any ideas of kat/SR for pvp? planning 2 perma elud
First of all, DR (Diminishing Returns) hits you in PvP. Second, you can't make Elude perma simply because theres a cap for recharge on it, so it's impossible to make it perma even with 170% + Global Recharge.
Someone with more information will post the numbers.
Sorry, I don't have any useful advice. Wish I knew a way to make my defensive toon useful in pvp also Recharge takes a big hit with diminishing returns, not sure how you plan to make a perma elude build
Edit: Someone beat me to it

Also, say you have like 50% Global Recharge in PvE, once you enter RV for example, it will still say you have 50% Global Recharge in combat attributes, however that is incorrect because DR lowers it.
I don't know when they will fix that.
I seriously lol'd when I read the title.
Anyways, I wouldn't suggest either of those sets for PvP since the changes. Katana doesn't seem to dish out that much damage, and after the nerfs to elusivity, SR is no longer worth investing in. Even before i13 and elusivity, SR with perma-elude could easily be defeated by a */EM blaster with PB, BU, and Aim, set bonuses, and those who ran leadership.
And again, just like the others mentioned, DR will kill your defense and recharge no matter how many set bonuses you stack. Also, Aid Self, which I'm assuming you meant was your self heal, really isn't that worth it anymore considering it is also effected by diminishing returns.
Perma-Elude is achieved at 357.5% (recharge cap is 400%)rchg buff, assuming elude is slotted with 3 recharge IOs.
Good luck getting that much recharge.
I seriously lol'd when I read the title.
[/ QUOTE ]
Same here.
There is no perma elude...even at the recharge cap...not with 8 AB's on you can you get permaelude.
i want to take a kat/sr to RV, but not sure how to build him... i know that with everyone capping their acc with bonuses, def is nothing, but there's gota be a way... iam planning to have max recharge and almost have perma elude + self heal...
any ideas?