I can now officially join the ranks...
You did get it NAO! though
Commiserations, now make it back fast.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617
If you were TRULY ebil, you'd wait until 2xp weekend and flip it for a profit!
If you were TRULY ebil, you'd wait until 2xp weekend and flip it for a profit!
[/ QUOTE ]
Flip it or corner the market then make everyone pay 9mil per! Wishful thinking.
I guess I'm still working on my Ebil badge. At least I will still make a profit when the enhancement sells (though it will not be what I had intended)
Currently Playing:
A bunch of toons! (Freedom, Virtue, and a few on Infinity)
If you were TRULY ebil, you'd wait until 2xp weekend and flip it for a profit!
[/ QUOTE ]
no no no truly ebil never waits for anything.We're always flipping, that's how we roll.
I actually factor this into my flipping. I have been flipping a lot of salvage because it's very easy and it's a great way to get some more slots with market badges.
Whereas I may only see a 10-20% profit on some of my high-volume trades I've had about 3 accident bids in the past 1-2 weeks that dramatically increased my earnings. My best was this morning when I logged in to see that I'd sold 9 rare salvages for about 54million, about 10x market value (obviously got an extra digit in there).
A few sales like that and suddenly my low margin salvage business is pulling in some pretty competitive profits. :-)
Not quite the Ebil Billionare ranks just yet though.
I logged on earlier today to quickly do some marketing stuff and noticed that everything i had listed sold! Being pressed for time, I wanted to quickly put some more items up.
I went into the "By it NAO" mode intending to bid 90k on a piece of salvage. In my haste, I added a few numbers to that total and hit enter as I was actually yelling at myself "NO!!!!" Everyone pays 9,000,099 for a piece of salvage, right?
Currently Playing:
A bunch of toons! (Freedom, Virtue, and a few on Infinity)