PowerSWAT part 6
The length of your stories matches Doulos' and so does the quality of your work. Good job .
Bah, and there was I being the only one who wrote long stories... pesky SWAT... I will have my revenege!!! *starts planning a 100,000 worder....*
A cameo at the end much deserved in Ranger lore (especially for the purpose he takes) and I therefore appoint him permanently assigned to the post in all future storyness
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I love you!
nice1 SWAT-o, always a crowd pleaser to start in a strip joint
Shnyet AWAY
hmm maybe we should set up a 5 man POWER team
Shnyet, I'm all for strip joints. Must confess too many years of oggling Marvel's female beauties inspired me to utilise a mutant-strip club.
hmm maybe we should set up a 5 man POWER team
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Erm... I did already
and Doulos, if my writing makes you want to write more, then I've succeeded! I love reading your stuff, man, I just wish you had time to write more! As I always say, a little competition is a good thing.
Ducky, I love you too Was that okay for a cameo role? I get him alright?
well dont with the stories guys they quality work keep it up, this bein my first post on this forum, suppose id better tell ya who it is. XAMARI finally got off my butt and added a post so see ya all in the forums soon.
Xamari:- lvl34 (precision ranger)
Domi Natrix:- lvl16 (SNHS)
General Beefcake:-lvl11 (armoured core)
well dont with the stories guys they quality work keep it up, this bein my first post on this forum, suppose id better tell ya who it is. XAMARI finally got off my butt and added a post so see ya all in the forums soon.
Xamari:- lvl34 (precision ranger)
Domi Natrix:- lvl16 (SNHS)
General Beefcake:-lvl11 (armoured core)
That was an excellent presentation of Byte.
Love it SWAT, nice to see things moviing forward, and that all your heroes will be on the same side eventually (or at least have the potential to be talking in the end).
As all my heroes are related in one extended family, I like these groups to be friends .
�How do I like my MMOs? I like them the way Paragon Studios used to make them.� - a fitting tribute from kiasa.org
EU, Union mostly.
And welcome to the forums, Xam .
�How do I like my MMOs? I like them the way Paragon Studios used to make them.� - a fitting tribute from kiasa.org
EU, Union mostly.
Top stuff mate! Looking forward to the next one!
Shnyet, I'm all for strip joints. Must confess too many years of oggling Marvel's female beauties inspired me to utilise a mutant-strip club.
hmm maybe we should set up a 5 man POWER team
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Erm... I did already
[/ QUOTE ]
nope I meant 5 of us playing at the same time in an AT team
Really enjoying your stories. Don't know where you get the time to write these and play all of those alts though.
/e jealous
Thanks for the comments, Guys. But to contradict popular belief, I don't actually alt that much! Each of my characters will see approximately 30 minutes to an hour's play time per week (with the exception of Med, who only comes out if he's needed by a coalition team or a mate) - the rest of the time is PowerSWAT only!
And (ahem) I just created two more
I should start referring to these stories as "Team Power" or something... ho hum. As promised, less conflict between the team, and more from the Meds. A cameo at the end much deserved in Ranger lore (especially for the purpose he takes) and I therefore appoint him permanently assigned to the post in all future storyness
And damn you Doulos for reminding me... I'm writing when I should be sleeping! We don't all have office jobs with computer access you know!
A rather drunk man sat watching a scantily clad female gyrating on his table. Delicately, her feet shifted between the empty shot glasses as she put on her twelfth show of the night for some other nameless punk. Little did she know he was a hero.
Eyelids flickering in his inebriated state, Jon really had lost all interest in the blue skinned dancer in front of him. This joint was a specialist locale, catering to people with a taste for exotic entertainment - staffed (at least the entertainment) almost exclusively by mutants whose genetic abnormalities didnt cater quite so much to the superhuman hero vocations.
Hed gone there to enjoy himself - to get back to his solitary, bachelor lifestyle - but for some reason wasnt enjoying himself quite as much as hed expected.
Ignoring the beckoning of the figure in front of him, he tried vainly to rationalise his sickened feeling. Its not as if hed ever wanted to be a hero or work with heroes - hed only done it for the fat pay check - but hed gotten used to it. When hed joined the PowerMed project, hed been the centre of attention, and hed hated it. Now, though, with the other members and the concurrent test programmes, hed gone back to being mildly faceless, alongside the more heroic individuals. Sure, they could be pains, but he was back in a team. Not a great team player, admittedly, and a little sickening if he were to be truthful, but a team member nonetheless.
Rising on unsteady feet, he tucked a note in the dancers undies with a friendly, paternal tap and a nod of thanks before staggering out into the night air. It was chill enough to clear the head somewhat, so he spoiled it with a timely cigarette.
What was going on? He didnt care about the suit. He didnt care about the team or the work - he just wanted to get paid and go home but obviously that was just a lie. He did care.
He pulled out his cellphone and carefully dialled the number for Project Control, tapping his access code and relays in to get through to the managers office.
Boss . Smee. Jon. Whass goin on with the suitsss?
Well hello to you too, Jon. Nice to hear youre fit and ready for action.
