Top 100 SG/VG?
Go to the SG/VG registar for your faction for your server (each list is server specific).
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
Hit the 'show me the top 100' link.
They are by default sorted alpahbetically IIRC. You have to click on the prestige column to get them in 'rank' order, and in the unadjusted width that column will clip.
But I'll throw in the usual advisory, that the list is purely based on prestige and not on other factors.
Many very good groups care nothing for their 'place' on that list as long as they have enough prestige to get by.
Certain, by no means all, groups that focus on the placing on the list, will out and out farm just to move up in places, they tend to treat characters purely as sources of prestige and little more.
Persoanlly I'd be more interested in a the first type of group than the second. YMMV of course.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617
The fact that the top 100 ranking is based solely on prestige is very misleading, as Catwhoorg rightly notes.
A lot of SG/VGs are there just because they're old and have a lot of built-up prestige. There's a couple SGs on my server that are securely within the upper half or even upper third of the top 100 list...
...and I know for a fact those SGs are no longer active. They were very big when they were active, and so have tons of prestige. But the groups are now kaput. They still exist because there's a few characters left in each SG, belonging to people who don't play anymore.
I can say this with complete confidence; I was a member of both the groups I'm thinking of. I suspect a few others in the top 100 list are similar 'dud entries'.
My main SG's also quite highly placed in the top 100 for the server, but we're not well known. We have a lot of prestige...simply because we've been around for over four years. We're not a large or busy group.
Blue: Realpolitik, Leading Lady, Glass Lass, Superball, Alec Kazam
Red: Battery Acid, Obsolete, Bugfix
Just to further answer the original "where" part of the OP, the SG registrars are located in the Atlas Park City hall blueside and the Port Oaks Arachnos building next to the Marconeville marker (Due north of the Arena.).
And I have to agree on the relative unimportance of that list currently. A stock market analogy seems a good fit here... Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. I'd advise you to find a group that fits well with what you want. If you can't find one, well you can always start one!
It's not how many times you get knocked down that count. It's how many times you get up.
I've seen a few different posts with people saying their SG is ranked x on their server, can anyone tell me where they are pulling this information from? Thanks!