Champion Server Rikti Invasion (AE Arc)




Hello, Champs!

So earlier, I was working on an arc involving an Rikti Invasion, and I suddenly thought: "What if I had members of Champion on the defensive, fighting off the Rikti?".

So I got an idea to get together information on several characters of people inhabiting Champion to go and battle the Rikti.

Those of you who would like to join this effort, please give me the information in a format such as the one below. (I need to have a total of about 30 HEROES, the first ones to the cake get added in)


Powerset1: Electric Blast (Didn't grab Aim)
Powerset2: Electric Manip. (Didn't grab: LF, BU, LC, PS)
Fly: Yes
Gender: Male
Height: 6'
Bio: ...

And for the costume, all you need to do is send a costume file in an e-mail to:

Thanks in advance, Champions

Edit: If you don't want to send costume in an e-mail, just send an ingame email with the specs. And if you've got a PB or WS that wants in, as long as they're formed, it'll work. (tell the form you want them in!)

"There's no magic formula that's guaranteed to make us produce a universally loved item each and every week, hell some people even poo pooed Street Justice." --Zwillinger



I'm down!

Michigan Statesman


Poweerset1 Willpower (Full set)
Powerset2: Super strength (Didn't Grab HC or Hurl)
Fly: No (Super Jump)
Gender: Male
Height: 8' (Max height)
Bio: A student at Michigan State University, Randy Rizzon was a football prodigy, That was until his unfortunate car accident the broke every bone in his body and left a large piece of metal lodged in the base of his skull, since the wound is inoperable, Randy allows a special techno-organic/micro biologist, to try a new experimental drug that would dissolve the large piece of metal and help restructure his bones. After a few weeks of a daily doseage he makes an outstanding recovery and the piece of metal dissolves. It's not till weeks later while working out, he notices he can do a lot more then what he could before. Being able to lift 20 times more weight, and through sheer force of will break the bonds of exhaustion. Soon he discovers he has gained a variety of "Gifts". When he heard of the Rikti Invasion on Paragon City, He knew that his destiny was now set before him, taking the name of Michigan Statesman after his Alma-mater, he sets out to Paragon City to follow his destiny as a Super-Hero.

Mailing Costume file



Sounds fun!

Miz Nibbles
Powerset1: Fire
Powerset2: Devices
Fly: Yes
Gender: Female
Height: 5"4"
Bio: Miz Nibbles the intergalactic planet devourer was accidentally stared at too long by that giant eye thing from lord of the rings and then turned into a normal woman with super powers. She found out it was a nemesis plot so she 's hauling [censored] and biting them too, to get her old form back. She has currently conquered such intense foes as "The Drama Prairie Dog", and the Emo Kid

I will email the costume files... if i can remember where they are!



Great idea!

Star Fire

Powerset2: Regen
(Although he's technically a PB)
Fly: Yes
Gender: Male
Height: 5'10"

Bio: I will edit in a shortened version later and send the costume file.



If ya need a wussy Ice Tanker, here's Angry Woodsman

Angry Woodsman
Powerset1: Ice Armor
Powerset2: Battle Axe
Fly: No
Gender: Huge
Height 6ft
BIO: Will send BIO and Costume File and Enhancement Screenshot to your E-Mail Address.

I had a mission with him as an enemy where he was set to run at 95% health. When he has his Slowing Ice Powers on, that can be a pain in the butt! He'll slow you in place, then run off with you stuck there for 10-15 seconds.

Member - Pingus, & Legendaries
Angry Sysop 50 BRUTE - Angry Woodsman 50 TANK - Angry Florist 21 CONTROLLER
"Did your Phantom Army just take the Elevator? Imaginary People riding Elevators? *facepalm*



Im down..

powerset 1 - fire control
powerset 2 - empathy
Fly - yes
Gender - female
Height- really [censored] short, like, a lil over 4ft
bio - work in progress..

screenies sent to e-mail



I'll join in! I'll send the costume file later tonight.

This is a pre-Going Rogue heroside character

Powerset1: Dual Blades (Stalker) no Ablating Strike
Powerset2: Willpower (Stalker) no Resurgence
Fly: No
Gender: Male
Height: 6'1" (long legs)
Bio: i am a railroad
track, abandoned
with the sunset
that i ever



These are looking great so far folks!

I can't wait to see what my end result will be!

"There's no magic formula that's guaranteed to make us produce a universally loved item each and every week, hell some people even poo pooed Street Justice." --Zwillinger



If you need any help with AE stuff, feel free to send me a PM.

[/ QUOTE ]

Just did a mini test run with the Player's NPCs I have done atm. It was with Black Ronin, Mich. Statesman, and you. It all turned out pretty well.

Except for where Black Ronin almost died from 2 minions. >_>

"There's no magic formula that's guaranteed to make us produce a universally loved item each and every week, hell some people even poo pooed Street Justice." --Zwillinger



If you need any help with AE stuff, feel free to send me a PM.

[/ QUOTE ]

He is good, but his price is steep.
I still have 4 families of Squirrels living in my Desk from the last time I asked for his help.

Member - Pingus, & Legendaries
Angry Sysop 50 BRUTE - Angry Woodsman 50 TANK - Angry Florist 21 CONTROLLER
"Did your Phantom Army just take the Elevator? Imaginary People riding Elevators? *facepalm*



If you need any help with AE stuff, feel free to send me a PM.

