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  1. I would like to add my evil twin "Here2Harm" to the SG if possible please!
  2. Hi Fruit Fans,

    Was a poor turnout last Wednesday ...COVitis??'s well catchy isn't it

    Hopefully we'll have a better turn out this Wednesday - Nov 9th - shall we meet at around 7pm?

    I've really missed the fruity feeling so PLEASE, let's get it together!
  3. I'm having a dilemma fellow fruiters!!

    Since I6, i hear tanking has lost it's punch (to pardon a pun)and when i tried Pomi out the other day, it seemed that way as well...I haven't used my respec yet and I was thinking about re-inventing Pomi as a different AT

    The only thing is ...I have the Knight's Errant badge which as you know is rare.

    I really don't know what to do....what do you guys think?
  4. Mine will be Here2Harm.....makes sense really!...
  5. Morning all,

    COH is up and running again but not had time to test it out as i had to come to work

    Tufty, I'll sort out my profile for you this weekend....

    A question for the SNHS...Are we creating a group for COV?
  6. I'll be there gang...i'll be on from about 6pm..look forward to seeing you all again!