issue 16 more epic/patron choices please




I don't know if its planned or not because it isn't mentioned with the upcoming proliferation but could we have more epic/patron choices please? With the choice of electric for tankers and scrappers I really want electric mastery now and scrappers really need more epic choices as well anyway.

For villains you either need to add more power choices into the current 4 patrons or patron variants of each. Mace mastery 1 and 2 etc.

Hoping to have ball lightning, charged bolts, tesla cage or electric fence, and powersink as the choices for a tankers electric mastery.

Edit: just looked at mu mastery on villains and I see they have 3 of the power choices that I mentioned for electric mastery. Well except its called "mu lightning" I'm guessing that's the same thing as Lightning Bolt.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



It's way too late for any major features to be added to I16 (beta starts probably next week) but I would love to see a bunch of new ancillary and patron pools available in I17 or I18. It's pretty ridiculous to see something like 10 primaries and 9 secondaries for defenders (once I16 is released) and to be stuck with three APPs for scrappers...

...I forgot what experience means.



Electric Armor (for Brutes) has Powersink already. If it still has Powersink (one of the best powers in the set, if not the best) when ported to Tanks, then it won't need it in the APP.

Scrappers getting more than just three APP choices? That would be a nice option.

I like the idea of having more choices, but would Mace Mastery 1 and Mace Mastery 2 be two completely different (and presumably mutually exclusive) sets?



We don't know that this isn't already in the works for I16 (though I'm betting it's not). Castle has said that adding more APP/PPP sets is on their list of things to do but probably not at the top. Even so, I'd like to see the sets that are short 1 power to have that power added before we get new sets (*cough* Ice Mastery for Defenders *cough*).

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Probably after GR. There IS supposed to be a LOT more to I16 than we've seen so far, like, a LOT. Ocho said that with those big eyes and eyebrows up, like, a LOT more. But I don't know that this would be among them.

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Well when I say mace mastery 2 as an example lets look at mace mastery currently for brutes.

Mace Mastery for brutes includes:
Mace Blast
Web Envelope
Disruptor Blast
Focused Accuracy
Summon Blaster

Now Mace Mastery 2:
Mace Blast
Mace Beam volley
Disruptor Blast
Web Cocoon
Summon Spiderlings

Which is basically just a mixture of powers from the stalker and mastermind mace beam set. This is just an example though the powers could be something entirely different but this just gives you the idea of even more choices for your character.

Another reason that I really really want this is to keep to the character themes. If I make a fire/fire blaster I naturally want more fire powers if I want to keep to that theme.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



I see. Thank you for the clarification.