Starless step... aggro?




I took this at 16 on my WS, with a view to Gravity Well at 18 and being able to pull a dangerous mob from a group and neutralising the threat without needing to take a barrage from whatever else is around my target.

Now I tried this last night (Don't have GW yet) as a test. I'm running a Council mish on the WS arcs on Tenacious, because of positioning I've got a group of around 10 yellow mobs, including several Marksmen (What's with the Hastened, almost auto-hit snipes?) and a Quantum Gunner.

So, I thought I'd TP the Quant into melee range and brawl him to death. The TP was a successfull first time hit (I TP'd round a corner) and, before I know it, I have the rest of the mob beating on me! Fortunately I managed to take out the Quant and high-tail it out of there before planting.

So, the question is this. Is this WAI? Does the 'pull' by Starless Step have the same chance of aggroing the entire group that a Blaster pull would?

Just curious, because if it does I'll probably respec out of Starless Step (When I can) and take Super Speed for the stacked Stealth with Shadow Cloak.

Thanks folks.



Yes I think it does, if you target a minion you'll probably get just him, go for a boss he'll bring friends.



I think it's a problem of distance.
A blaster pull made with a snipe has far more range than starless step and less chance of getting aggro from the mob.
You can try to hide behind a corner while you're at the maximum distance possible for the TP Foe, it shudn't cause you any aggro.



Haven't got Starless Step yet but my experience with TP Foe is that you will get aggro if you are too close to a group, and corners are certainly no obstacle. As Jiaozy suggests try to stay at maximum range and you shouldn't have any trouble, even without hiding round a corner. If their mates can't hear their cries for help, they won't come running .

"If there's anything worse than being sacrificed, it's being sacrificed incompetantly."