WS pet with new buff




Just wanted to know with this new buff thing that well allow things Eg, Photon seekers to be effected my BU , will this apply to WS SM and thier pet ? Or is that just a supid question



AFAIK, it will affect summons that are not clear pets (mostly location based powers), so I doubt WS pet will be affected.



The new code only allows pets to be affected by buffs. It still has to be set by a dev. The intention is that it be used by "virtual pets", used by such powers as Rain of Fire.

Generaly effect that targets the ground and has a duration uses an invisible pet as a target. There are some other powers which also use invisible pets. At the moment powers that work like this are not affected by buffs.

However, I expect that if a power becomes buffable it will also become debuffable.

I would say there is a chance that it is applied to Photon Seekers but no chance at all that WS pets get it.

I really should do something about this signature.



then again PBs just need the buff cause they are nowhere near as good as us shades

/em ducks away from phil's throwing lowbie hero attack

anyway, think frosty is right, dont think WS pets will get affected by it.

"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"

Total Cat @Stagefright



Shame , and I can see why. Thanks for prompt and great answers



It won't affect WS's pets for sure, because it only affects pet-like powers that can't be buffed normally(Burn, Blizzard, Fire Rain and such)while you can cast any kind of buff on the Extracted Essence(I've seen mine with 6 6 dots of Fulcrum and they were really awesome )