Regen vs. ...the rest of them




Now, as for my projected build after a final (ha!) respec: would move one slot from Health to Sting of the Wasp and six-slot that with Mako's for more ranged defense, and might possibly swap out Stealth for Maneuvers (but keep slotting the same).

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Switch out Sting of the Wasp for Gambler's Cut. If you need reasons, let me know. I have plenty and they're all good.

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I would like to hear them. SotW is not usually a part of my attack chain but when I need an extra attack, it's there. It's supposed to be more damage than Gambler's Cut... what's the advantage to Gambler's Cut?

Here's a question for the Mid experts: why is it that Stealth in the above build claims to give me 2.65% defense (under the info tab for that slot) but when I turn it on my defense jumps up a full 5.3%? This, btw, matches what I actually get in-game, a 5.3% bump with Stealth on. Supposedly Maneuvers would give me 3.21% defense and per Mids that appears to be all it actually gives me... so Stealth gives me the bigger across-the-board defense bump?

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This is because Stealth grants 2 unenhanced 1.875% +def(all) buffs. One is active all the time and the other is suppressed for 10 seconds when you attack or are hit.

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Ok, that makes sense. So Stealth is better defense for the ver first hit... and that's it. ^_^ Plus Maneuvers contributes to team defense, so there's that to consider too.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



Now, as for my projected build after a final (ha!) respec: would move one slot from Health to Sting of the Wasp and six-slot that with Mako's for more ranged defense, and might possibly swap out Stealth for Maneuvers (but keep slotting the same).

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Switch out Sting of the Wasp for Gambler's Cut. If you need reasons, let me know. I have plenty and they're all good.

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I would like to hear them. SotW is not usually a part of my attack chain but when I need an extra attack, it's there. It's supposed to be more damage than Gambler's Cut... what's the advantage to Gambler's Cut?

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First off, Sting of the Wasp may deal more damage, but it's actually slightly worse damage per activation second (DPA), which is a much more important value. Using Mids numbers, SotW has a base DPA of 60.45 (79.8/1.32; remember to use Arcanatime). GC has a base DPA of 62.55 (57.8/.924). Right off the bat, GC has an advantage.

Secondly, GC has lower recharge requirements to fit into attack strings. Considering how low both of the recharges are, it's not really an important consideration, but it is an advantage of GC's, especially at the low levels of recharge where filling out attack strings is nearly as important as actually having decent attacks.

Lastly, GC is simply faster. This may not seem like much, but you've got to remember that SD and GD both have much better DPAs than either SotW and GC. Any extra time you spend animating either of those attacks is DPS you're losing because you could instead be using GD or SD. GC and SotW should only be used when GD and SD aren't going to be up immediately, otherwise, you're not going to be dealing as much damage.



Joined a respec team tonight. Right after I grabbed a set of Mako's and then did my respec. Took Gambler's Cut and Maneuvers. Current Defense: 19.01% Melee (w/o DA), 35.26% Ranged, 39.64% AOE.

That's my final build for now, I think. ^_^

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



A lot of good info here. Just want to drop some of my own opinions down.

I have a custom Spine/Regen 50...completely setted. and a Spine/wp 50 being built as we speak.

The Regen is my baby. It is completely full of action and is never a dull moment. The only times I ever feel like it is clicky is if I'm grabbing 16 L 52 Demons or any other counterpart. Loads of potential. I have my Dull Pain permaed so thats a constant 2409 hp at all times..Even with my Willpower done in its build its at 2311 hp at all times..Just some rough comparisons of the two. Plus DP doubles as over 1k hp gain if I dont need to DP, but its good to know its always there when I need it, and/or always keeping my regen right around 80 hp/sec....Is more than enough for taking on just about any group, this combined with other team members, as well as your own damage and a Quills, build, Throw Spines, Ripper, combo, your not beating on anyone for to long before they are staring at pavement. My regen right now where its set gets 4.50 end/sec gain...with a use of just under half of that...Only time I ever really ran into an issue with Regen is if im mashing over 5 minutes nonstop, which even then can be adjusted accordingly. The WP is at 5/sec but uses 2.61 /sec...both trade offs, and very worthy of adjusting. Now the most major difference between the two is of course survivalbility. On my Regen, (and I dont have exact numbers with me here) My Initial Heal is hittin for 650 every 15 seconds roughly, plus if you really want to shine them up you can get your IH out and hit 180/hp sec regen...more than enough time to get you out of a bad situation, or destroy them first. The WP boasts 130 with 10 RTTC's, but I have personally seen RTTC Stack up to 23 at a time, and on my Monitor I see what kind of regen rates I am getting based on what that says, if in fact its really giving me that or the hard cap that Mids states I do not know (if anyone has any insight please get back to me) But this in itself makes the WP very capable of tanking. Seen it done plenty of times. I tank and herd with my Regen as well. Both are very fun toons, my first action packed love is the Regen. I like the WP when I sometimes feel like I just want to do a little more. OH and lastly, the Def and Res on the WP with SoW and what not can throw your Res into low stone tank digits in the low 70's.and Def into the high teens low 20's. also kicking your Rec. to well over 5.5/sec Plus you get PSI and mez protect against things like confuse and terror...they both have trade offs, but when your attacking Famine Rider or something, its going to piss you off that you dont have that Terror Protect

Sorry for the Jumbled read, but my two cents.


A couple of this, a couple of that.

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Where did this come from? *Summons all 8 scrappers to the board* Destroy this thread now!!

"All problems can be solved by throwing enough scrappers at it."

@Riez on Virtue, Protector, Champion, and Exalted server.