Bug in form shifting?




Perhaps this has changed somewhere but I cannot find notes about it: I thought if you were mezzed, shifting into Dwarf would break the mezz although you'd have to stay in Dwarf until the mezz ran it course or you popped a BF.

Lately I've noticed that once I'm held, I can shift into Dwarf but my form will not change. My keybind does indeed change to the proper tray, but visually I'm still human and still mezzed.

Has this been changed or is there a bug or did I simply misunderstand the process of breaking mezzes by shifting to Dwarf?




Double-check that you don't have so much mez stacked on you that it breaks through Dwarf mez protection, which might happen with a combination of large teams (more enemies stacking holds) and fighting higher level enemies. Also, you might be suffering from lag-related issues where the server doesn't quite synch with power activations.

If you are certain that none of that applies, you might want to submit a bug.

| Issue 9 Fly poses | IO's and ED
| Cycling the Combat Monitor | Load Macros from a Text File |



As stated, lag and stacked mezzes are the most likely culprits.

The bug you're describing usually only happens when you try to drop forms while a form specific power is still animating. If it persists, submit a report.



Is a second Mez being applied between you clicking your bind and the transformation happening? That will cause your transformation to stall out, because the mez negates any toggles being activated, and the mez protection doesn't kick in until the toggle completely activates.



Thanks for all the advice. I'll have to slow down a bit and pay attention to what mezzes i'm getting hit with to see if there is need to submit a report. I'm guessing from the responses so far that no one else is going through this.

I try to stay in human form as much as i can as my IO's sets are all slotted into my human powers. I shift to Dwarf when I get mezzed (held, slept, stunned, etc..) and so by then I'm not usually seeing what mezzes are going on - I'm more worried about my health bar at that point.

Then, when the form-shift doesn't take hold, I'm too busy dying to catch what mezzes caught me. I'll have to analyze my combat log further.

Thanks all!



You might also try restructuring your keybinds.

I switched my bind to trigger the TRAY SLOT that the Dwarf Form button is in, rather than activating a specific bind and therefore the power directly. Seems to have solved the problem you noticed.

So just to be entirely explicit.

I use 3 buttons:

X turns off Dwarf, switches main tray to tray 1, and activates Shining Shield (and with additional key presses activates Quantum Shield and Thermal Shield).

N activates Alt2 Tray Slot 5, where I have the Dwarf Form button sitting.

M switches the main tray to tray 2, where I have my Dwarf powers.

So, I have to hit Both N and M to fully switch to Dwarf Form, but it WORKS, no lag, no second mez interruption.

My conclusion: somethings wrong with keybinds/macros and how they relate to the new Dwarf Form....or something like that.

Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.