St. Patrick's Day... Pocket-Ds... The place to be.




Whirlmeister and some of his friend where planning to enjoy St. Patrick's Day (this Friday)
with a little pub crawl and a few Guinesses, starting at the bar in our base, moving on to the "Bonesaw club" (a.k.a. the Moneky Fight club) in Sharkshead. Then taking in the Giza bars, and finally a legless stagger to Pocket-Ds.

I was checking the route out last night and very disappointed to see Pocket-Ds absolutely deserted.

Come on guys..St.Pat's is just around the corner. We need to fill the place.

Just to remind you..

St. Patrick's Day
(this Friday)

Be there.



I'll try to be there!^^



I wont be there, as i will be out drinking and making pavement Pizza's



wow dude u r pritty kewl



I hate to be picky, but isn't the place just called "Pocket D"?



I hate to be picky, but isn't the place just called "Pocket D"?

[/ QUOTE ]
Well if you hate it so much there is a simple cure. Just decide not to be

You'd be surprised how much more relaxing life is once you've stopped being picky.