stamina, quick recovery - how to slot

Bill Z Bubba



Since you can only have one proc, it appears that your best bet is to go 4 pieces of Performance Shifter in Quick Recovery, and 3 level 50 IOs in Stamina.

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The proc isn't unique. You can have one in each power. My recommendations still stand as the best.

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I'm still not seeing your math add up. Proc +endmod + Common = ~45%.

Proc +3 from the set = ~50%.

50%> 45%

Dual 4 sockets would be ideal if, as follow up asked (not as OP asked) slots were not an issue. Correct? Or were you still answering OP and I'm answering follow up and we're talking in circles as a result? (in that case, see my sig )

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Dual 4 sockets is also taking up an extra 2 slots for an extra .16 end/sec, half of which is due to a set bonus. The big issue I've got is that, if you're going to say "slots are not an issue", you might as well just 6 slot it and get the damage and AoE defense buff.

Under the constraints of the original question (powers + 4 slots), the set up I gave is optimal for end recovery. If you're going to start changing the requirements and tossing out limitations, it's pointless, especially since I can think of plenty better things to use 2 slots for than .16 end/sec.



Gotcha, thanks for the follow up!

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



I might be reading some of this incorrectly but I didn't realize that it mattered where you slotted things...first, second or third.

I have the end proc slotted fourth in QR and Stam...should I move them to the first slot?



Originally Posted by Fantomas View Post
I might be reading some of this incorrectly but I didn't realize that it mattered where you slotted things...first, second or third.

I have the end proc slotted fourth in QR and Stam...should I move them to the first slot?
Where they're slotted in a power doesn't matter.

What the others are talking about is as you're leveling up and adding slots to the power.

I go with 4 perf shifters for the set bonuses.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Umbral View Post
Since you can only have one proc, it appears that your best bet is to go 4 pieces of Performance Shifter in Quick Recovery, and 3 level 50 IOs in Stamina.

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The proc isn't unique. You can have one in each power. My recommendations still stand as the best.
I am with Umbral on this one.

A. he understands the minutiae of IO builds
B. It just makes sense.
C. I think two slots in Stam outweighs the 2.5% recovery from 4 set perf. (But I could be wrong)

I run with 1 perf proc, 1 perf stam, one stam with my claws/SR. I run 3 SR toggles, 1 weave, 1 CJ with no end problems.



Originally Posted by Imaheroe View Post
I think two slots in Stam outweighs the 2.5% recovery from 4 set perf. (But I could be wrong)
You are correct.

4 slot QR with 4 piece Perf Shifter grants 57.5% +recov from QR and 2.5% +recov from set bonuses. 2 slot Stam with Perf Shifter proc and Perf Shifter End Mod grants 35.6% +recov. This totals out to 95.6% +recov.

3 slot QR with 2 piece Perf Shifter and 1 common End Mod grants 55% +recov. 3 slot Stam with 2 piece Perf Shifter and 1 common End Mod grants 45.8% +recov. This totals out to 100.8% +recov.

That totals out to a difference of 5.2% +recov (re: ~.08 end/sec).



Here's my suggestion since there wasn't something that was close it.

Quick Recovery: 4 slotted, two Efficacy Adaptors (EndMod + EndMod/xxx), L50 Common IO, Performance Shifter Proc

Stamina: 2 slotted, two L50 Common IOs, or one L50 Common IO and the Performance Shifter Proc.

If you are going to use the Performance Shifter Proc, use it on the earlier power so it will still be available if you exemplar down as far as to that level.

The two Efficacy Adaptors gives an minor HP boost, which might not mean much, but for a Willpower build, any extra HP is a boon. That set plus the common IO should be enough to hit the ED cap.



Originally Posted by SpiderTeo_OC View Post
Here's my suggestion since there wasn't something that was close it.

Quick Recovery: 4 slotted, two Efficacy Adaptors (EndMod + EndMod/xxx), L50 Common IO, Performance Shifter Proc

Stamina: 2 slotted, two L50 Common IOs, or one L50 Common IO and the Performance Shifter Proc.

If you are going to use the Performance Shifter Proc, use it on the earlier power so it will still be available if you exemplar down as far as to that level.

The two Efficacy Adaptors gives an minor HP boost, which might not mean much, but for a Willpower build, any extra HP is a boon. That set plus the common IO should be enough to hit the ED cap.
If you care about the hp then just go:
Stamina: Performance Shifter Proc + Performance Shifter Endmod + Performance Shifter End Mod/Acc (or /Rech)
QR :Performance Shifter Proc + Performance Shifter Endmod + Performance Shifter End Mod/Acc (or /Rech)

Performance shifter also has an hp bonus for 3 slots y'know.



Originally Posted by Chaos Creator View Post
If you care about the hp then just go:
Stamina: Performance Shifter Proc + Performance Shifter Endmod + Performance Shifter End Mod/Acc (or /Rech)
QR :Performance Shifter Proc + Performance Shifter Endmod + Performance Shifter End Mod/Acc (or /Rech)

Performance shifter also has an hp bonus for 3 slots y'know.
True, but that is at the sacrifice of hitting the ED cap for the powers. You would have to give up the proc to get the set bonuses and hitting the ED cap. With the just the number of slots allocated, the user will need to prioritize what to get over what.