New PeaceBringer needs a little advice




Wohooo. Finally hit 50.. yaay..

Started up my PB yesterday before bed (just to have it going) But even though i only had time to get to lvl3 i realised i would have trouble figuring out my build. I have planned to go for a build that ends up in a tri-form but i dont really know how to start it out. Any advice is good advice to me..
I have been seeing a few posts on the us forums but they make no sense to me since they seem to be pre- I6. I'm not saying that i want to hava a build to copy off but to give me an idea on how to go about...

@EU Brimmy - Union and Exalted servers



Shouldn't this be in the General Discussion section of the forum?

just messin



Some PB thoughts

If you got some questions after reading that then ask away Simply, I would start with and slot up Bright Nova and then Dwarf at 20 and then respec into a more triform in late 20's early 30's.



hmm, made me a little wiser, a little.. :P
Still have one more question though, wich seems reasonable to ask at this point, as said i am going for a tribuild, at the early lvls, is it important to get the toggle shields or is that something i can pick up just to "fill it up" so to speak.. ?

@EU Brimmy - Union and Exalted servers



You won't have the room for any toggle shields later on, unless you drop out some really important things and add those later. take the shields as soon as you can, i've made this mistake.


Double Flame 50 fire/devices
Double Shade 50 tri-form warshade
Double Light 50 dwarf-human peacebringer
Double Control 50 earth/rad



i think that depends entirely on your build/plan. Probably the best thing to do at this stage is play with a heroplanner so that you can see how the powers and the slots organise themselves.

I got the toggle shields as I figured when I am in human they will be useful, at 34 and haven't sloted them up. In my build I don't have stamina so could be the reason I have room for them.



okay, as soon as possible it is.. was just a little astouned since i saw they wont be useful when i start changing forms. seems a little annoying that i have to remember to switch my toggles on when i go back to human, but i guess its juat another thing to get used to.

@EU Brimmy - Union and Exalted servers



do you have any planner to recommend? and if so, where to find it?

@EU Brimmy - Union and Exalted servers



My pb is currently lvl 36, and i only have shining shield.

I never really thought the other shields would be useful until about now when i am beginning to play more in human form.

Up to lvl 30 nova was used for both team and solo, switching to human for buffs, heals and incandescent strike and radiant strike. I didnt have enough powers in human to form a chain.
I still dont really, but have since added photon seekers and dawn strike, so human form becomes more useful as nova form beomes a little bit too squishy.

The main problem with human form IMHO is high end use and mezzing mobs. Conserve energy helps a lot, but i agree that if the fitness route is taken, something has to give and it could be the shields.



do you have any planner to recommend? and if so, where to find it?

[/ QUOTE ] I use this one but lots of people seem to use this one (even thought it's not as good, IMO.

I find I don't use the shields very often; endurance is too tight without Stamina. I only use my Human form for finishing mobs off, or bossfights (knockback is a fairly efficient form of damage mitigation).

I think it vastly depends on how you play, I shapeshift a lot, so toggling up is usually just two lost seconds when I could be fighting.



Neither of those have been upgraded recently though have they? I know I can't build my tank using either because they're not taking into account the fact that Taunt has been shifted to *after* the second attack. :/



hmm,, after readin multiple posts and getting pointer and info from several ppl, i think i am going for the irst shield (the one you have to take) and then glowing shield, i will just have to learn my own way with a kind of mutated bi/tri form, only using human form to deliver those deadly onehitters. and using nova/dwarf as it fits.. and thnx to every1 for all the info..

@EU Brimmy - Union and Exalted servers



Yo Brimmy stop asking daft questions and get your PeaceBringer butt on here and help me out

(just kidding bud)

Omega Black lvl 50 Blaster, Leader of Paragons Vanguard
Omega White lvl 15 Peacebringer.



hehe. soz boss. i am on my way back online now, my conn died yesterday and my dad just gotit back up..

@EU Brimmy - Union and Exalted servers



A good idea also is to make macros for your Kheldian, especially if you plan to go three form. Keeps everything in order for when you switch forms.

A good guide for the macros can be found here.



ooo.. thnx for that, just what i came online to look for..

@EU Brimmy - Union and Exalted servers



If i had a Peacebringer, I'd put some considerable thought on my alien forms.

Way I see it is that Peacebringer's ARE aliens...the human form was only adopted when they arrived to this planet, therefore should be the most unstable form out of the three.



Sherk's Silver has not yet been updated for the Taunt shift but works with everything else after I6, including ED scaling of enhance bonus.

I never use Joe Chott from when i noticed that a month before ED came out Hasten was still accepting Def Buff enhance as well as Wet Ice....

If it's been updated recently i don't know, but up to a couple of months ago it was VERY outdated so I advise you pick Sherk Silver's editor if you want something reliable and up to date(not instantly but pretty fast )..

Sorry for the grammar and spelling but I'm a bit .

Edit: in Joe Chott's editor Wet Ice STILL accept Dmg Res and Def Buff enhance, so I won't rely on it for the slottings, Sherk Silver's is up to date for that kind of stuff.