WS Human form shields




So I'm wondering if I should bother that much with my human form shields. Normally there'd be no question till I read a guide for a human/dwarf build and the guy said he never took the shields. That got me thinking.

This is all for while I'm playing solo. Once I take inky aspect, I'm thinking port in to have all the minions mezzed, kill something off real quick and then unchain essence. From what I've heard this should kill stuff off very quickly (Along with the rest of my attacks that is).

So, if you're effectively taking minions outta the running every single mob. will Lts still be enough to take you down?

Right now my plan is to be basically a human form only WS with Dwarf from for the occaisional mez resistance and mire.

As a side note: Aren't there mez resist IOs? I seem to remember though that they just lessen the time the mez lasts. Any way I can get around using dwarf form for protection?



Since holds/stuns/sleeps no longer drop the shields and human form damage was increased, it's actually worth using them (keep in mind older guides might say otherwise because they be old).

I would say take the first two shields and Grav Emanation on a human WS. typical attack plan is to Grav Emation on the way in with Inky Aspect running and then mire/eclipse and detonation, and use Grav Well and ST attacks on a boss or lt until detonation recharges. Stygian and Extract Essence afterward and move on to next mob.

You could use unchain essence but it's honestly it's not worth the slots you put into it compared to all your other powers. There is a lot to hate about that power such as the damage/recharge being bad and the damage/endurance being awful as well, then the enemy corpse part really makes the power even more of a hassle.



Hmm I see. Yea I was planning on doing the grav emenation + inky aspect thing. I guess I'll fit in the shields where needed.

So what do you do about mezzers though? This is the thing that really has me hung up. I did an all Human PB and it was really fun until I started running into mezzes and knockback around every corner.

I know that there's IOs for knockback but how do you handle the mez?



So what do you do about mezzers though? This is the thing that really has me hung up. I did an all Human PB and it was really fun until I started running into mezzes and knockback around every corner.

I know that there's IOs for knockback but how do you handle the mez?

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Switch to dwarf form....

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



Ok, I just wanted to see if there was some odd loophole that I hadn't thought of. What I have in mind should work out well then



Hmm I see. Yea I was planning on doing the grav emenation + inky aspect thing. I guess I'll fit in the shields where needed.

So what do you do about mezzers though? This is the thing that really has me hung up. I did an all Human PB and it was really fun until I started running into mezzes and knockback around every corner.

I know that there's IOs for knockback but how do you handle the mez?

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If you get mezzed just switch to dwarf form immediately since you can switch into it while mezzed and as soon as it wears off or you feel comfortable switch back.



As a side note: Aren't there mez resist IOs? I seem to remember though that they just lessen the time the mez lasts. Any way I can get around using dwarf form for protection?

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Now that your toggles (shields, shadow cloak, etc.) only suppress, but don't drop when mezzed, mez resistance IOs are truly useful for a human form Kheld. The Aegis Mez resist Unique IO combined with 5 Impervious Skin Mez resist IOs equals 57.5% status resistance. Put them in Absorption, your 3 shields, and Eclipse. Add Health for an extra 40% sleep resistance. They make a big difference. Dwarf is still better of course with its true mez protection, but human form is a lot more viable now. I am even contemplating going all human with one of my builds so that I can fully slot some of the powers I have traditionally neglected (Gravametric Emanation, Unchain Essence, Gravity Well, etc.) in favor of slotting the forms.