Black Dwarf




Just out of interest.. how does the Warshade tank match up to the other tanks in terms of tanking potential and ability?

Thanks for any replies



The only apparent major drawback is the lack of aggro management. Tanks have their inherent punchvoke, as well as their taunt. Kheldians' taunts are less powerful, and they lack the inherent aggro power.



what enhancements would make the taunt more effective? does it require an accuracy check?



You can slot it for Acc and Taunt duration. But as has been said, overall you will struggle to compete with the abilities of a tanker. However, at least pre ED, my WS Dark Dwarf had very good survivability slotted up with defence enhancements. Now I've got def and end rec slotted. Haven't tried him out in battle with these changes yet.



The other thing that allways annoyed me when I had my Dwarf, was the lack of a taunt aura. Made the holding the aggro a lot harder.



You can slot it for Acc and Taunt duration. But as has been said, overall you will struggle to compete with the abilities of a tanker. However, at least pre ED, my WS Dark Dwarf had very good survivability slotted up with defence enhancements. Now I've got def and end rec slotted. Haven't tried him out in battle with these changes yet.

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dont you mean damage resistance enhances? pre-ED I was able to tank pretty good with my dwarf with it slotted 4x damres 2x endrecov (now end mod). I still have it slotted that way even though its not optimal with ED, but I still can tank pretty well. However be sure to add acc enhances on your taunt so you can taunt that annoying boss charging that teammate of yours

"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"

Total Cat @Stagefright



well as far as tanking ability goes id rather use eclipse and nova but with dwarf i slotted 2 acc / 2 recharge in dwarf against a large group u shud gain enuff of a buff to be doin sum uber dmg..hopefully killin them rather quickly.the ws is a mob AT...the more mobs..the bigger the self buff.i find 3 res / 1 end is fine for tanking large mobs with a 1 acc / 2 heal / 1 attack rate in the drain heal.



yeah, eclipse just turns you into instant-tank, though vs malta (and other mez-heavy mobs) I suggest you still use dwarf form, cause nova has no mez resists

"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"

Total Cat @Stagefright