then the other pretty much without pause. Bit end draining but fun!

Just maybe something for you to think about and try on the test server.



I'd ruled out solar flare because it's not ranged and I like to keep as much distance between me and the mobs as possible. In situations where I can move into position directly above the spawn I had eventually intended to, hit build up, switch to to nova form, launch the cone, the AoE, switch to human, cone, AoE again and then drop down and Nova them. That should be enough firepower to nuke even a large +3 spawn - in theory.
However, loading the cone and AoE attaks in nova with recharge reduxes (I habitually run hasten) is an interesting idea IF there's enough time left in build-up to get a third attack (probably the cone again) off.
If not, then it'll be down to squeezing every last point of damage out the human cone and AoE attack.

(O.O) Bunny: Our time is coming
(> <)