Post Your Arcs Updated for I15 Here




"The Consequences of War" - Arcs #227331 and 241496

Keywords: Challenging, CoH Canon, Drama

Length: Very Long

Morality: Heroic

Enemy Group: Rikti

Description: Re-live a series of pivotal events that took place six months after the Rikti War began. Details events described and narrated in CoH's Paragon City: Alien Invasion. Described by some as the "Saving Private Ryan" of CoH. Very dramatic and evocative.

The SOLUS Foundation - a Liberty and Pinnacle SG

"The Consequences of War" - Arcs # 227331 and 241496



Arc Name: In Her Own Image
Arc ID: 2085
Creator Global/Forum Name: @cap'tain Amazing / CaptainAmazing
Difficulty Level: solo friendly but bring a friend towards the end.
Synopsis: A story driven 5 mission arc concerning a potential invasion of Paragon. ((The intent is for a full fleshed story despite the limitation of 100K space.)
Estimated Time to Play: under 1 hour solo
Link to More Details or Feedback: Patch Notes / Feedback can be found at this Link



A 4th of July Story Arc!

Number: 241976
Author: @Stormherald
Length: Long
Missions: 3 total, Medium Maps.
Enemies: Axis America, Custom (The Red Coats)

Several divisions of British Soldiers from 1775 are swarming over parts of the town, armed now with modern weapons. Someone is tampering with the timeline, and the Signing of the Declaration is in danger.

Your team will be sent into the thick of the action, finding out just what this evil plan is, and putting a stop to it.

Mission auto levels to 40, and with the custom enemy group is not intended for characters below level 10. Has been tested solo and in groups, though, as usual, non solo AT's will struggle with it solo. Final mission offers an EB and two allies

Bring a team, put on some BBQ at home, and enjoy a 4th of July romp. Updated to be I15 compliant.



Arc Name: The Maltese Bird of Prey
Arc ID: 207827
Faction: Neutral
Diff Level: 37-50
Playtime: 30-60 mins

A film noir tale of treachery, deceit and a prized object d'art. Assist a grizzled and overworked PI, by the name of Sam Diamond as he unravels a convoluted web spun by the Fat Man and his co-horts.

Custom mobs, bosses and a particularly large EB stand in your way of solving the crime and finding the goods before the bad guys can.

Arc Name: Raiders of the Lost Party Hats
Arc ID: 85221
Length: Medium (2 mish's)
Morality: Heroic
Diff Level: 37-50
Playtime: 30-60 mins

Zaftique was supposed to be on security detail- but somehow the Freakshow got past her and raided our stash of unmentionables. It will be your mission to recover them before they can be used for evil purposes.



Both of mine are updated for I15, with some new mobs with the extra space, and better power selections (I hope!) I have also made some changes to dialogue and clues, to clear up some things I have heard in feedback.

Title: Future Skulls
ID: 4727
Levels: 1-15
Description: The Skulls are just a street gang now. But they have big plans for the future. Mirror Spirit asks for your help to stop one of them. [SFMA/LBMA]

Title: Simple Times
ID: 70801
Levels: 5-14
Description: Talshak the Mystic has asked for your help with a minor clean up mission in a warehouse. Happens all the time, no big deal, just giving someone a quick helping hand. At least that was how it started. Sequel to Future Skulls. [SFMA/LBMA]

Justice Blues, Tech/Tank, Inv/SS
Fighting The Future Trilogy



Title: A Spider on the Column
ID: 117024
Description: Lord Reculse WANTS you for something. (SFMA/Canon-related)
Difficulty: Medium. Several EBS; teams are required, but not necessary. Expect a tough fight on solo, though.

Patch notes: Ghost Widow no longer completes the last mission once you rescue her. Changed mission three to have more mobs. Some minor text and grammar changes.

My Arcs: A Spider on the Column (117024)--updated/fixed bugs/small story modifications
Hub (87439)--updated/fixed



In my signature, updated its Heroic campy fun...

The AV's in question are possible Allies its a feel good have fun.


by Star Ranger 4
WE ARE HEROES This is what we DO!
When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

MA #14724 Operation: Discredit @American Valor
Sentinel Of Liberty SG