Blapper part 1.
More please
Welcome, No Name!
�How do I like my MMOs? I like them the way Paragon Studios used to make them.� - a fitting tribute from
EU, Union mostly.
I like it! Continue, s'il vous plait ...
Don't ask me about joining Honourable United, I'm lazy. Ask Captain Cathode.
"If I had a punch, I would so hit that guy." - Millenium (because drinking nail varnish remover is for real men)
i like it cos iv seen the toon already so it's given me an idea of where the story is going aswell. Very nice
Shnyet AWAY
Me 2, but then I wouldn't be surprised if it was something totally different! Keep it up bud!
Pretty much have this whole story mapped out, but its the writting that will take the time... plus I don't want to tell the story faster than I level!
The room was dark, the gentle beep of the machines kept a steady pace, the quiet hum of machinery provided a seemingly endless drone to the atmosphere. The figure lay motionless in the bed, his massive frame raising and lowering the sheets covering his chest almost in time with the beep of the heart monitor. Electronic pads attached to his head flickered momentarily with a steady rhythm not matched to anything else in the room. If the lights were on then the condensation in the breathing mask over his mouth and throat would have been clear as it appeared and disappeared in time with the rising and falling of his chest. Light broke through the blinds casting lines of light across the ceiling of the room. Slowly the figure began to move, at first the movement was gradual and slow then as the hand raised to the face the sheet fell away to a giant mechanical forearm that glistened with a dull sheen in the weak light of the room. The metallic fist protruding from the arm began to slowly pull off the electrodes and breathing apparatus.
The form raised itself off the bed, vast muscles flexed as it took the strain of lifting itself; the sheet slowly fell away as the torso sat up. Swinging legs over the edge of the bed, silhouetted against the dim light from the window the figure ran the more human hand over a shaved head before raising his head. Blue light glistened in the room as he opened his eyes and looked around slowly, gently rolling his neck and pulling back his shoulders he stretched his arms out. Joints cracked as massive arms reached away from each other. As if surprised the man examined his mechanical arm, delicately running quivering fingers over the metallic forearm and examining the fingers that flexed delicately. The figure stood up, a vast towering shape making the room seem small. A couple of unsteady steps and he was in front of the basin and mirror in the room and staring at himself like a man looking at a stranger. The vibrant blue of his glowing eyes reflected off the mirror casting an eerie light onto his face. Strong features met with metal as he examined his jaw, metallic and strong, with plating running down his neck to his shoulders, tearing his eyes from his reflection the figure turned away.
The door to the room opened. Two men in doctors garb entered the room one held a clipboard. The first spoke, The process is taking considerably longer than expected, the cerebral reprogramming is being met with more resistance than his words trailed off as he looked at the massive man standing naked before him.
Is he meant to be mobile yet?
No. Guards, two figures clad in tight blue and yellow stepped into the room, restrain him. White blue light surrounded the fists of the first while claws sprung from the fists of the second. Time appeared to leap forward as three figures blurred in motion, the clawed individual sprung forward only to be met my the massive metal fist which flashed with the same white blue light of his comrade. The blue and yellow figure was thrown back violently crashing through the doorframe on his way out of the room, the second man unleashed a torrent of energy that washed past the giant man smashing the window behind him. He took half a step back before lunging forward crashing his metal forearm onto his assailants head, there was a sickening crunch. Before the man had even fallen to the floor the natural fist caught him in the chest driving him with such force into the wall that as he fell to the floor an indent was left in the plaster where he had hit it.
Looking around the room in shock the giant took a step towards the hole in the wall where the window had been before pausing and turning. He took one giant step towards the doctors who stood motionless watching him and plucked the clipboard from the weak grip of the doctor. Erm, thank you. He said somewhat awkwardly before leaping through the broken window frame.
Well, he appears to be functioning well.
Yes far better than we expected for the preliminary stages.
We need to get him back for the second stages of development, with that potential it would not be good for us if we were to loose him now.
Agreed, he wont be hard to find, an eight foot tall naked cyborg in Creys Folly shouldnt be to hard to locate.
Unless he falls into the hand of the freaks.
Valid point, send out the protectors, tell them to bring him back in one piece.
Steam from factories and early morning mist filled the streets, the aroma of waste, toxic and otherwise hung thick in the air. The man stepped warily from the shadows and moved as cautiously as an eight foot tall man can, running from cover to cover. What the hell is going on? he muttered as he dived for cover. Uncertainty raced through his mind as he covered the ground, some deep-rooted instinct seemed to be guiding his path but for every answer he had, he had several dozen unanswered ones.