Yeah. Alwaysh. Ive only had a couple of drinksh. Im ready for anything. Any word on the replacement suits? I wanna get back in the field.
Really? Well, thats new. Had an heroic epiphany? Decided you want to commit to the citys safety after all?
A pause. Then, Yesh.
Well then. Im recalling the others - Ive got some leads to follow up and I want you all out as a team. Get back here and Ill introduce you to PowerMed mk.II
Kat could only smell one thing. Coffee. Really really strong coffee. She came into the briefing room to find the cause - Jon Coombes sprawled across three chairs, rubbing his sinuses and surrounded by empty espresso cups. The Grey Haired man sat at his desk, immaculate despite the hour, shuffling papers and pointedly ignoring the drunkard.
She ventured further in to the room and sat quietly in the corner. They didnt have to wait long for SIEGE, who appeared at the door in short order - bearing what looked to be a large Christmas sack - wearing only a pair of jockey shorts and a bathrobe about four sizes too small for him.
<CLUNK> The sack was dropped. It was clearly a torn curtain, and upon impact it spilled out the chunky SIEGE armour across the floor. The Grey Haired man looked up at the noise, double-taking at the armour and Sergeant Malcolm.
Hit a snag, Sergeant? Your call indicated the suit was inactive, but your attire still lacks professionalism. When youre ready?
The only response was a grunt, as Dan turned around and left, only to return minutes later in a police issue tracksuit. He dropped his bulk into a chair, a thunderous look on his face. The others wisely decided not to question him on the matter, opting to wait for the report. Their boss continued.
Very well. Now that youre all here, weve got some work to do. He collated his papers into a neat pile before standing and perching on his desk - in the style of a college professor. First, the replacement suits are ready. The keen minded among you will note that this has been a lot quicker than I first estimated, so Ill confess now that wed been working on them for some time. They will be available to you after this briefing.
For your information, Peter Baker is currently missing, having absconded with elements of the PowerSWAT suits remains, attacked PowerSIEGE, and making off. Weve recovered a good deal of paperwork from his home which we are currently sifting through, but at first glance it appears that he is taking this personally - some sort of vendetta - and so Im loathe to put him out of sanction. We knew thered be long term repercussions of his surgery, so I want you all to bear this in mind when we find him - hes one of us. Treat him well, no matter what your personal feelings on the matter may be.
Finishing up his Im talking to you stare at the Sergeant, he went on. Second, weve lost track of Med-RS. The suit transponders down, shrouded or deliberately deactivated, so weve got to do this the hard way. We know he was in Skyway at last point of contact, so suit up and well start there.
The new suits worked a treat. Functioning exactly as the originals, SIEGE had the added bonus of increased strength and durability, despite being sleek in design, with incorporated gravitic repulsors adapted from the lift qualities of the Med-G Gravity Manipulation unit, giving him the ability to leap great distances. These he used to careen around Skyway from flyover to floor, inspecting every nook for signs of his colleague.
Coombes, in the Med armour, took a high position, coordinating the search from an aerial perspective. Med-G was the ground unit, her armour hidden under civilian clothing, questioning people on the street but all to no avail.
If RS had been here, he was gone now
It was night time. The streets hereabouts were usually a battlefield of heroes and villains going all out to take and hold any advantage. At four in the morning, however, it seemed dead - almost peaceful.
Stepping past the gutted remains of an Arachnos Tarantula, PowerSWAT followed no more than his instincts. There was little to go on from his investigations, but hed been in the force long enough to trust his gut. He knew hed find the saboteur in Sirens call. He just didnt know where.
Coat flapping in the breeze, Baker stood in the centre of a crossroads, eyeing the options. His mind kept dragging up words like traitor and treachery but he didnt know whether these should be applied to himself - for his actions against the giant SIEGE, or to something else. A premonition perhaps? The traitor from the project was to be found here?
Thats what he was hoping.
At this late hour, the Rangers base was nearly deserted, all the heroes either sleeping or on extended missions, some on stakeouts. The control room was manned by a lone individual. The only individual that really didnt mind the work, because sleep for him was entirely irrelevant.
At the control console, Byte read. He read reports from the Rangers. Reports from the Coalition, Reports from anyone, assimilating all the information at his own remarkable pace. All was scanned with equal attention to detail and with Bytes own near fanatical interest in the general Heroic populace of Paragon city.
A message, in text form, arrived at the Rangers base, Byte moving seamlessly from report to work in a nanosecond. Reading it twice for clarity - something others had spoken of but which truthfully was pointless to his perfect electronic brain - took him mere moments. Then he opened up the Super group and Coalition frequencies for a general announcement.
Your attention please, all members of the coalition, this is Ranger Headquarters. We have received a communiqué from the overseers at the PCMAs PowerMed project. They are experiencing some direct and indirect intrusions, and as of now one of their team is missing - PowerMed-RS - who is also a member of Team GBH. Ranger PowerSWAT is currently AWOL from the projects control centre. Whilst the rest of the team is searching already, they have requested that the coalition keep on the lookout for SWAT or RS. Whilst the hour is late, your assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.