MM vs PvP
Go invis or phase shift, or or some other way to make it hard to get you. I'll be using personal forcefield myself. Unfortunatly that's the only thing I can think of, since MMs are super squishie
I dont have either of those powers and I dont think they are available to me.
I have Necromancy and Dark Miasma, can you recommend anything to me from knowing this?
get the Stealth pool, take grant invis for your pets, and invisibility for yourself after. Phase Shift will also be useful to you.
For zone PvP, you can get invis from Sirens call, and phase shift from warburg by doing the patrol missions in those zones.
I dont have either of those powers and I dont think they are available to me.
I have Necromancy and Dark Miasma, can you recommend anything to me from knowing this?
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Personally I find pvp fairly easy with the Dark Miasma set. In 1 on 1 conflicts in pvp zones I can often come out on top due to Darkest Night, Tar Patch and Twilight Grasp.
Darkest night debuffs the enemy heroes accuracy and damage quite significantly and as an added bonus, it interrupts. So pesky blasters can't snipe you. Tar patch can stop Heroes with SJ and sometimes heroes with Fly if they come low enough. Superspeed seems to almsot negate the patch and they can run fast through it still. Tar Patch also debuffs res, so even tanks can be taken down while standing in the patch. Twilight grasp, slotted for accuracy and heals gives a substantial aoe heal and rarely misses (except against pesky SR scrappers) and debuffs accuracy.
With the necromancy set, the added bonus is that lots of your pets have attacks that will debuff accuracy, stacking nicely with darkest night.
I also have tactics from the leadership pool to help me see those invisible heroes that can often sneak up on the unwary Mastermind.
Yes; I find my MM rather effective in pvp, even though he does have the lowest amount of Hp of any of the current Archetypes.
Of course, if I become ganged up on I can be taken down fairly easily unless the heroes stay nice and close together. I can even break through that toughest of pvp opponent, the storm controllers. My minions seem to able to hit fairly well against these controllers and they can be taken down quickly. Just have to make sure I bring some Break Free's with me to counteract their primary powers.
Thanks for all that, Especially Lancer for restoring my faith in my character for PvP, I reckon I just need a couple of more levels and then I will be able to put all those tactics into my anti-Hero repetoir.
Thanks again
Is there a way to make MM's more effective in PvP, as my impression is that the enemies just target the Necromancer and once the nec is dead, the pets are dead too.
I suppose cast the pets and fly away to a safe distance, but then again, if the enemies are airborne, then the pets are pretty ineffective anyway.
Any suggestions?
I'm a 23 Necromancer (getting my Lich tonight, cant wait for that )
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I find, at the moment, my Necro fairly inefficient in pvp, but only in Siren's Call...
Now, I haven't tried with my Lich pet... but I'm hoping his hold spells and damage output will make up for a good bit of it
Btw, Lich is level 26, not 24 :P
Is there a way to make MM's more effective in PvP, as my impression is that the enemies just target the Necromancer and once the nec is dead, the pets are dead too.
I suppose cast the pets and fly away to a safe distance, but then again, if the enemies are airborne, then the pets are pretty ineffective anyway.
Any suggestions?
I'm a 23 Necromancer (getting my Lich tonight, cant wait for that