Toughest Granite Tank ?




Are there any Stone/SS tank builds that just can go way past the cap mark defense wise ? if so money is no object please post it ? im looking to tank 10 GM's on GM Island... ahh h Im bored.



The cap defense means that in most scenarions anything above is useless in PvE, unless you get debuffed or mobs have a ToHit bonus. And this is 45% defense.

Stone armor is the toughest of the game, puts you easily to defense soft cap and to resistance cap (90%).

You loose in runspeed and recharge though, so you wont kill things that fast alone.

A FF proc in Footstomp helps alot to get some recharge back + ofc good IO sets.

Good luck



yhera i was thinking about that but again i was bored i would still like to see some build ideas though so please post one if you have them



The toughest Granite Tanker would actually be one that makes up as much as possible for its offensive penalties. Defeated enemies do no damage ( almost all cases). Pushing the def any further than softcap is mostly a waste considering capped resists.



tank 10 GM's on GM Island

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Only 10? And you don't have to do that on a Stone.

Blue: ~Knockback Squad on Guardian~
Red: ~Undoing of Virtue on [3 guesses]~



Toughest Granite Tank ?

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There are different types of granite. Some are the oldest known rocks on earth; others were formed during younger geologic periods. Crystallized at depth, granite masses are exposed at the earth's surface by crustal movement or by the erosion of overlying rocks. Very coarse-grained granite, called pegmatite, may contain minerals and gemstones of economic value.



If you want to blow your money on a tough Stone tank, don't worry so much about going over the def cap, but instead work on your positionsl (i.e. ranged/AoE) defenses and Psi resistance through IOs. Covering your psi hole while in Granite will do you much more good than trying to get to 60% S/L def (mostly useless considering your resists are capped too) or whatever, and should be nice & expensive. As an alternate, try making a Granite-less Stony w/capped S/L/Psi def (psi part is easy), and as high F/C/E/N as you can manage, which will make a damn tough tank in and of itself. No, I'm not going to do your work for you.

An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee



Are there any Stone/SS tank builds that just can go way past the cap mark defense wise ? if so money is no object please post it ? im looking to tank 10 GM's on GM Island... ahh h Im bored.

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You won't tank 10 GMs on Monster Isle with anything in CoH, for any significant length of time.

For a real exercise to break the "boredom", try -not- pleading for help, while simultaneously calling the game easy mode, via your choice of speech. Go out and try various IO and other combos, until you find success.

You could always go the cheap route, and grab some "healers" to help you be the mostest uberest solo tank.

I apologize in advance, with the explanation that after 5 years, i'm rather sick to death of posts like this.
The good news is that if you focus on surpassing the cap, you will still be capped after being debuffed in some cases. That plus rooted makes for a happy super reflexes tanker.



You won't tank 10 GMs on Monster Isle with anything in CoH, for any significant length of time.

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I have a Stone that does just that and the SG has a Willpower that does it, too. The problem with getting more or less GMs on your character actually comes down to not being able to keep aggro on them because of the stupid Swarms that the Stropharia and ...Herders (?) summon.

Blue: ~Knockback Squad on Guardian~
Red: ~Undoing of Virtue on [3 guesses]~



I had a stone/stone tank for years. He can tank like 3 Giant Monsters but starts loosing HP after that. I can easily tank the two bosses in Croatia but you will die from psi bosses eventually. It's not just the resist/def cap you have to hit. You also must hit the regeneration cap with your roots and you absolutely must work on at least some psi resist. Even so it is possible to be drained to death, though not as easily as most tanks, or killed by psi damage. Furthermore you are not fear resist and something with fear will keep you cowering. The worst thing is you move so slow you just about have to add a slot to swift to move at all other than teleporting, which is annoying. I also wish I chose something other than stone offence, ss would be cooler, mace, axe is ok and giant weapons sounds cool if you can get it. Stone defence is the strongest though and I have taken on several groups when my party wiped and won, which included some psi in them. Just go for psi first.



Originally Posted by Federation View Post
Are there any Stone/SS tank builds that just can go way past the cap mark defense wise ? if so money is no object please post it ? im looking to tank 10 GM's on GM Island... ahh h Im bored.
First, I agree with the other posters. You cant complain about being bored and tanking 10 GM's (its too easy).

2nd, why defense? If you want a tougher stoner, look at your weakness:
1. psi
2. -recharge

I've been single shotted by psi babbage (he does damage in 3 pulses, I got hit by each) for 2400hp (I only had 2200 at the time). You can get up to 18% psi resistance through single IO's. More if you 6 slot imperviums (maybe 36%? I'm not doing mids for this).
Positional defense can help, esp range/aoe, in lieu of psi defense (which tends to be paltry and not readily available).

The other option is to increase your recharge, especially for earths embrace. If my EE was up, babbage wouldnt have taken my stoner down on the alpha. I ws impatient and should have chugged purples/oranges before I went in.
The other related option is +regen (your regen isnt a weakness, just adding to a strength). My stone has a regen of about 42 hp/sec (with rooted). Through that in with def/resists, and wow.

Tougher can be done, but, for me, the biggest problem with stone tanks, they are BORING solo (I hate rooted, I dont want to solo in granite, so you either play with rooted and cant jump or barely run, or run around with no mezz protection ...).

50 Tanks: Invul/ss, Fire/ice/fire, Ice/em, Stone/fire
WP/Stone, dark/dark, shld/mace

50 Other: WS, SS/dark/sc brute, BS/Regen/WM scrpr, fire/fire/force blaster, rad/kin corr, mind/rad ctrl, ill/storm cntrl



Originally Posted by Lallendos View Post
You won't tank 10 GMs on Monster Isle with anything in CoH, for any significant length of time.
I did 15 or 16 with my dark defender for about 20 minutes, at which point I got bored and left.

Of course, none were mushroom men.