Help choosing a 2ndary pool




Im about to roll my 2nd Brute after getting my 1st one to lvl31.

Now im having Dark as my primary but im not sure what to do for my 2ndary.

I already have a inv as my other brute 2ndary so dont want that.

I have ruled out Dark and earth as i dont like them obucuring the look of the toon (call me fickle but im a follower of fashion

So that leave 2 choices Fire or NRG Aura.

Can anyone who uses these pools post there thought and experience to help me decide.

Many Thank in advance.



With DM , i would go fire... DM/EA has a great sinergy , acc debuffs + defence set , seft heal from DM on a secondary without a heal !
But i think you want to team most of the time with your sencond brute , DM doenst have the crowd control powers of stone or SS that let you take the alfa strike , and get a few extra seconds for your team to heal you, + a resist set like fire , is more team friendly ...



Fire's main advantages are a good self heal and only needing 2 protection toggles which also provide your status resistances. So you only need 3 powers.
This is good if you want to take a lot of powers in your primary.

@Unthing ... Mostly on Union.



My brute is a lvl 17 NRG/Fire. Main thing I've noticed is that Blazing Aura is an unbelievable end hog. It's a nice mob thinner when soloing, but you'll need to slot it with endreds and accs before dmg. With DOs slotted, I can now tackle 3 groups instead of two before having to rest. Also, you'll need the jumping pool if you want resistance to some status effects - like knockback.

UNION @Flitz 50, Lead Hose 50, Red Rag 50
DEFIANT Rose Bloodthorn 34
VIGILANCE Captain Caledonia 20 - Yeah, I made toons on the French server coz we only had 4 back then (might have to transfer/recreate them on one of the US servers)
..and many more!



I can't really comment on the effectiveness of Energy Aura, but I can tell you that it is certainly one of the least visually invasive armour sets.

If the obscuring look of DA puts you off then I would say that Fire Aura is nearly as bad whereas certainly the toggles I've taken so far in Energy Aura hardly obscure the costume at all (less than Invulnerability imo).

There is, however, a stealth power in EA which although I haven't taken yet I assume will obscure your toon quite a bit in keeping with other Stealth powers.

I did read someone complain once saying not to take EA if you liked the look of your toon, but I haven't found a power yet that disrupts my Brute's image, but I haven't taken all the powers yet.



afaik DM/FA can be played without Stamina because of the 2 endu-leechers.
But you'll have to take up Akrobatics...



Fire will obscure the toon horribly while NRG isn't too obvious

"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"