Any Suggestions for an all-khel team?




I run with a group that periodically runs static teams. We've done the all-rad controllers, the all defenders, the all blasters, etc, etc. We're now running an all khel team (mix of pb and ws) and have topped lvl 20 where we've picked up our dwarf forms.

Now, several of us have run khels before, but never on a team consisting only of khels. Basic strategy atm is to have a couple of us in dwarf form, who jump in first, while the squids lay down the damage. Squids can pop into dwarf to take some of the extra agro if we get the attention of an extra (or two ...three ...four ...depends on how fast we're going) group(s).

It is working well, and we know that things are going to do nothing but improve as we level, but it would be nice to have the comments from those who have spent more time actually playing khels and who have spent the inf IO'ing them out.

Any advice on strategy, powers, builds, etc? Given that this is a static team, and we're going to have other khels around for certain?

Any advice is appreciated!

BM3 - 50 Claws/Regenation Scrapper
Base Medic - 50 Gravity/Empathy Controller
Numerous others...
- The Earthguard -



We (The Umbra Illuminati) are doing this each Thursday (when possible) on Infinity as an All Kheldian SG. Having two WS's running Inky Aspect at the same time while two PB's rush in and Pulsar can overwhelm a lot of opposition before any battle can start, especially if all 4 Kheldians are using stealth stacked with Superspeed.

As you're on an All Kheldian team, the Medicine, Concealment and Presence pools can be very helpful especially on, but not restricted to, Human-only builds.

In our SG, we have several Kheldians who have adopted at one time or another in their career, a support role above and beyond what their build already allows them to accomplish.

Stacking Stimulant on your main Dwarf-tank(s) can sometimes make a huge difference when fighting heavy mezzers, and be careful of Malta Sappers as well since they have the potential to become a problem bigger than a Boss-level Q/V!

Good luck, happy hunting and don't despair because on an All Kheldian team, even team-wipes are epic!

EDIT :: This is the build I use when tanking/blasting etc. for the All Kheldian SG teams we run.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Sorry LordXenite gonna have to dissagree again.

We run the all Kheldian SG on Guardian (Night Watch)
Inky running is always a good idea but with a couple Ws's porting in and opening with eclipse and mire, and followed by a nuke or two nothing at all remains and your all petted up and moving onto the next group still fully buffed to the gills.

We find the use of medicine,presence, and concealment pools redundant as you already have self heals,stealth (if WS) and plenty of control powers already.

We don't believe in the support role for kheldians as we already have the buffs, status ressists, and heals required to be a steamroller of mobs even set to the highest 2 difficulties. If you require something along the lines of debuffs to drop an AV or GM then nothing in the pool powers will help you.

Rommulous has been known to stun some tanks and most scrappers when he rezzes but this isnt enough mag to stun dwarf form. Outside of a couple very rare AV's (GW comes to mind) stimulant will do nothing for a dwarf form since I seriously cannot remember any missions where a tank or even scrapper gets mezzed, even by piles of enemies, and malta sappers do nothing when they die in 3 seconds in a hail of fluffy/squid purple rain damage. And even if the sapper tags you before he dies screaming "OMG teh purple rain is here, it's the end times." you now have a large pile of corpses to be eatten for a full endurance bar.

I cannot debate the epicness of team wipes because I seriously can't remember the last time we had one.

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



It's not really a matter of agreement/disagreement. There are many ways that an All Kheldian Team can run. It all depends on what the people teaming together are comfortable with. With time, you'll find that an AKT that was hesitant at first, and relied a lot on Pool Powers would become a steamroller and require less and less "support" powers.

It's also very difficult to have everyone perform at peak efficiency when your AKT gathers up once a week, at best, especially if everyone's "main" isn't the Kheldian they're playing...

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati