6 -
I would like to add my evil twin "Here2Harm" to the SG if possible please!
Hi Fruit Fans,
Was a poor turnout last Wednesday ...COVitis??...it's well catchy isn't it
Hopefully we'll have a better turn out this Wednesday - Nov 9th - shall we meet at around 7pm?
I've really missed the fruity feeling so PLEASE, let's get it together! -
I'm having a dilemma fellow fruiters!!
Since I6, i hear tanking has lost it's punch (to pardon a pun)and when i tried Pomi out the other day, it seemed that way as well...I haven't used my respec yet and I was thinking about re-inventing Pomi as a different AT
The only thing is ...I have the Knight's Errant badge which as you know is rare.
I really don't know what to do....what do you guys think? -
Morning all,
COH is up and running againbut not had time to test it out as i had to come to work
Tufty, I'll sort out my profile for you this weekend....
A question for the SNHS...Are we creating a group for COV? -
I'll be there gang...i'll be on from about 6pm..look forward to seeing you all again!