He stopped at the sound of footsteps approaching and hid behind a collection of barrels. In front of him a group of strange looking beings halted. Well one of them is my size. he thought as he watched the group, there are only five of them, I can handle that, I think, better take the opportunity. He jumped from his cover, going straight for the biggest person in the group. As he leapt three of the group pulled out weapons and opened fire on him, lithely he dodged the blasts and punched the closest of them, he flew through the air, crashing into a wall before slumping to the floor. A well placed kick to the back of ones knee dropped him to a good height for a back fist to the face and a final motion released a blast of energy into the chest of the third gun wielder hurling him a considerable distance. He paused, and looked at his hand, Wow.
The remaining two armoured figures drew massive blades, Not good. the first blade rung loudly as it clashed with his forearm, the force of the blow drove him back, the second figure lunged towards him, he recovered himself enough to dodge the attack and watched as sparks flew into the air as the blade met concrete. The first enemy swung again and he rolled forward under the blade, rising as it passed over his head to land as strong a blow as he could muster on the strangely dressed creatures jaw, there was crunch as the neck broke under the force of the impact.
Four down, somehow, one to go. The two circled each other warily, the element of surprise gone he watched for an opportunity to strike, this foe seemed more competent than the others, he fainted a lunge and the creature braced for the challenge, this wasnt going to be easy. He focussed on his foe and how to knock him down and he grew an awareness of power in his mechanical arm, it built up until the energy became almost uncontrollable, not knowing what else to do he hurled his fist toward his target. A massive roar of energy flew from his arm smashing into the creature and hurling it backwards, as it did he took the opportunity and leapt forward to plant the massive fist on its face, the body went rigid for a moment then slumped limply to the floor.
Well at least I have something to wear now. He thought as he pulled the armour of the creature, its contorted form made him grimace but he continued none-the-less.
Clad in his newly acquired body armour he set off again, by the sun he knew he was moving east, where ever it led he knew it was the right way to go. As he ran he mused over his situation. He was in a medical facility of some kind, seemingly an experiment from the information he had gleaned from the clipboard he had taken, they had tried to take him by force. Now he was running from something unknown towards something unknown in a suit of armour that must have been stolen from some kind of alien he had punched the lights out of, and he didnt even have a clue what his name was.
From the corner of his eye he saw movement, diving into the only cover he could find, that happened to be a sewage drain. Dozens of men clad in the yellow and blue like the ones from the hospital were making there way towards him fanned out and clearly searching. It didnt take him long to conclude that they were looking for him. Crawling on his elbows he worked his way along the drainage channel. There was a large pool looming in front of him, sickening and green, but it seemed to be his only way to go. It was all he could do not to vomit as the smell from the water assailed his nostrils, sickening as it was it was his only way to go.
Closing his glowing eyes and closing his metal jaw firmly onto his flesh upper lip he slid into the vile pool and swum into the disgusting chemical waste.
He swum until his lungs felt like they were about to explode, pulling himself along the bottom of the pool with firm powerful strokes, until he could hold his breath no more. He allowed his head to break the surface of the shallow pool and draw in all the air he could into his lungs. A quick survey of the area showed that he was some distance from the point where he entered the pool. Allowing himself to stand he waded on through the thigh high thick slime.
Behind him a loud thud resounded. The slimy liquid rippled as he walked. He stopped, turning slowly looking over his shoulder he saw a gigantic monster made of stone carrying a massive club, with a car attached to it. Not good. The creature swung its club catching him in the chest and hurling him far across the pool. Not good at all. He struggled to his feet turning around to look at the thing coming towards him. Now this I cant handle. The creature swung its club again, as it came towards him all he could remember thinking was Ouch.
The room was dark, the gentle beep of the machines kept a steady pace, the quiet hum of machinery provided a seemingly endless drone to the atmosphere. The figure lay motionless in the bed, his massive frame raising and lowering the sheets covering his chest almost in time with the beep of the heart monitor. Electronic pads attached to his head flickered momentarily with a steady rhythm not matched to anything else in the room. If the lights were on then the condensation in the breathing mask over his mouth and throat would have been clear as it appeared and disappeared in time with the rising and falling of his chest. Light broke through the blinds casting lines of light across the ceiling of the room. He sat up, Where the hell am I now? he muttered rubbing his bruised ribs. The door opened, two figures entered the room, the light from behind them cast their shadows long across the room. Who are you?
A female voice spoke, Hi, youre in the headquarters of the SNHS, my name is Tufty and this is Manf, were here to help.
He nodded, Well that sounds better.
Whats your name? asked the man called Manf.
To be honest, I have no idea.