SNHS... Time To Buff!!!




Thought I'd restart the SNHS Supergroup thread. Enjoy.



yay! welcome back everyone!

anyone managed to get on servers yet?
i left my client dl'in overnite so dont know how long it took or how many times the thing downloaded but i quickly tried it this mornin and it was working \o/

just hope there isnt another 1.6g to dl from maintenance again today cos i want to play tonite...

oh and anyone from the sg that does read this i need ur CoH profiles for the webby!!



Morning all,

COH is up and running again but not had time to test it out as i had to come to work

Tufty, I'll sort out my profile for you this weekend....

A question for the SNHS...Are we creating a group for COV?




A question for the SNHS...Are we creating a group for COV?

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personally i wont b gettin cov til about xmas so i'm out



and on another note i guess when Elec gets back he needs to sort out all the new sg ranks and permissions and decide if we are havin a base or not.

if anyone actually bothered usin the forums i set up i wud make a poll askin if people wanted one or not but nvrmind



AFAIK you can only have access to the base if you own COV aswell. Don't quote me on that though.



I actually got on the server for 15 mins before it went down.

Got loads of new Gladiator badges.

Played a Gladiator arena battle and it was fun. Had 1 freak tank, 2 PPs (which died almost instantly), 1 raider engineer, and 2 fire thorn casters.



I'll sort out my profile for Radiotherapy and Vixen Medic 'soon'

Also might send one in for Downside since she's the hero that will be the first (if any - if ever) to go rogue.



Now that CoV is upon us, I should (hopefully!) be getting a copy tonight. Elec will go on a short break while I play with my new Brute (oo-er). Knowing how quickly I get bored of things, I'll probably be back playing her by the end of the week, however just in case I end up playing CoV more than I'm expecting, I've decided to *drum roll please!* promote Tufty to joint Leader. He's done a lot for the SG and it something I've been considering for a while. As he's not getting CoV just yet, it should mean there's an active leader should anything come up. So grats Tufty! Assuming you're on tonight, I'll promote you then. If not let me know when you'll next be playing and I'll sort it out! That is if you want the job of course!

Also, we need someone with good interior designing skills who wishes to take control of the base building. I had a play the other day, and what I've done is...well.... awful. So applications, with CV's and pictures of previous designing projects to me. Or I'll just choose whoever shouts the loudest
Should there be several people who want this exciting job, then no doubt Tufty will be able to choose the best man (or woman) for the job! It can be his first executive decision!



promote Tufty to joint Leader

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u need ur head testin.. wud u like me to book u an appointment now or later?

thanks tho matey i shud b on at the usually time between 6pm - 7pm and mayb a bit later



on another note has anyone tried ED and not liked it and decided to retire the def?

personally i've been gettin on ok with it, its actually done my a favour with the free respec and stuff, i wasnt really payin attention to my slots or enhc's.. just basically placed enhc that i picked up in missions. around about lvl29 i started to relise i need to do sumthin but didnt have a respec or the inf to upgrade everythin and didnt think it was worth it at that lvl either. so luckily i got to lvl32 in time for this

anyway, i done a full respec on friday nite and sold all my enhc's. spent 2.5m inf on brand new ones and i dont think ED has done anythin to make me enjoy the game less.

with only 3 heal SO's in twilight grasp instead of 5 i've only lost about 40 hitpoints on it (still at +345). My stamina does go down now when i'm in full tavel mode (super jump, sprint, shadow fall etc etc) but when in missions i just turn of sprint and sj and my end seems fine. my fearsome stares and tenticles are hittin and i can easily control most groups. and my snipe (with a red insp and tar patch) is doin up to 200pts damage. and then theres my darkest night.. just pop that on a boss thats causin my grief and he cant hit me

started doin the manticore tf saturday (all lvl 32 or 33) and we were easily goin thru +3s/+4sso all in all i cant say that i've been made worse off because of the changes. every power does what i need it to do. i'm takin less dmg because i've been utilisin the spare slots of my powers with ToHitDebuffs, and i also respec in assault into my build so cant really see me doin any less dmg than i was before.

so i'm still a happy tufty and i've still got nigel to keep me company

PS: changed forum login aswell



I tried Tristar out on Saturday night and even with the current slotting I didn't notice any real changes to the way I play.
Bought CoV this morning so that I can try the PvP areas.



u cud of tried PvP areas at the weekend.. u dont need cov to get into them



Raylin should have no problems with current build, there are 3 extra slots in stamina that are a waste now. Come level 32 I plan to respec her into a stamina-less build using transference to supply endurance. I'd respec her earlier but I wouldn't have the inf needed to get all the new enhances, so best to wait 2 more levels. But I have to get Gen to 50 first however.




But I have to get Gen to 50 first however.


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Can't be far off now though?
As far as respec-ing goes, I need to have a good think about Elec. Primaries will probably stay the same, only with recharges instead of heals. The secondaries need some thinking put into them before I use the respec.



/em puts head in hands
Ah well - at least I can create a villain if I want. Or get into the SG base.



Or get into the SG base.

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I shouldn't get too excited about that. It looks a bit pants!



Gratz Tufts.

I too shall be COV-ing during the day, and hope to alternate Afro and Rocket for a couple of hours a night.



Yeah - needs a little work

Must say I like the fact we can visit other SG bases too.



I'm afraid due to trying to divide time between RL, COH and COV... Afro and Rocket are only going to be online in the evenings (9pm onwards).