Villain strike forces and mission computers




Bases in general are in desperate need of a revamp.

Last I heard, they tried and ended up making it WORSE.




Last I heard, they tried and ended up making it WORSE.

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They hit some bugs initially (could not place objects on certain walls,) but AFAIK the problems have generally been dealt with. Having a little more freedom to place things can be useful...

That said, the base editor needs a revamp, badly. A storage area so you can temporarily move items without deleting them (in the case of storage and crafted items like teleporters) for one. I've got a bit of a list as far as what I'd like to see for bases.



I'm pretty sure we all have a looong list.

Was it I11, or I12 that was meant to be 'All Your Base'?




Last I heard, they tried and ended up making it WORSE.

[/ QUOTE ]

They hit some bugs initially (could not place objects on certain walls,) but AFAIK the problems have generally been dealt with. Having a little more freedom to place things can be useful...

That said, the base editor needs a revamp, badly. A storage area so you can temporarily move items without deleting them (in the case of storage and crafted items like teleporters) for one. I've got a bit of a list as far as what I'd like to see for bases.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, there's a whole ton more freedom with where stuff can be placed. There are some problems with stuff hanging on walls and extending into "empty space" but it boils down to there having to be SOME kind of attach point on an actual wall.

Plots are so much cheaper and there's so much that can be done I get kinda paralyzed by the possibilities at times.

I'd like to see your list, see if it's the same as mine. (as far as storage I just stick a room in an unused part of the plot and cram everything into there)

Up with the overworld! Up with exploration! | Want a review of your arc?

My arcs: Dream Paper (ID: 1874) | Bricked Electronics (ID: 2180) | The Bravuran Jobs (ID: 5073) | Backwards Day (ID: 329000) | Operation Fair Trade (ID: 391172)



I tend to forget about SMSF, cuz its 20-25, many times we've out leveled that range, before I remember.

Good SF, First Mission is always a pain in the butt hard, last mission is fun but can be hard too.


I delete more 50s, then you'll ever have.