Brutes vs Scrapper, DB/WP
I would advise against posting this same thread in the scrapper forums as it is against the rules to do just that. If you post here, most brutes will likely say brutes are "better". If you ask there, most will likely say scrappers are "better". If you only want to worry about damage, roll a scrapper. If you can deal with the fury mechanic and a little aggro control that comes with it, roll a brute. The damage is comparable to the nth degree (when a brute has fury), so it all comes down to whether you want the Ferrari or the Freight Truck. Both have tons of power, one just needs to get the momentum going.
Words to the wise aren't necessary- it's the stupid ones that need them.
"You're right...I forgot...being constantly at or the near the damage cap is a big turn off. Definitely not worth it."
- Vitality
if you have a thermal, cold, sonic, bubble buffer on your team. Brutes >> Scrappers...
Simply because not only fury. Brutes can hit tanker level resistance on top of all that with some outside buffs depending on which set. So yes Fury plays a big part but so does the lovely resistance levels that brutes "can reach with help 90%" so they can be a tank/scrap where a scrap will ALWAYS cap at 75% resistance were as Brutes is 90% along with huge damage potentional.
That is another key difference to think about. Not just damage on damage even though brutes do great there.

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Fight my brute
If you mostly solo, I'd say the Scrapper would be your best bet. But if you team much, especially with buffers, Brute is going to be more powerful overall. Just be certain to allocate some slots in RttC for taunt duration to help your Fury gen.
My lvl 50 DB/WP scrapper feels weak and collects dust. My DB/WP brute is my favorite and most powerful character. Check out the vid in my sig to see him in action.
If it's totally equal for you to level either on hero or villain side, I would choose a brute without any hesitation. And it's because of WP.
A brute has more hps than a scrapper. /WP being a regen set, that's a big difference : 20% more life gives directly 20% more regen. For that only reason /WP is usually tougher on a brute.
Yep, and if you plan on IOing the build out and getting your accolades, you can get the Brutes health up to around 2650, a scrapper can't touch that.
WP is a very tough set on Brutes and it allows you to rush into mobs, which keeps your fury above 80% almost constantly. So there really isn't much difference in DPS.
I'm looking to make a DB/WP scrapper or brute in anticipation of Going Rogue. As her good or evil alignment will not matter, I wanted to pan the forums for opinions of which would be better:
Dual blades / Willpower Brute or Scrapper?
I'm a bit uncertain how their bonuses would match up on a one-to-one, all things considered equal basis.
I will also be posting this is the scrapper forum.
-Playing since COH beta and still love the game!