Forms and their uses




How often do people use their different forms?
I use Dwarf and Nova to "fill in the gaps" of a team, a lot of the time, and I'm rediscovering my Human ability to solo (fast attack chain - at last).

I almost never use my Human in teams though, which is where it gets the most benefit (the second most useless inherent in the game, in my opinion)... does anyone else find this?



I have a all human build pb, i found that nova form was way to squishy even though some people seem to think it can out blast a blaster i dont.

As for dwarf form i found it to be a second rate tank, there simple isnt enough slots to make a tri form work imo,



I'm not that high lvl yet with my PB, i play by the team setup. With alot of tankers/scrappers and good healing i stick around in Nova form, when there are more blasters around i help around within the action in human form and the resist-shields. I'm going primairy human/dwarf with only 2 extra slots in my nova as backup (buildup -> nova -> boom)

Most probably i will use my dwarf as backup tank, as kheldian its pretty easy to swap around these forms very fast. Nova has a great long range, so you can help around pretty often in that form.

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

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some people seem to think it can out blast a blaster i dont.

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Not a PB nova for sure, a WS nova can easily outblast a blaster with 2 stacked Mires.

Anyway, I prefer staying in Nova form, both in teams and solo, switching to Dwarf if things get messy or against a Void/Quant.
My human form is only for traveling and self buffing, I picked SS because I'm no Porter nor Flyier, so I needed a travel power and a quick way to go around in mishes.



by any chance, you got a indication how long the Mire damage buff lasts? It realy sounds like an awsome hit-the-cap output power

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



by any chance, you got a indication how long the Mire damage buff lasts? It realy sounds like an awsome hit-the-cap output power

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Longer than the mobs will be standing



I have a lvl25 tri-form, the human form being the least developed, nova being the most. The dwarf only having had additional slots put into the form and the self heal (defence over firepower in that form). I'll use the dwarf if the foes are heavy hitter of if I'm SKd, or if there's a quantum in the area and the team im with aren't too reliable when it comes to taking them out.

The human form is used primary for self buffing and I;ve got binds set up on the keypad allowing me to switch from Nova to human/flying, key hasten, essence boost, conserve energy and buildup before swtiching back to Nova and laying waste to a spawn.

I plan to slot the human form AoE and bind it so after hitting build up and switching to Nova and loosing off the two AoEs I can swtich back to human for the final attack before build up expires. This should be enough to outblast the majority of blasters in the game and if there's a friendly controller on the team who's locked down the spawn should be enough to almost vaporize all but the lieutenants and bosses in even a +2 spawn in less than 10 seconds. And once I hit 28th lvl i'll switch back to human form in quantum flight mode and be immune to the survivors wrath

Now that, imho, is firepower. Lets see how many blasters can match that

Of course, it's only theory at the moment.

(O.O) Bunny: Our time is coming
(> <)



by any chance, you got a indication how long the Mire damage buff lasts? It realy sounds like an awsome hit-the-cap output power

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30 seconds, so enough time for you to whack em good

bout forms, well I mainly use dwarf form and let my pets deal the most of the damage. However once i got eclipse running i swap to nova, just cause its more damage and with proper eclipse you got enough dmg res. Also use nova if im in a team that can properly manage aggro.

Human form is only used for buffs really, use it to fire a second mire to hit dmg/acc cap, eclipse, quasar, dark extraction, unchain essence, stygian circle (and when im dead stygian return). Only use the blasts if after a nuke one is left standing and needs to go down fast. Also use it for the tp foe + gravity well tactic to take down voids or sappers first.

Must admit that its more viable for WS to go triform than it is for PBs

"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"

Total Cat @Stagefright



Must admit that its more viable for WS to go triform than it is for PBs

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Not sure how you reach that conclusion, or maybe I'm not understanding right. My PBs now 26th lvl and tri-form and having no problems, the human aspect being used only for buffs at the moment. The Nova has plenty of firepower and the dwarf is perfectly able to tank.

(O.O) Bunny: Our time is coming
(> <)



I mean that the WS has more advantages of being triform than a PB, PBs can easily stay in human-only or biform, whereas the extras of the shapeshifts really come in very handy for WS. Why else would eclipse be able to be used in all forms and lightform human-only for instance?
That said, of course tri-form PBs can be good as well. It's just the benefits it brings to a PB aint as much as to a WS imo.

"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"

Total Cat @Stagefright