ITF this weekend...
I myself have had some issues with Rommy at the end but out of the 5 or so times i've ran the ITF i only failed the one time due to lack of burst damage.Aside from that I can manage rather well since i've done it with my Bot/Dark MM,Fire/Kin Controller and recently my Ice/Elec Dominator.
If you can setup a time I cna use my WM/SD Brute since she's got a decent setup.All i really need is a healer and I'm pretty much set.
As far as this weekend goes I'd perfer sunday evening but hey you never know.
Most PuGs I've joined tend to be beefy enough to handle Romulus with just a "go get him!" tactic, but I've also been on those that unravel, usually when the ambush hits. Some things you can try if you feel the need to be careful:
1. Clear the entire area around Romulus's platform, including the two raised platforms to the left and right sides filled with 5th. This way is Rom runs, he doesn't drag you into more aggro.
2. Have everybody stand down on the ground on the left side of the big platform (your left as you are facing Romulus's temple front... i.e. "west side"). Also, south of the freestanding columns. Provided no one steps up on the platform during the fight or wanders north of the columns, you may not even trigger the ambushes while fighting Romulus. At least, it worked the last time I tried it. It's important to stress that people don't wander though or the ambushes could trigger. Keep everybody in that area and off the platform while you kill Rom.
3. If you think you won't be able to handle Rom and his 3 puffballs all in one group, bring at least one taunter tank/brute and a couple people with immobilize powers. Rom can be immobilized. His puffballs can't. Glue him down and then taunt away his puffballs. Not too far, but far enough to get the healer out of range of healing Rom. Too far and they will snap back to him, taunt or no taunt.
4. If you ARE fighting Rom and his nictus friends together, remember that the more of you there are (pets included) that have low defense, the more healing Rom will receive off of your team. Defense buffs are good for nullifying the healer. If it can't hit you, it can't heal Rom. It uses a modified Twilight Grasp that hits everybody within 80' and then heals in a smaller AoE around the nictus essence itself.
The AoE damage nictus uses an autohit sunless mire that hits for over 600 if you don't resist negative. Bring res buffs or just lots of healing if you have defense-based meleers on the team. This thing will be trouble for them otherwise. The summoning nictus, while on lowest difficulty may not present much threat to most team members does have one annoying effect. If it summons all its buddies right next to Rom, each of them fuels his Phalanx Fighting ability and his defense goes through the roof. Keep AoEing them down in order to let your team make progress killing Rom.
Villains: Annie Alias, Dr. Amperical, Shade Golem, Knight Marksman
Heroes: The Clockwork Mime, Soccerpunch, The Fissioneer, Samurai Houston, Oversteer
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Yeah, I will be around all day today (Saturday) after about noon PST and probably tomorrow (Sunday) after 4 PM PST. I will likely try to do this at least once during this time, or more if my teams keep failing.
"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker
I don't have anyone in the 40 range at the moment but I could run a lvl 50 ITF with either my Claws/WP Scrapper or my human build WS.
Feel free to contact me for ITFs. I am overqualified.
I can bring my Crab with AoE destruction and 6 spidery robot minions or Huntsman Elmer Gorbulorp for 40% damage resistance debuffing. Both have five team buff toggles.
Global is @Squidlington.
So it turns out, most of the people I talk to these days tell me how freaking easy the ITF is, they never or rarely fail etc etc.
I have run the ITF more times than I can count, easily over a dozen, on my blaster, my stlker, my scrapper, my tanker and my newer blaster. Every team I have joined, save 3 , has failed and some quite miserably. It's getting old and Im getting frustrated.
Most of my teams breeze through the majority of the TF and fail at Nictus Romulus.
So, I want to beat it with my level 40, Energy, Energy blaster. I'd love to meet up with some people that know how to do this damned TF well so I can actually beat it for the first time in months. I will be around all weekend, lots of free time, I am pretty laid back and I know how to dish out the ranged damage.
If anyone is interested in helping me out, or is running an ITF and wants one more to join, shoot me a tell in game, my global is @Ice_wall, or shoot me a PM here.
"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker