Slotting early powers for the TriForm Warshade




Just started a new Warshade tonight. As always, early power and slot choices are a conundrum, and the guides are horridly obsolete.

I took (only level 4 mind you):

- Ebon Eye
- Gravimetric Snare
- The first shield

I want to go tri-form, and I'm having trouble figuring out the role of the human form. Nova blasts, dwarf tanks, what does the human form do?



Check Mid's.

Human controls via the immob, a hold with great damage in Gravity Well, call pets, nukes, nuke corpses, use Stygian Cycle so you won't need fitness, has a great stun power, mires, eclipses.... Loads of good stuff. It also has shields, a damage aura and an Oppressive Gloom clone. These three can be skipped on a triform build where you will only be human for short periods of time.

That said I find the WS human attacks kinda weak so you better go triform (and get the powers above in human).

I find Plasma's guide still good btw.



I personally, place the slots in Ebon Eye. Decent recharge and damage, plus laser eyes are cool.

BUT. When you Respec at any level above 6, if you picked the Nova form, those first four slots (from 3 and 5) can be placed in the Nova Form's attacks.

As for what the Human form does. It can do anything you allow it to do. It can be a semi-Dominator with shields (Cone stun, PBAoE stun, ST immobilize, ST hold), or you can use it as a "buff form" for your play, with things like Sunless Mire, Eclipse, Recall Friend, stealth, Hasten, Stygian Circle, Stygian Return. Something with lots of click powers that are strong, but just buff you.

Really, it's all about what you want to focus on, and you have lots of choices.

I personally use Human form to buff myself, mez enemies, and summon pets, stealth missions when needed. I then use the Nova or Dwarf forms to kill things, most of the time dancing between all three. Human form is my 'utility closet' where I store all my stuff I'm not using right away.

While the guides are horribly out of date, the powers haven't changed TOO much (though occasionally checking in-game provided numbers to what a guide says is handy), so just using a guide as a basic... well... guide should still suffice. Don't buy into any "this guide is for a playstyle!" kind of talk, just investigate what the powers do, how slotting affects them, and determine if that's something you'd like, and what you'll have to not slot to get that.