[/ QUOTE ]

Just did a mini test run with the Player's NPCs I have done atm. It was with Black Ronin, Mich. Statesman, and you. It all turned out pretty well.

Except for where Black Ronin almost died from 2 minions. >_>

[/ QUOTE ]

I just thought about this.

I should send you Not a Rikti Spy's costume and have you add him in on the badies side. Like a non-required boss.

A Guide to Champion Drama
My Videos
Ashcraft been published.



If you need any help with AE stuff, feel free to send me a PM.

[/ QUOTE ]

Just did a mini test run with the Player's NPCs I have done atm. It was with Black Ronin, Mich. Statesman, and you. It all turned out pretty well.

Except for where Black Ronin almost died from 2 minions. >_>

[/ QUOTE ]

I just thought about this.

I should send you Not a Rikti Spy's costume and have you add him in on the badies side. Like a non-required boss.

[/ QUOTE ]

Or he COULD be the main boss, and I make him an AV.

Edit: I though I might take the time to remind everyone who posted except for SeniorAirmen and Ash, I haven't received your costume files yet (in case you sent them)

Edit Again: Just received Miz's costume files after 1st edit.

"There's no magic formula that's guaranteed to make us produce a universally loved item each and every week, hell some people even poo pooed Street Justice." --Zwillinger



I got yer screenie, Cherry, and...I was honestly confused as what colors to use and what was what. I'm completely flabbergasted.

"There's no magic formula that's guaranteed to make us produce a universally loved item each and every week, hell some people even poo pooed Street Justice." --Zwillinger




Edit Again: Just received Miz's costume files after 1st edit.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeh took me a bit because I couldnt seem to find my screenies since my comp crashed a few weeks ago and I lost several things. So had to get able to get a fresh screenie.

O an call me Nibs.... thats what everyone calls me. Plus there is someone else in BMT at least with the global Miz so it gets confussing



Yeh took me a bit because I couldnt seem to find my screenies since my comp crashed a few weeks ago and I lost several things. So had to get able to get a fresh screenie.

O an call me Nibs.... thats what everyone calls me. Plus there is someone else in BMT at least with the global Miz so it gets confussing

[/ QUOTE ]

Duly noted, Nibs.

"There's no magic formula that's guaranteed to make us produce a universally loved item each and every week, hell some people even poo pooed Street Justice." --Zwillinger



Well, I'm down. Here's the info:

Shaytanah (Blaster)
Powerset1: Energy
Powerset2: Fire
Fly: Yes
Gender: Female
Height: 5'8"
Bio: Shaytanah is a Moonchild--that is to say the offspring of a ceremonial magician and a conjured demon. She was born Samantha Mathers and thereafter had no knowledge of her demonic father. While her childhood in the Canadian Prairies was uneventful, the onset of adolescence brought with it an awakening of her demonic heritage--expressed not only through a natural affinity for magic but also through violent outbreaks and vindictiveness. Recognizing these changes in her, Shaytanah's father sent her to the European home of his occult teacher. There, through study of disciplines such as the Sufi sema', pathworking on the Otz Chayyim, shamanism and others, Shaytanah learned not only to subdue her demonic side, but to harness it to her will and amplify her command of magic exponentially. A decade later found young Ms. Mathers firmly in control of herself and her power and eager to make her mark upon the world. By this point, Samantha had discovered her true heritage and took the name Shaytanah (meaning 'demoness' or 'serpentess' in both Arabic and Hebrew).
Diving into the trenches of Paragon City, Shaytanah quickly matured into a bright and capable hero, moved by compassion for the abandoned and the destitute....

will send screen caps tonight.



Details e-mailed to ya Golden!

Member - Pingus, & Legendaries
Angry Sysop 50 BRUTE - Angry Woodsman 50 TANK - Angry Florist 21 CONTROLLER
"Did your Phantom Army just take the Elevator? Imaginary People riding Elevators? *facepalm*



Hey Golden

Here is the info for Mentu. I cant for the life of me find the costume file.

Powerset1: Broadsword
Powerset2: Super Reflex
Fly: Yes
Gender: Male
Height: 7
Bio: ... Mentu is the Egyptian God Of War he was summoned to Earth by The Unknown Storm to lead the Kings Army in Lost Scorpions Absence. Unknown Storm explained "there is a coming battle that will decide the fate of all life, man and god alike. Kings Row will be as Armageddon. The Kings Army must be there to rally the people of Kings Row if good is to prevail. You must lead them." Mentu accepted the task and transformed Lost Scorpions ragtag band of heroes into the most elite group in Paragon since the Freedom Phalanx.

Founder of The King's Army

@Emperon, @Twisted Humor (Shared Account)



Any update on the MA Arc, Golden?

[/ QUOTE ]

Sure . So far, I've gotten everything straightened out to the point of where all I need is moar people, so....

"There's no magic formula that's guaranteed to make us produce a universally loved item each and every week, hell some people even poo pooed Street Justice." --Zwillinger



Any update on the MA Arc, Golden?

[/ QUOTE ]

Sure . So far, I've gotten everything straightened out to the point of where all I need is moar people, so....

[/ QUOTE ]

If you've still got my costume file, feel free to use it if you need the bodies.

"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer