Abandoned Sewers Trial Wednesday 7:30pm GMT
Afro will probably be up fo this.
Would anyone like to join me for this?
Lvl 38-41
It's not a long tf, should take about 2 hours max.
You will get Charmer badge, plus Hyrdra Protean gladiator & Head of the Hydra exploration badge
Let me know if interest
@Knight Eye
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Doh!====> Eden on the brain right now :S
Would anyone like to join me for this?
Lvl 38-41
It's not a long tf, should take about 2 hours max.
You will get Charmer badge, plus Hydra Protean gladiator & Head of the Hydra exploration badge
Let me know if interested
@Knight Eye
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Doh!====> Eden on the brain right now :S
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dodgy spelling as well to b00t!
Sorry mate got my villain team tomoz
btw you need someone in lvl range to start it and you dont get auto-exemped either which I've never understood
thePhilosopher Martial Arts/Regen/Fire Scrapper
theRegulator Empathy/Energy/Soul Defender
Total Inertia Ice Blast/Kinetics/Psy Corruptor
Total Inferno Ice Blast/Thermal/Leviathan Corruptor
I got this from the US Forum Guides section but am not sure how accurate it is (it's issue 5) =
This Trial is a bit odd, as far as levels and such go, because it does not operate like a task force. It's just a regular mission. The level requirement is only because it's located in the Abandoned Sewers, which are a lv 36+ hazard zone. Now the mission itself is designed for the lv 38-42 range. You'll need someone in that level range to actually get the mission, and once inside only people in that level range will be able to get the temporary powers needed to defeat the Hydra. However, temporarily exemplaring someone into the 38-42 range just to get the temporary power DOES work and when they unexemplar they can still use it just fine. So loading your team with 50s is certainly one way to ensure an easy time of it, as the Hydra will be grey to them. It is by no means required though.
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me please
Thanks for that Phil, yes I remember that this 1 isn't like any other tf & the lvl38ish players are needed to exemp, just hope there's enough interest Otherwise, it's a spamfest using all channels bar broadcast!!
Thanks for that, handy to know, must get me an exemplar, want 1 of those guns again
Great Wammy Please come along!
Probably best to assemble by Maren McGregor in Founder's Falls (a bit north of Penny Preston in the South Western dock area).
Hoping that we can get some more people or will need to postpone
Global: @Knight Eye
Spiritess would like to join that (as long as someone is available to exemp her - current lvl is 46). Not worried about xp but would love to do the TF and gain the badges.
BTW she is a mind/shield troller.
Looks like we may have to postpone according to this:
Contact: Maren MacGregor
Location: Abandoned Sewer Network
Main Enemy: varius
Archvillain: none
Level to Attend: 32-42
Minimum Teammates: 6 (total)
Maren is close to Penny Preston in Founders Falls
This mission is a one of the most difficult trials that is out there.
1. Defeat aliens in abandoned sewers: Defeat 150 Rikti, (There are a lot of Rikti by the Skyway city entrance to the ASN.)
2.Once finished, the person that got the mission has to go back to Meran and she will give you a code to use on a computer to open a door in the middle of abandoned sewers(this will be marked on your map). Use the acess code to enter.
3. Clean out the maintenance room: 1:30:00 Time limit.
You must fight your way thru lvl 42 Rikti and Kraken monsters. There will be 8 gun boxes as glowies that you must use against the Hydra Head and tentacles. Thermal Cannon is for the tentacles and Particle Cannon is for the Hydra Head.
You have to destroy 4 Force Field Generators (guarded by Rikti and 1 Kraken) at that same time to lower the shield protecting the Hyrda AV head.
Use the Thermal cannons to destroy the tentacles. Beware aggro on Hydra Head. It uses Psychic tornado and has a one shot psychic attack killer.
After all 4 FF gens are destroyed at you use the Particle cannon on the Head, then the shield will come back up and more Rikti will spawn with the FF gens back at full health.
So this must be repeated until Hydra head is defeated.
Rewards: You will also receive the Exploration badge Head of the Hydra, where the head is, and the badge Charmer for defeating the Hydra Head. That and a nice amount of exp/inf/Debt-B-Gone for defeating the Hydra Head, and for finishing the mission.
Also note that as long as you have not outleveled the Trial you can do it over as many times as you want until you complete it. And you will not have to take down the 150 Rikti after the first time.
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Not sure if 6 is minimum though, seems a bit too high for minimum
Apologies, I forgot that we can invite more while in the tf!
Abandoned Sewers, connected to the Sewer network under the Atlas/Galaxy/Steel/Skyway maps, for basically level 38 and up (36s could join but are not allowed to begin the Trial, this is the easiest trial to enter because it only requires one person to start it and others can join as needed during the Trial)
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I guess I'll volunteer Guise for this, level 38 Blaster
If this is still on where do you want to meet? Contact in FF? Or I could wait at the Skyway entrance (where most of the Rikti are).
Up to you.
If we all meet at Maren McGregor, just to see how many turn up, we can easily head to Skyway after that
Thanks, was a lot of fun.
Was fun indeed - thanks for the invite
It was a good laugh, and I have a big gun to show off now
It went really well, you guys did a great job, lotsa fun
Thanks for coming along
Nicely done guys it can be a toughy
You get enough people to exemplar down or was it lvl 50 pwnage
thePhilosopher Martial Arts/Regen/Fire Scrapper
theRegulator Empathy/Energy/Soul Defender
Total Inertia Ice Blast/Kinetics/Psy Corruptor
Total Inferno Ice Blast/Thermal/Leviathan Corruptor
Pooooo lost my big gun after logging. Going to have to do it again as I didn't get to show it off for very long in Atlas hehe.
Would anyone like to join me for this?

Lvl 38-41
It's not a long tf, should take about 2 hours max.
You will get Liberator badge, plus Hyrdra Protean gladiator & Head of the Hydra exploration badge
Let me know if interest
@Knight Eye