wich powers continue in dwarf/nova form?




I've been playing alot with my PB now, still quite enjoying it as it goes (damn those voids). Still having probs with wich powers to pick, i was wondering what buffs/toggle etcs continue in dwarf/nova form?

So far i know the resist toggles dont go, buildup/essence boost do continue in dwarf/nova. But those like swift/health/stamina, acrobatics, stealth etc? And the important one.. hasten?

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

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Any click buffs (like Hasten) affect the forms, none of the toggles or passives do.



Not a power as such but any accolades you have will remain



From the PB powers you have Essence Boost, Conserve Energy and Build Up, from the power pools you can get Aid Self(the Stun resistance) and Hasten and they all will stay once you switch form.